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Posts posted by Gandhi

  1. "Well that's something I ain't seen in a while...Carlos Martinez Mendez mentioned after he skimmed through the letter, keeping an eye on the signature. After minutes of thinking, he finally realized what it truly meant... Lowering a hand to tap his desk that he comfortably sat at while reading through the letter "Trying to reminisce on the good, old days is almost impossible at this point.. Seeing everything that happened since, and how you took this. The Hyspian pointed up to his eye as though she could see, anger flowing through his form. "Part of me wishes nothing but horror and pain to be cast upon you. Other parts wish for mercy, peace, tranquility. Though none of those are options anymore. Cheats and fools, we may have been in the past, but I believe one holds a chance to redeem themselves, I tried, and I hope you will too, pendejo..He wrote with speed yet emotion as he kept his eyes trained on the parchment laid out in front of him, then after finishing writing... He then hooked it to a bird and sent it off, directed towards Peralien. As for where it ends up, it's probably never directly delivered to her, but if it is. Then that's Based.


  2. 16 minutes ago, Timer5011 said:

    Cesar II while watching from his Osanoran balcony, turns to his Lord Regent, Carlos Mendez , and asks him, "Why must the members of the Alliance be so hostile to each other dear cousin? Are they not amigos as I am with my people and they are with me?" He says as he waves to a Hyspian Peasant, slightly looking to his cousin


    Carlos Mendez simply rose a hand to his chin and pondered on the Prince's words.. Finally lowering the hand to pat Cesar's shoulder, with a slight smirk he exhaled. "Once you grow of age, you'll learn. As for now, let me find you something to eat.." The aging man spoke in a deep, yet seemingly hopeful voice as he glanced down towards his cousin.

  3. Carlos Mendez, an original foundling of the Clan, finally took a mild interest in Norlandic Politics. He seemed interested in the piece as he began to read over the statement.. Shortly after finishing the piece he gave a nod of approval as the statement is slid into storage. 


    "Finally, these bastards have done something interestin', after years of silence.."


    He laughed with a hard cough.. Obviously ignoring the main point of the statement, then continuing on with the boring and menial tasks of the day.

  4. Carlos Mendez furrowed his brow while reading over the missive before folding it into two, sliding it into a bookshelf, sat close to his desk. 


    "Wonder what she's up to now. Seems she can never die."


    He said to himself, having a good laugh afterwards.

  5. Luka Bishop now sat in his family's Haenseti manor hears the news, he looks to the door, a sad expression on his face as he pushes himself to his feet. He then steps outside, taking a seat on the porch as he watches the street throughout the day and into the night, stuck there with himself and his thoughts until he finally falls asleep in his chair, having shed no tears for the Mercatorii's fall.



  6. Just now, Bigman31 said:

    Folas Mendez looks up to his father "Osanora is a traitorous nation to one of the most prestigious houses. All beginnings of evil and treachery will come to an end, may GOD help them."  


    Carlos Mendez nodded with pride towards his sons words, pocketing the paper.


    "Correct as always Folas, keep it up."


    He says towards Folas, pushing himself to his feet as he heads upstairs, sliding the missive into a bookshelf.

  7. Carlos Mendez scans through the paper, tilting his head with suspicion and question.


    "Who's less fortunate in Osanora, from what I see everyone has a home..."


    He looks up towards his son Folas (@Bigman31), the question having been for him.

  8. Carlos Mendez remembers the night of the duel, sitting just upon a ledge, far outside the borders of Norland the aging man ponders to himself, holding the Bear-Slayer in both hands, looking out over the night sky a tear falls from his remaining eye. Quickly standing and lowering the sword into it's scabbard as he turns and walks off. Heading back to wherever he calls home.


    "I hope you have peace in the end Caesar, you were a true Hyspian and a good man.."


    Are the only words Carlos mutters as he treks back over the mountains....

  9. Luka Bishop lowers the notice from his eyes, looking off into the forest as he stands on the upper bridge outside Sedan, a look of hoping filling his eyes.


    “It has finally happened... GLORY TO SEDAN!”


    He shouts with vigor and excitement, a smile slowly forming across his face...

  10. Carlos Mendez finds the poster hung outside the Cantina in Osanora, quickly tearing it off and reading through it. He’d shrug it off, throwing it onto the dirt by his side, he then continues on his stroll through town.

  11. Luka Bishop leans upon the railing on the upper bridge outside Sedan, scanning through the missive.


    "Ragtag...? We were organized and prepared for a fight, simply being forced to split up during the battle, I really also don't recall anyone dying on our side. There were also about twenty men compared to us five. The ISA is getting desperate, this is truly pathetic." 


    He laughs to his cousin Henry before pocketing the missive and walking off into the Courtyard where he begins to sharpen his blades.

  12. Carlos Mendez looks over the missive, obviously ashamed he’d throw it into a firepit, looking at the paper slowly burn and crumple.


    “What has it been, a month since his father died and he’s back to his foolish romancing. He’s even a Bishop! He’s dragging the Altamirano name through the dirt with his actions.”


    He comments with a sigh, standing and going back to watching over his now 10 year old son.

  13. Carlos Mendez looks over the will, signing the Lorraine and mumbling a quiet Prayer for Francisco and all who died under Antonio's reign of Terror. He thinks for a moment, wondering about how he saw Antonio's lifeless corpse laying dead in the Arena, remembering back to the day where himself and Cesar I met in Tierra Natal.

    A Conversation about Pedro Gonzales then unfolds, remembering it like it was yesterday he cries tears of both sadness and happiness as he believes the tyrannical King is dead. After being notified of the young boy he'd think for a minute about what is to happen next with the kid, giving it a quick thought he nods. After all Mendez has been known for protecting the Kings of Hyspia, he swears to Convert the young boy to Canon and bring him back into the fold. After his reminiscing session ends he is taken back to reality, himself standing In front of  the Norlandic Ashwood, looking up at a Lifeless Corpse being hung from it, having mixed feelings about the 'Victim' he glances over towards another man that was hung, William Santiago. Carlos crosses his arms, heavily exhaling as he looks down towards the ground, being taken back to the horrific Night at which he watched Antonio be stabbed 8 Times by assassins. Somehow the only 9 year old Boy survived this attack, keeping a memory and scar of this day with him forever, remembering the Final duel between his then Pregnant Fiancé, Peralien Mirthsense and Pedro Gonzales, as he watched Helplessly from an edge.


    "I can't help but feel blame for the young man... I treated him like a son to me.. But what did he repay me with, nothing but crumbling promises... But what is done is done and dwelling on the past is not a smart idea, and at least we retrieved the Corpse of Francisco."


    He mumbles to himself, wondering why exactly the Norlanders welcomed him during Antonio's arrest and killing. Turning back towards his personal friend, former squire and guard Santiago Altamirano, he gestures for the two to leave. The duo leaving Varhelm, set on having Francisco buried with his family.

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