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Posts posted by Gandhi

  1. 4 hours ago, Duncan the Fearsome said:

    “As Chief Detective, I would like to formally apologise for any failings of the investigative branch, especially any that have happened while I have held my office- Chief Detective Duncan the fearsome”


    Charles Darkwood gazed upon the missive, an unsatisfied frown flushing over him. "Correct me if I am wrong but...Duncan has been incredibly inactive within the Constabulary. Even my report to the Inspector-General about his conduct or well...relations with elves was ignored." He sighed, tucking the paper away under a multitude of others.

  2. "Ella se lo merecio." Muttered Carlos Mendez as he gazed upon the missive, grinning widely.


    12 minutes ago, Javert said:

    "Ich wonder if the Rustlers are technically rebelling against Vortice, seeing as they are occupying ein Vortice fort, or if they are simply ein bandit group occupying it. Either way, this whole conflict has been interesting." Henry said to his cousin Luka Bishop  (@ArizonaRanger) as he watched his daughter play in the rose bushes near Reinmar.


    "Mhm." Luka Bishop nodded in response to Henry (@Javert), lifting his gaze to the sky as he emitted a light huff. "She probably deserves it, anyways." 

  3. Carlos Mendez mused. Before looking to his swords.. "Maybe it's time..." Murmured the man to himself. Stepping towards the blades with a huff, briefly setting his hand down onto the grip of one. "Ah **** it!" Exclaimed the Hyspian, setting his other hand onto the grip as he lifted it in preparation.

  4. 8 minutes ago, bugbytes21 said:

     Garret Darkwood spends the night at the hospital, after having lost so much blood passing in and out of consciousness, he remembered weakly diverting doctors to other injured Ministry of Justice agents, "The--...them Not me" Was the last thing Garret remembered before losing all grasp on reality. The next day when he came to, he saw the hospital floor surrounding him covered in blood, and the stack of papers of the wounded, and the dead next to him. Garret then asks a passing nurse "How many did we lose last night?" The nurse promptly replied "Four more sir" The news hit Garret Darkwood like a weight of a thousand bolts, pieced through his chest. "I was given my first command, I led my men strait into a massacre, I witnessed their deaths first hand, I made every mistake, and felt the shame rise in me. And even now I lay awake, I survived my mistakes though others have not. Does history have it's eyes on me? What made me live, and them die?" Garret them winces in pain as he pulls up a lap table, and begins writing condolence letters to families of fallen Ministry of Justice agents. 



    The Doors to the Providence hospital slowly swing open as footsteps erupt, clearly someone storming inside.


    Shortly, the figure came into Garret's view. It's Charles, his firstborn son. Charles Darkwood froze for a moment, his boots holding him from advancing further from the doorway. His visage begins to form a sizeable frown as he briefly pondered. Still, he manages to sputter out a few words in desperation and fearfulness, "Father!" The boy exclaimed, losing all grip on himself, almost tossing his form at Garret's bed. After quiet words are exchanged between the father and his son. Charles dedicates an hour or so to assisting his father in his letter-writing, given his skills are lackluster but, they're skills nonetheless.



    Luka Bishop, on the other hand. Celebrates with his Mercatorii comrades, a victorious battle they had just won!

  5. "I might as well join Ein Arisky if this keeps up! Unbearable to reside in the same family as him!" Luka Bishop furiously exclaimed, tossing the piece in the fireplace that rested within the Sedanian Bishop Manor. "I'll feel bad for any woman that bothers to try and live with him."

  6. 9 hours ago, KindOfToast said:

    "So.. House of Commons is looking all pretty and nice again"  He'd remark, finishing glaring over the missive he was given.  He'd place his hand on his forehead though, as he knew what was to come again and what would eventually be done.  All the nightmares were to return, the first hour restarted.  He'd begin to speak softly to the room around him  "All I wanted was a home, and they stab us in the back... What comes around goes around gentlemen, align the clock"  He'd remark to his fellow men in the room. @Nouveau-Chapeau@Gambit@ArizonaRanger@Bigman31

    “And here we go. Today, we avenge Viktor!” Exclaimed Luka Bishop to his comrades, readied for war!


    Charles Darkwood pondered for a moment, before shrugging. “Mmmmmmm, here we go again.” The boy shook his head, lacking true knowledge of MRA acts. Still, he was prepared to fight these men.

  7. Name: Carlos Mendez
    Race: Farfolk-Hyspian, Human
    Birth Year: 1778
    Peerage (if applicable): Archduchy of Hyspia
    Do you have a residence in Sutica, or are you guaranteed a residence as a government official, or are you currently in the process of acquiring one?: Yes
    Address of residence (if applicable): Archduchy of Hyspia (TBD)

  8. Carlos Mendez, like a good brother. Mourned Vicente's death heavily"I....Knew it wouldn't work out.Murmured the Hyspian, setting the letter down as he solemnly rose. Seeking out a simple Canonist Chapel to continue his progressing phases of mourning..

  9. 'Walt' drew his blade from a freshly dead body, turning to his two comrades 'Zukov' and 'Johannes'"Viva Mercatorii! Death to the Pagans!He exclaimed, sliding the bloodied blade back into it's scabbard as he turned on his heel to leave the now stench filled room.

  10. Just now, Sham404 said:

    Edric observes the perfectly intact walls of Leumont, the flames now extinguished.


    "It seems they can't even burn a wall properly."


    Luka Bishop remembers watching the walls of Leumont burn in the name of Godan himself. He then proceeded to pray for the souls of the pagans. “Viva Mercatore...

  11. 2 minutes ago, Nouveau-Chapeau said:

    David Espinoza, a Hyspian by heart, takes a bite off his enchilada as he reads the missive. 


    "Andale, all these Northern folks are getting really crazy, are they not?", spoke Espinoza, as he handed the missive to his dearest friend Carlos Mendez (@ArizonaRanger), "Caramba, perhaps neutrality is the correct decision. What an intuitive man, es el Rey, eh?"

    As he finished, the Espinoza would take yet another bite off the enchilada.


    Carlos Mendez began to finish up his own enchilada, taking the missive from David Espinoza's grasp as he scanned through this piece, a smirk found itself rested on Carlos' lower face. "Si, David, this compañero's right." He chuckled, his head slowly panning to David as he lofted the piece into the air,, "I could drink to this!" Exclaimed the man, before he proceeds to sit himself back down, setting the missive down onto the table as he took the final bite of his enchilada.

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