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Posts posted by Franczhiz





    A painting of Lord Msciwoj August Jazlowiecki



    Dobry dzień! Me is Msciwoj August Jazlowiecki! Me is an eighteen year old boy looking for FRIENDS! Me want to have fun with people in The Heartlander Confederation with others! Me NEED friends! Me is a dobry man and me need friends with similar interests!


    Me will be friendly! Trust me!






    *Note made by direct family

    Msciwoj suffers from a hunchback, a great underbite and has clubfeet. Please keep this in mind when you are befriending him.


  2. Spoiler



    c. 1919


    As founded by

    His Lordship, Aleksander Wilhelm Jazloviecki

    His Excellency, Caius Godwin, First Sea Lord and Admiral of the Royal Aaunic Navy 

    His Lordship, Witold Piotr Jazloviecki

    His Lordship, Mikhail Stefan Jazloviecki


    Current Chairman: Michael Sergius de Witt

    Current Vice Chairman: Unappointed


    The Sokol Movement is a political religious movement that is a devout supporter of Human Supremacism, Canonist Supremacism, Heartlander Nationalism and Pan-Canonism.  The aim of the movement is to maintain a strong position of the Holy Church in realms ruled by humans and the belief that the Heartlands will be the center for the reunification of man, where Canonists will all unite oncemore.


    The structure of the organization is hierarchical and can involve nobility, commoners and clergymen. Members of the organization are tasked with defending the Pontiff and other men of the cloth at public events, and in the name of salvation and life after death in the Seven Skies, to lay down their lives in their defense if necessary. 



    I. Canonist supremacism

    Canonism is the one true faith, and is therefore the one true religion where humanity must adhere to.


    II. Human supremacism

    Man are the ones who ascend into the Seven Skies, the intelligence of man has brought many Empires and Kingdoms upon this realm and are our backbone. From Exalted Horen, to the many Kings and Queens who now rule over man.


    III. Heartlander Nationalism

    The pride of being a Heartlander and the belief that the Heartlands is where a grand unification of Heartlanders shall commence oncemore. Even with those who hail from the diaspora. 


    IV. Pan-Canonism

    The belief that Canonists must all be united in both faith and realms, for a centralized region of all Canonists to come to fruition and to be united against external threats upon our faith.


    V. Anti-Aurelianism

    The strong belief that those who adhere to the heretical belief that Emperor Aurelius is an Exalted, are to be rightfully persecuted within Canonist lands for their schism of the one true Church.


    The hierarchy of the movement is divided into four tiers:


    Chairman - An individual elected by other members of the Sokol Movement, holding the highest authority.


    Clergymen - All servants of God that want to join the movement and bless the militia before their guard duty commences.


    Militants - Armed members of the Sokol Movement who are tasked with protecting all men of the cloth during church services and other public events where their lives may be at risk. They are also to protect all of man should their help be called upon.


    Common members of the movement - People who are encouraged to spread the word of God and join the social ranks to further promote our ideals and beliefs.



    The Sokol Movement does not have have a registered membership. To support the cause, you can simply wear a green sash, or wear a green medal.  



  3. 1 hour ago, marikandaperc said:

    also u swear u dont let ur ooc thoughts influence ur rp but u just posted this whole thing xddd kinda funny.


    I find it pretty amusing about the fact that I am religious IRL somehow influences the roleplay I do. Ask an atheist who roleplays a clergyman and you will see that he or she has to comply to the things dictated in a fictional fantasy book. To say that is due to an IRL influence of religion is a bit of a biased POV.


    The whole point of my post is that: When you could comment out of celebration for "Trans visibility day" on the post dedicated for it, I do not see how the comments aforementioned can be taken as respectful given it is dedicated to a religious day which obviously adheres to its scriptures.


    In regards to "wrong translations" of the Bible however:


    "You can reference a man-made bible all you want; the translations have never (nor will ever be) wholly accurate. Specifically about the second verse you've quoted (of which I am sure you know how often it is used to be a literal ignorant against queer people), I'd suggest you to explore anything other than the predominant western Christianity beliefs and bible. You would find out that not only the terms used in both the verse you've hyperlinked and other western holy scriptures were recently coined in modern languages like english, but also that there is little to nothing proving that any of the prophets in the Hebrew bible mention any of them or let alone what you accuse somebody else of "preaching"." - @Songwitch


    It is always an excuse to use "wrong translation" as something to justify a sin which is completely intolerant within Bibles to use it to backfire against people adherent to the Bible. Yet, depending on what you are looking at, most of the present day used Bibles do not fall under the category of "Bible Errata", and none of the translations have changed anything in regards to tolerance of the act of homosexuality. Most of the points made regarding "wrong translations" have been of personal criticism without a valid argumentation or source for it.


    Perhaps it is of comfort to know that all the copies of the print mistakes and other translations have been destroyed or have stopped in making them and are now sold at auctions.


    Source and definitions of Bible Errata:

    Bible Errate is a category of errors and a list of print mistakes, and unconventional translations within Bibles made from the year 800 until 1944, of which many were declared as heretical.

    Bible Errata



    Though, I am signing out from the conversation to spend some nice time in prayer.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Nooblius said:




    It was in 1745 that the first DUMAPALOOZA was ever held, a festival to accompany a far older tradition of electing Adrian Dukes which went back to 1511 with the election of Hugues Sarkozic (Franz Vladov, the first duke, was appointed in the will of the co-founder of Adria, Paul Sarkozic, for with his death there was only a sole leader of the duchy). Since Franz I, there had been seven elections for Duke of Adria, all with internal Adrian electors, before the first DUMAPALOOZA. Even in the beginning, Adrian identity was prioritized over a Carrion one; for electors HOREN and STAFYR were given votes, yet neighboring ally Crowsbloods were denied one. The only election in those early years held amongst all Carrions were those of the Crowsmoots- a righteous tradition that has long since been abandoned whereupon the Raevir would flock to their meeting hall to elect their Carrion Patriarch across all cadets and grant him the Boyar’s Cap. It just so happened that Baron in Adria, Paul Sarkozic, was grandson to the Soothsayer himself, and was elected to hold the honor of Boyar’s Cap for a time.


    The institution of the DUMAPALOOZA is not the central tradition of Adria that it is made to be. Rather it was an invention of an Adrian of Renzfeld who sought to prevent the title from being assumed by the Novellens (though they were not yet named, still Sarkozic they claimed) who had become the seat of imperial power. It was a tool made to preserve the interests of Adrian folk, not in the service of Carrion nor Sarkozic Legacy.


    The electorate of this DUMAPALOOZA was made in the recent memory of Ves, whose residents lived to that day. Its electors were thus not the nobles of Adria alone, as it historically would be, but instead included foreign electors who had interests in Adria, who the hosts hoped might prevent a destruction of Adria. Thus many Patricians of Ves who had not necessarily lived in Renzfeld were individually invited, even if titles they had not, as well many allied honored crows were given a seat due to shared heritage of Adria and Haense.


    But such a plan failed; for the son of Adrian Leopold, the Duke of Helena Joey won the election and proved the fears by slowly forcing all rural Adrians into the capital, destroying Renzfeld to place noble houses and elven vassals in its place, and later handing the title to his own sons without any election. 


    The DUMAPALOOZA was renewed only for the purpose of restoring Adria and denying it from those powers which held it without caring for its people; and it worked in such purpose. The Second DUMAPALOOZA was held by the Adrians without endorsement of either Haense, the Emperor of Oren, or the Holy Church; and it led to a failed Adria restoration due to a lack of cohesion with its liege and partner the Grand Duchy of Vasiyeva, as well the Principality of Savoy which it afterwards sought partnership with. 


    However, it was in this second DUMAPALOOZA that the criteria within were made more clear; Honored Crows, Patricians of Adria, and Birds of a Feather. Those who shared a heritage in the Carrion legacy, those tied to specific Adrian legacy, and those invited in kind gesture alone. This electorate included houses that had absolutely zero ties to Adria, such as House Ruthern who though a notable and historic Carrion cadet has never once been a participant in Adria, or the Charity Vote for the immiserated Nordlings. Most notably, there were rules established within this electorate on what may be voted for; rules that enforced that whoever was elected must genuinely seek to be Duke of Adria, not add it to his list of titles.


    The Third was hosted by my father Heinrik and his allies, who had begun a movement to unite all Adrian refugees who lingered about the nations. In the interest of a great electorate when there was not a recent Adria to draw upon, he continued the policy from the previous DUMAPALOOZA (including its rules). Yet this was protested by the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, despite having their invitations. Therefore in compromise, another DUMAPALOOZA was held within Haense overseen by the Church. There, the same result was confirmed and Heinrik Sarkozic was allowed to restore Adria. And it was a prosperous Adria, right up until the time of troubles where civil war exploded the heartlands. Wanting a chance at reconciliation with Canondom, Heinrik went into exile so that the Adrians may elect a new duke amongst themselves, keeping with the older traditions (though DUMAPALOOZA they called it still). Johanes van Aert was elected, for his house had been paramount in the defense of Adria even if its inclusion had stoked the paranoia that contributed to the civil war.


    As Johanes van Aert formed Veletz after achieving world peace with my aid, he was honorable to the legacy of Adria and resigned from its office, instead another internal to Adria DUMAPALOOZA commenced whereupon I, Markus Sarkozic, was elected. Adria persisted as a vassal of that midland realm, hosting DUMA within the halls of Castle Aldersberg and attempting to unify those of the midlands who identified as Adrian. 


    In total, there have been nine Dukes of Adria elected by internal council,





    Now we arrive at the current day; where the Aevos Coalition War has ended with the surrender of Veletz to its own vassal Adria, which itself surrendered to an international coalition in the pursuit of true Reconciliation. Although I rebuke the institution of the international DUMAPALOOZA, the circumstance of this election is justified as it exists as a means of resolution and peace in the realms of Man. The High Pontiff, who did not request this duty nor did his predecessor, has greatly served mankind by acting as arbiter of this nearly century-old feud so that we may all know a confident peace.


    The electorate was decided by the leader of the coalition, the leader of the Adrian Folk, and the High Pontiff. It was publicly posted two years ago without any dissent. The criteria were based upon the criteria of the international DUMAPALOOZAs of the past; the Honored Crows and the Patricians of Adria. Though these were criteria; nothing was automatic or entitled, yet decided amongst that council of three in the pursuit of reconciliation and resolution. The first were to be Carrion cadets with a history extending beyond a couple mere generations, and a substance in number beyond just a single descendant who claims some faux title. The second criteria was defined as families in Adria who have a history within Adria, as well as a substance of importance not measured through number of offspring but persistent service to Adria. 


    As has complained, there have been exclusions. That is because of intense political compromise, that would be altogether unnecessary if there was not a vitriolic movement to exact revenge upon Adria for meager existence. Nonetheless, I will remind the world that House Varoche has not been a part of Adria since they intentionally saw to its attempted destruction, not to mention its very founding a twisted insult to the Raevir legacy whereupon the latter member of the Carrion-Tuvyic dynasty Duke Paul was made to deny his heritage by the Renatian Emperor in humiliation, and instead was put forth as the bastard child of inc*st. [Genuinely; What the hell?] Houses such as Varoche are not entitled to participate in a system when they themselves do not consider their family Adrian, but hold nobility in foreign lands. They failed both criteria set for the electorate, and therefore were denied alongside many others; such as the Jewelbeards of Clan Goldhand, the Elven Family Songbird, the Western Turkin, the Eastern Turkin, House Leyne, de la Baltas, the Tavernkeep, a bard, the Nordlings, et cetera. 


    In a perfect DUMA, there would be foreign electors who were not entitled but invited to participate in the Adrian system- yet they would not be entitled to overwhelm the interests of Adrians in the question of their own legacy. This is why I endeavor not to be elected Duke of Adria; for whatever blessing an international DUMAPALOOZA may bestow is not one I seek upon my head, but rather I wish to see this blasted institution which sows discourse amongst men abolished so that the identity of Adria may be for the Adrians alone. Nobody can deny the Adrians their heritage- and I do not fear the political machinations of my enemies for I know my cause to be righteous and blessed in whatever outcome it may achieve. 


    Whatever spirit animates you, Mikhail ‘the Petty’, it is not a righteous one. There is no reason to delight in meddling with a legacy that is not your own, and those who seek that the Duchy of Adria and its folk shall burn certainly are not entitled to speak on the matter. 




    Markus Marie Sarkozic

    Exilic Duke of the Adrians, Count of Aldersberg, Protector of Dumacracy


    "To Markus Marie "The Adunian" 


    Spare me the historical lecture regarding how Dumacracy came to be as we now live a few hundred years past that. It would seem that your father has instilled the skill of manipulation and the will to puppeteer an entire election.


    The House of Varoche and Montelliano have cherished their Adrian history which includes Duke Paul Varoche, long after your father made the idiotic and barbaric decision for a war of independence and taking the lives of innocent men, women and children in the lands of Aaun.


    It is however of poor judgement to say that they do not cherish their heritage because they had contributed in the Adria that your treasonous kind of a father led as they too have played part in the establishment of Adria in its past, and they likely did a better job at leading the Duchy then cooperating with Neo-Renatians who were out for the blood of those around them.


    If it was not for the House of Varoche and Montelliano, your father would not have been a Duke, but then the dream of those who opposed him would come true; the title to be put in abeyance. You blame these Houses for not cherishing their Adrian heritage, then what is the TRUE cherishing of Adrian heritage? Spilling blood for your own gain like your father or spitting on the historical signifance by becoming a vassal of Adunians? If you can remember well, it was independence for which your father slaughtered innocents, so let us pray that the Adunians will not go through a similar fate as our martyred brothers and sisters in Canondom.


    You say they ignore their ancestry, and Adrian heritage, yet it seems that the Horenic genetics that have come from the circle-succession and plotting Dukes of Adria after Adrian I, Josip II, and the other lot whose blood runs through your veins, have played in a big role within your act as the puppeteer of this election.


    The Patricians know the truth. And soon everyone else will.


    Mikhail Sergei Sarkozic"

  5. 38 minutes ago, Borin said:

    "Someone should wack this bloke" says Brother Ninnias


    "You'd do me quite the favor as I would rather die then to see the title of Adria be subject as a vassal under a Kingdom of Adunians. The only good Adria, is the independent Adria, if that is not possible, then abeyance is the best option." Stated Mikhail Sergei Sarkozic

  6. 28 minutes ago, MadOne said:

    EasyLombardic Two






    HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD


    I say onto you. If you doubt and condemn the list of which I have spent five years to create, having Princes and Bishops alike to agree and sign upon it over your pride, and if you reproach my attempts to reconcile the Midland Wars through putting this issue at rest through my labours of garnering this list both from the Covenant and the Adrian disapora, and if you doubt my Apostolic right and ability as your High Pontiff, then say onto me such, and REBUKE me. If you condemn your High Pontiff, your chosen successor to the Priesthood of Owyn for my labours and for my want for peace, if you will declaim my legitimate decrees and my labours as illegitimate thus, then REBUKE me. If, in spite of my decree, you want to condemn your fellow Canonists to void and eternal hellfire, then REBUKE me, for I seek to redeem. 






    "To His Holiness, Caius Primus


    If you are an advocate for peace and for the outcome of a fair election that provides such a peace by the means of using Dumacracy, then the only way to do so is to allow the patrician Houses who have been left out to vote in the Duma. I do not rebuke you, I rebuke the very fact that the House Varoche and Montelliano have not been given the chance to determine the future of the very Duchy they were once a part of.


    As you have said before, this matter is a secular affair and I do not question your Holiness's authority, but I question the breach of Adrian Dumacracy and the Dumacratic Tradition. As aforementioned, it has always been the case that all the Houses who have historically contributed to Adria have a place to vote for its future.


    For excluding the honorable Houses of Varoche and Montelliano, it can not be seen as a "fair" resolution to exclude them to provide the Patrician Houses mentioned on the list made by Your Holiness with a "fair Duma". To exclude these honorable Houses is to exclude history. The right and total amount of Patrician Houses to decide the future of Adria is the backbone of the Duma.



    Mikhail Sergei Sarkozic"

  7. z5fqX1Z_rU7ccquIvtOwW9szP6m9naa7ksdUAUJc4mbgShqWqto9rRA72YVcvkbh_opnSLOH7_nc74Xl1YX4UNffdKQU5O6GfZaqXT10RT5HNvs-Hkhg4kXpGLTMRCg93ooduG98OqThZh8LKBR7UVs


    A depiction of a man burning a serpent, a symbol of deceit and betrayal, with the body of a crow, symbolizing the title of Duke of Adria being destroyed by “noblemen” and “noblewomen” who have the same characteristics as that of the serpent. The other flying crows, symbolizing the free and the truly noble Houses pecking at the serpent.



    The list of electors did not contain all the patrician Houses as per tradition of the Dumapalooza, for everyone who has contributed to the Duchy is allowed to be invited.  The Houses of Varoche and Montelliano were intentionally excluded as they did not deny a vote out of their own will, but were purposefully vacated from their patrician seats.


    The House of Varoche even having held the title of Duke of Adria and not having been invited is an orchestrated act by itself for the current “Duke of Adria” would know what the outcome would have been. Including the House of Montelliano which had a significant impact on the idea of an Adria!


    To leave these honorable Houses out of the Dumapalooza is nothing more but a power play to reaffirm the now so-called ‘Duke’, who has continuously fought alongside anathema, the murderers of King Edmund II and the League of Veletz who fought alongside those barbarians against Princes of CANONDOM.


    To exclude honorable Houses who have contributed years to Adria is almost as if someone would want a situation much like that of the forefather of many within the electorate, named Joseph “The Mad” Sarkozic who had slain people within the Duma to enthrone himself as Duke. There is no fairness in leaving these Houses out for their vote is what gives meaning to the entirety of Dumacracy! It has always been the case that a fair Dumapalooza is one where everyone has been historically invited to one.


    Give the Houses Varoche and Montelliano their seats back and let them never be disrespected like this ever again for their contributions to the Duchy of Adria is much more than what most of the Adrian “noble” houses as of now can account for.


    It is therefore that I call upon the Patrician Houses who are in favor of allowing the House of Varoche and House of Montelliano back to their seats as elector to sign this missive and then should all be in favor, I, Mikhail Sergei Sarkozic will forfeit my right as elector for the House of Sarkozic van Aaun.











    Signature Form in favor of allowing the Houses Varoche and Montelliano back to their Patrician Seats and thus validating their absentia vote:


    IN FAVOR?: Y/N


  8. To His Holiness Caius Primus, 


    The House Sarkozic var Aaun votes for the House Barbanov, as successor to Adria to rectify the many wrongs made in the past by the recent predecessors of Markus Marie Sarkozic. We vote that the House Barbanov is to be granted the title of Duke of Adria and to do with it what ever His Majesty deems fit.




    Mikhail Sergei Sarkozic var Aaun



    ELECTOR NAME: Mikhail Sergei Sarkozic
    ELECTOR HOUSE: Sarkozic var Aaun

    VOTE CAST: Ivan VIII, King of Hanseti-Ruska of the House Barbanov

  9. Upon a rather late timing, Father Edmund realized something.. "What of the House Varoche? Are they not a historical contribution to the Duchy? So much so that they are able to vote within this Dumapalooza? and perhaps the next that will determine the future of Adria?"

  10. Spoiler



    Echoes of Solace: 

    The Journey of Edmund Amadeus



    Father Edmund wrote and sat next to  an icon of his great-grandfather, Charles I, the first King of Aaun.


    In shadows cast by moonlit night,
    I, Edmund Amadeus, lost in plight,
    Abandoned by kin, forsaken, forsworn,
    Left to weather sorrow since the day I was born.


    My mother, fleeting, chose
    To tread the path where treason grows,
    League of Veletz, treacherous band,
    Her whispers vanished like grains of sand.


    Father's face a distant dream,
    Never known, a silent stream,
    Flowing through the mist of time,
    His absence a mountain I cannot climb.


    Alone I wandered, heart heavy with woe,
    In the wilderness of life's cruel flow,
    But amidst the darkness, a flicker of light,
    A calling beckoned through the endless night.


    The Church of the Canon, its arms open wide,
    Offering solace, a place to confide,
    I took refuge in its hallowed halls,
    Seeking peace amid these desolate walls.


    Through trials and tribulations, I found my way,
    A path of faith where doubts would sway,
    I donned the cloth, became a priest,
    In service to God, my soul was released.


    Yet still, within the chambers of my heart,
    Lingers the ache, the longing, the part
    Of me that yearns for love's embrace,
    For the warmth of a mother's and father’s face.


    But I stand resolute, steadfast and true,
    In my calling, my purpose, my faith anew,
    For in the silence of prayer, I find my release,
    Edmund Amadeus, the priest of peace.

  11. 13 hours ago, satinkira said:



    Only two truths are known;


    The Canonist ‘God’ is the Devil, who has tricked mankind into worshipping him,


    And the True GOD, the Absolute, the Creator, is in everything, passive, eternal, and uncaring. The Absolute is within us.


    But GOD is effectively dead, splintered into a million-million pieces, scattered out across everything, being everything, seeing everything - and thus rendered inconsequential. He is in us, acting as what we would call the ‘soul’ - our most essential part is a piece of the GOD. We therefore know that all Descendant-Kind is holy; elves, dwarves, orcs, and man. The children of the Four Brothers each carry the spark of GOD within them - as do the little offshoots, too, and they are no less important.


    Therefore, how are we to remake the GOD if He exists within every one of us? The answer is simple: everyone must die.


    No, reader, do not slit your throat upon hearing this. Think of it this way; if you're an elf, this may simply mean waiting to the end of days, but for the rest of us, we are not so lucky - we must silently work to orchestrate and bring about great slaughters, cataclysmic magickal events, so forth. We will never achieve our goal - the resurrection of the GOD - through consistent murder of individuals; such only serves to distress those carriers of the GOD. No, we must not murder the King but instead destroy the city through pre-planned war. 


    Thus, we know that we are all Holy, that  the GOD is dead - that murder is blasphemous, and slaughter is Holy, for it brings about His return.




    Of course, what little I know of the GOD can never be enough. We must work to learn more of Him - to become closer to the Absolute. Permit me a brief explanation as to why.


    Many think of the AengulDaemonicks as something to rally behind - some even go so far as to devote themselves to a particular Aengul or Daemon or other. But this is mistaken; the AengulDaemonicks are not motivated by rightenoussness, they are motivated by greed. They are motivated by power. They devour what souls they can - and bear in mind, these souls they claim are parts of the GOD. They devour as much of Him as they can to become as much like Him as they can manage, for each desires ultimate, total power. They are as tapeworms. Individuals who know this and still devote themselves to the AengulDaemonicks are simply powerhungry and sinful, and deserve death - they tarnish the GOD.


    It therefore goes without saying that true worshippers of the GOD should have no truck with the AengulDaemonicks. We must break the heavens that they, themselves, have built - for the heavens are on earth; the green grass is paradise, and the hard rock is the most comforting bed, for GOD is in all these things. We must strive to know GOD; we must devote ourselves to Him. And as the GOD is, by definition, in all faiths and none, we must construct a great Temple to Him, one where we must construct an altar for every faith, a place of worship for every belief. We must do this, lest we die ignorant of the truth - for it is prophecied that when man, elf, dwarf, or orc realises the truth of the GOD, he will become as GOD, a part of the world, yet seperate - that is the Absolute that we must all strive for. 


    We therefore conclude that the AengulDaemonicks are as tapeworms, that their followers are sinners, and that we must work to know the GOD, and construct a great Temple in his worship, with an altar for every faith.




    I conclude by saying thus - if the above intrigues you, if you wish to know more, perhaps even to help, simply send a letter of reply, and we can no doubt meet and speak - perhaps you can even help in my constructing the Temple. I intend to write more, but the Absolute is grasped through doing, not writing, and through many, and not one.


    The Black Priestess


    "There are rather.. odd if not absolutely deranged statements within this letter which is supposed to spread the "truth about GOD"...


    Firstly, I can not see any evidence as to how GOD could possibly be the "Deceiver" neither can I read a fully theologically researched statement made about how or why He can be so. Although, judging from the many misconceptions made within this letter, I do not think this has been written with fully scholastic knowledge about Canondom.


    Secondly, It is a strange point to make that elves, orcs and others are somehow "less important" then Man. As far as importance is concerned, within Canondom, there is St. Pius; a Saint who is of the Elven race and a convert to Canondom. So to draw the illusion of human supremacy within Canondom is a failed objective. Not to mention how there has been Orcish and Elven clergy within the Church in the past. 


    Thirdly, I can not see how GOD can come to the point of personification, as He Himself has already proven his existence and does not need to be so. Not to mention, the races that you mentioned that are somehow less important? Simply guess who created them! 


    Fourthly, it is a ridiculous idea to think about a Temple for all "Gods", as the existence of ONE GOD has never been debunked by the faiths except Canondom, and yet this idea is one of the more.. progressive corners of faith.


    GOD have mercy on us all, I believe you were right when you said that Canonist Orthodoxy needs a backbone, Uncle." Stated Father Edmund from within the Hand of Horen, talking to his Uncle John whilst having breakfast and showing him the letter. @Ramon

  12. 1 minute ago, satinkira said:

    people being LGBTQ and disrespecting religion is by no means synonymous and should not be assumed to be such


    19 minutes ago, Amayonnaise said:

    Shit is wack.


    This seems like disrespect, although I do not know whether @Amayonnaisetried to make an irl comparison to religion and its doctrines but it certainly seems disrespectful if the aforementioned was the case.

  13. 10 minutes ago, Amayonnaise said:

    LGBTQ+ rights shouldn't have anything to do with religion at all. Why are laws and religious doctrines permitted to dictate accepted sexualities? Shit is wack.


    Funny how you meant this for Canondom only but simultaneaously proved my point about people of the LGBTQ disrespecting religion and its doctrines.

  14. 14 minutes ago, Amayonnaise said:

    Final take - This is a medieval fantasy server in which we literally publish our own lore and create our own magics. Why can't we create our own culture and version of history? Why must we follow history so accurately that we are forced to have a Canonist religion unaccepting of same-sex marriages etc.? This is literally a fantasy server, be more creative.


    Like my good friend @Enlightenmentsaid; make your own sect from Canondom that does tolerate what you are fighting for and you're free to larp western modern/progressive and tolerant protestantism (this is about the parts of protestantism that legalized homosexuality). Just see how long it will endure IRP and there is no need to force changes down the throats of people who want to keep human lore intact by the use of OOC posts like this to try and make anything against homosexuals bannable.


    To be honest, if such effort was being made irl to fight for the rights of the LGBTQ perhaps it would've gotten somewhere. But at this point its just fighting for a bunch of religious legislation on a mineman server which is of no use to the irl rights of your community at all.

  15. 3 minutes ago, satinkira said:

    high elves aren't allowed to call dark elves the n-word


    Don't think you have heard of the acid pits used by elves to kill personas who are not of pureblood... seems oddly familiar. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, satinkira said:


    'my apologies sir, we cannot marry you into our church - you are gay, you see, and though we do not hate you, it would go against our religion'


    compare this to;


    'my apologies sir, we cannot marry you into our church - you are of a different skin colour, you see, and though we do not hate you, it would go against our religion'


    the second, of course, is a scenario that does not happen; I think your mistake is understimating the severity of homophobia - racism rp is not permitted (the version related to skin colour, at any rate - orcs can say what they like about elves) and therefore neither should homophobia be. it being a facet of medieval european culture does not give it the right to hang about, as is true of many other things of the time



    this is not an attempted boycott - I personally don't believe that the church would crumble if homophobia was removed. this also isn't an attempt to solve an irl problem, I'm unsure where you got that from



    you've no right to homophobic RP - I'm unsure why you presume that the right to be homophobic is integral to your medieval RP; I've much respect for medieval european traditionalist RP, and it can be most certainly be done without homophobia nor exclusion of homosexual characters. if you claim that it breaks your sense of realism then I'll have to call bull because we have tanks and walking mechpriests


    Unfortunately the way I see it is that some communities are tolerant of allowing modern ideas to be inserted and some are not so tolerant.


    It just is what it is and I find OOC forcing to make an IRP opinion against a way of living bannable weird and in no way can this case be equated to racism.

  17. 19 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

    If you don't like gays, you're weird


    I have never heard this being said about people who are made fun of for adhering to an IRL abrahamic faith and due to their views on homosexuality.


    While we are at it and discussing discrimination against groups of people because it hurts them to see it OOC let me bring up another issue that is overlooked:


    So here,


    If you do not like Christians, Muslims, Jews for their OOC norms and values; you're weird.


    I have seen people of the homosexual-orientation say the following about keyfigures in those religions:


    "Jesus was gay and his apostles too"


    "Mohammed was gay"


    Et cetera.


    Why is there not any attention to this and there is to homosexuality and the opinion that someone holds against it on a fantasy-medieval server? 


    At this point just allow IRL religious conservatives to RP as they want which in this case is fictional religions like Iman Al Rashidun for the Qalasheen and Canondom for the rest of man. If you're so hurt by it there are plenty of other communities tolerant of what you are fighting for.

  18. I don't think a IRP respectful perspective  that goes against the act of homosexuality is in any way or form harmful. If it is harming you irl, the problem does not lie with the person who gives such perspective but merely the person in question who deems it to be homophobic and tries to create a fuss out of it.


    There are real world problems that deserve attention and I do not think the right way to solve the IRL issue in regards to homophobia is to try and boycott a community that adheres to a traditional religion IRP.


    Although the server is not based on a "Dark Age Medieval Europe" lets say, I do think that no one should feel excluded, just do not try to force your OOC opinion or POV down the throats of someone IRP who likes to RP a traditional-religious because it will both have an OOC and IRP backlash (As should be expected.)

  19. Spoiler





    Monastic Edmund Amadeus













    May you, our Creator, have mercy upon every soul upon this world. Protect us against the many sins the Deceiver exposes us to and protect us against any threat made against the entirety of Canondom. Guide the laity and clergy to do right as the Exalted have commanded of us through your Holy Name and may Your Holy Light continue to shine upon us to preserve the peace within our world.


    It is  of Saint Daniel of Al’Khazar who I humbly ask to pray for us, as we, Man, must preserve the peace in this world, for Canondom to preserve. Us, Man, are mere sinners, and I beg you to pray so GOD may forgive us for the chaos that we cause in this world. 






    In Nomine DEI


    We live in a world where power is often a force that takes the overhand in one’s position. It is political power that often makes one think that they are so invincible and immune that one is able to overrule whatever one wants. It is therefore of course no surprise that those with such a feeling of power think they are able to overrule Canon Law. 


    I see a great danger in such, therefore, I intend to write this epistle so we might prevent situations against our Holy Church and His Holiness. As there has been schisms due to having too much sense of power, as going against Canondom, Canon Law, and its Church, is going against the very principles that the Exalted have laid out in front of us. 


    In this epistle, I will describe the dangers of secularism, and the consequences that it might have for our Church. 




    “The Crusade”, is what I call the war for the defense of one’s faith within the mind, a protection from the dangers that the soul of one is facing in the world and the many sins that the Deceiver causes within our world. When one lacks faith, one is exposed to sin, to prevent sin, one must pray for protection and guidance through our faith. 


    The weapons of the Crusade against the traps and works of the Deceiver are the following:

    I. Prayer 

    II. Prayer

    III. and PRAYER


    The only essential thing that one needs to survive within Canondom, is prayer. Prayer dedicated to communicating with your Creator so He might protect you against what you are facing. Use a Saint in your prayers, as they shall in turn pray for you. 


    It is through prayer that one is able to fight off the Daemons that cause  faith to steer towards a greed for power and steer one’s soul towards what GOD had not intended for us. 




    Secular power is a form of power which is of dangerous origin against Canondom. It has often been the case in Empires of old where the mortal sovereigns would feel themselves above religious law, and therefore feel themselves above GOD His representative in this world. Or the many schisms can also be named as examples which have been attempts to work against the legislation set by our Holy Church. 


    Secularism and its power is something which is designed to break the religious laws of our Holy Church. Designed to bend the very teachings of the Exalted which have been mentioned within the Holy Scrolls. It was through secular power and legislation, that it was proposed to alter the union of Man, a proposal aimed against our Holy Church for teaching the example of Exalted Horen and St. Julia of Paradisius, GOD bless them both. 


    There is an issue in regards to governmental secularism, when the mortal governments of Man are being elevated above our Holy Church. I call this a sin and is in fact a form of a schism for one rejects the shield and sword that our Church has given against the forces of heathenry that are directly of the Deceiver himself. And by shield and sword I mean, the defense of our faith and the power to lead lands of Canondom.


    GOD has blessed sovereigns to guide our faith, and not to contradict it by means of immoral propositions of legislation, or to feel oneself above His Holiness and His purpose within Canondom and our world. We, descendants of Exalted Horen, must make the Exalted, The Saints, the Blessed and the Venerable proud for we ought to serve GOD and Him only, and protect the one true faith in His name.




    Canon Law is what lays the foundation of Canondom, and keeps our faith balanced in every aspect within our way of life. In my opinion, religious law has always been enough to live by. However, I can speak for myself, and thus not for the rest of Man. Canon Law is there to protect, and not to harm anyone. Abide by the Canon Law, and you are as one of the laity should be, an example for your brothers and sisters in Canondom. 


    Canon Law is often seen as a mere list of religious legislation, instead one ought to see it as guidance. The importance of Canon Law is that it all summarizes the very foundations of our faith, what one is to tolerate, and what one is not to tolerate. The Canon Law is based upon the Holy Scrolls, the word of GOD voiced through the Exalted who now find themselves in the Seven Skies. 


    For surely, he who takes GOD His word and the example of the Exalted into their lives, shall have a life worth living. A life that protects against the evil spread by the Deceiver and the Daemons.






    Our Creator who finds Himself in the Seven Skies, I ask you to guide Man towards absolute dedication to you by worship in Canondom. It is You who guides Canondom through the swords of the many that have fought against the threats against our faith, and You who make sure we are victorious in the battles against the evil that surrounds us. 


    I ask You to protect all Canonists against the evil that we may face in the future, and forgive the sins of the many who have disappointed You. I ask that you will forgive our sins and trespasses, and that we shall be victorious against those who defile our faith.




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