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Posts posted by beetle

  1. 8 minutes ago, Phersades said:

    "YAM GLAD EA CAME TO SEE THE LAST HOUR OR SO OF THE EVENT CAUSE- OH MEA GODAN"  Nikolai Kortrevich said as he burst in through the doors of Jerovitz, calling out to those within the keep. "A riot, truly!" 


    Esmée blinks when he entered, "A riot?! Oh mon Dieu - there's never a dull day here."

  2. 17 minutes ago, critter said:

    Persephae sighed in deep relief, nodding - "da, da. Everyone vas lovely - niet bad, either, for a dress ea found in ve final hour. See, Dimitri?" She nudged her twin, gesturing with a rare, pleased smile - "best of ve trio. Vait until they see vhat ea have in store next."


    Demitriyus Baswara smiled happily as he read the missive over her shoulder. "Mamej vould be so proud of vy." A snort escaped him, "Oh Godan- do think they vill be able to handle it?"

  3. "He wanted to frame us years ago Esme, te acuerdas?" The lass shook her head as her emerald eye continued to read the missive. "You should've stayed away. Hombres siempre son la problema. Hm, unfortunate. It doesn't matter now, estás muerta."



    the family name is guenevere de la luz not guinevere fyi - therefore the banishment is invalid x


  4. 4 minutes ago, marslol said:

    Lotte Dolorem stares at the missive - getting flashbacks to something rather unsavoury back in Old Elysium. Her expression sours some - the woman now had the strange urge to go stab something.


    Thankfully, Esmeralda Guenevere de la Luz is dead and WON'T be stabbed.


    Lucina Eiriksdottir Snowell Dolorem Kvitravn will kill someone over this...

  5. ☾ ⋆* Delta’s First Ever Alex Skin Auction ☾ ⋆*


    “Extra pockets!”

    Best Hangover Part 3 GIFs | Gfycat

    “Whoa! Magic Pockets!~”





    Intro + Rules:

    Welcome to my first ever skin auction!

    This is a MINA and ALEX SKINS auction only!

    I will NOT  take irl monies.

    Payment will be taken after the auction closes!


    Each skin has a reference, if you wish to see it, please let me know.


    If you want to outbid, make a new comment! Do not edit your comment.

    Please do not comment unless you are bidding!


    Each skin has a different price - Bids will increase by 5 mina!


    Also, please check out my wife's skin auction:
    envy's skin auction
    She's got Alex and Steve skins!






    Bidding Format:









    Auction Ends:

    March 30th at 9pm EST


    Auction fully ends when I comment!

    Have fun loves xx






    Golden Rose - 120 Mina




    (Headpiece can be removed!)


    A Very Berry Garden - 115 Mina




    (Headpiece can be removed!)


    Colorful Robes - 115 Mina




    Sky Cloud Hanfu - 115 Mina




    Yellow Fish Hanfu - 115 Mina







    The auction is officially closed and all skins have been sold!

    Thank you so much everyone x

  6. "Dramáticos todos," the Hyspian lass sighed as read over the missive. "Bloodshed causes problems, not solving them. Cuándo aprenderán? It doesn't seem like anytime soon." A laugh escaped her, shaking her head. "Que lastima."


    On the other hand, Esmèe Gabrielle de Astrea was disappointed in her home nation. She couldn't believe Elysium allowed a foreigner slaughter innocent orcs during a PEACEFUL diplomatic meeting. Maybe leaving home wasn't such a bad idea after all.

  7. A Response to the Officiated Inquest of Incident in Year 66

    6th of The Sun's Smile, SA 68



    To Whomever It Concerns,


    To start this off, I'm an extremely reserved person. I do not share my traumas, stories, feelings with anyone. However, the situation my family is involved in has become public which I will address in this statement.


    On Year 66 there was an incident at my manor on the estate I share with the Elysian Mondblumes. It escalated very quickly but intentions were not malicious in any way.


    Ehrendil Taliame'onn had come over to visit me and brought over his friend Leika de Astrea. During the interaction by the gate, I had received a bird from a Liluth Solros wanting to talk. I told my youngest daughter, Andora, to take them inside as I awaited for Liluth's arrival.


    Liluth and I went to the Mondblume manor to talk briefly before bringing Ehrendil over - so they could talk too. They were dealing with a miscommunication, a conflict between two which I will not disclose. During that time, my second oldest, Arcelia, came over wanting to visit. They realized that the talk between Liluth, Ehrendil, and I was private, heading over to where Andora and Leika were.


    As the three of us talked, we suddenly heard a thud from my manor. I hurried over to see what was going on. Liluth and Ehrendil followed. When I entered the room, I saw Areclia very agitated - on the edge. It turns out, Leika had voidal magic and casted (according to my girls - they were the only witnesses there).


    If anyone knows vodial magic and knows my child, voidal is extremely dangerous to epiphytes. Too long of exposure could potentially kill one.


    We all started freaking out and going back and forth. Unkind things were said between the 6 of us. In the end, Leika kept harassing Liluth verbally because of a conflict between each other and Ehrendil - which I had mentioned before. I repeatedly told Leika to leave since her existence could potentially kill my own child. 


    Leika did not leave and continued to bicker back and forth with Liluth until she lunged herself onto her. Arcelia stepped in before she had the chance. As the rest of us continued to tell her to leave, she did not. Andora stood up from her seat and punched Leika, trying to get her to stop her stubbornness. She also did it because Leika is a threat towards Arcelia - all Andora wanted to do was protect her older sibling.

    Unfortunately, the hit was hard enough to make her go unconscious. I had passed out shortly after from all the stress from the situation.


    This is my statement and this is what I know, heard, and saw. I did not see the reason to do anything sooner because usually in these types of situations, you would've been contacted and asked for a report.


    Two years, nothing. Not a single letter, not a single mention of anything. I did not see the point to go and report after time had passed since I did not hear a report from her. I did not want to over step. But then the missive was published. 

    I will not be commenting on the situation publicly from this point on. If you wish to talk, send me a letter.


    Dr. Esmeralda Mariana Guenevere de la Luz, Protector of the Hyspians,

    Elysian Post & Postal Founder, & Acting Chancellor of Culture







    responding to




  8. Esmeralda Guenevere de la Luz rolled her eyes as she read over the missive. "All of this could've been handled privately, but of course not. They didn't bother contacting me within the past two years. Nada. Suddenly, they want to make to this public? For what? Dramáticos."  And with that, she tossed the missive aside. "Dios, dame paciencia."

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