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    big man#2235
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  1. A savoyardic peasant pipes up with a fist to the air as he reads the missive. "The Hexers preserved my livestock, though much coin they demanded. I hope them fortune upon our shores."
  2. Mujahedeen


    Nestled deep within the alpine foothills to the east of the capital of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska rested a quaint sod roofed cabin. Within this humble abode is where Erwin Dellinger was conceived, being brought into the world during Malin’s Welcome in 1802 FA. His father, Roland Dellinger, was a quiet man who was an avid hunter, using his interest to make a living for his family selling the game he killed to the various manors and villages which dotted the roadways near their home all the way to Karosgrad. His mother, Emery Dellinger, on the other hand partook in botany when she wasn’t completing the household chores required for their frontier lifestyle. As a result of this earthy combination, it was only natural that Erwin would begin to adopt similar interests and adopt skills such as bush craft, hunting and trapping, and herbal identification. As the years of childhood began to turn into adolescence, the desire for adventure beyond the alpine foothills of boyhood began to overtake him. To temporarily satiate the dangerous desire, he took to negotiating the slopes of the highest foothills surrounding the family abode to gaze out at the barely visible flames dancing in the windows of the tallest timber frame houses encased in the walls of Karosgrad. From these aerial perches and the thoughts romanticizing the idea of wandering the highways, the desire only became stronger until he decided that upon becoming the age of 18, he would set out on those barren highways to make a name for himself. To give him something to work for while on the road, he fittingly decided to summit the highest mountains across the land so he could take in the breathtaking sights of human achievement sprawled out across the lands. Three years later, he would depart from his childhood shack in the dead of night with nothing but a bow, bedroll, and enough food to make it to Karosgrad to begin his days filled with adventure.
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