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Coal VIP
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Status Updates posted by Periphonics

  1. please send me crowns

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BoyWonderr


      please also send me crowns


    3. squakhawk
    4. Liam5232


      Simply do an IRL side-quest called "Get a job". Though it will lower your happiness stats, if you stay at your parent's house too long or get a low-quality job, it can drain almost all of your stats. You can go to college to get a higher-quality job, but it isn't guaranteed, and most speed-runners will just go straight to entrepreneurship. 

  2. 27 days until my birthday

  3. i should use statuses more but i can never think of anything funny

    1. z3m0s


      Sounds like you shouldn't use statuses more

  4. Kha are so cool

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