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About Liam5232

  • Birthday January 1

Contact Methods

  • Discord
  • Minecraft Username

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Prefer Not to Say

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Knox + Liam
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf + Human

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  1. I know most people may not know me or care all that much for what I do, but I am generally going to be leaving LOTC. I always tell people “LOTC is for fun. If you’re not having fun, it has run its course, and it’s time to move on”, and I’ll be following that advice. I won't delve into anything too specific, but there are a lot of things that have started going downhill. I am still open to DMs here or in Discord if you need/want anything.
  2. Imagine making a whitelist application, playing a couple weeks, leaving, and never looking back until someone (me) finds out another LOTCer found you in VRchat. You will roleplay. You will like it.

  3. Knox reads the paper "One would starve before finishing a half of their self-imposed titles"
  4. dont ******* swear on my minecraft server

    1. Liam5232


      oh that actually filtered... well done @xDK

  5. Knox would stare into the night... "Shit..."
  6. Knox is confused "Norland is Veletz? Heartlands? I need a new map"
  7. Who here played lanthyr way back when?

  8. Knox would shake his head "Where did they even get that he was teaching of Golems? Guess they were blinded by their own foolishness"
  9. how did I never see this post lol
  10. I think the key signs should be removed. having to right click a random block with a lever makes it near impossible to discover, and that, in my opinion, is very much unfair.
  11. Knox would smile, doing his best not to let out a laugh "T-That's Horrible..."
  12. Nation wars when people start appearing out of nowhere to grab a sword and helm
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