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Posts posted by ibiou

  1. G7pwRVUn1VdtDHxHwYTuwD7bvCyqojWPaYqwMrz-aOjarCBF9GrYWiBNhcXUBDShWtMpxXx0fO3khvT6toiquvV-RasbnpuA3qmjir_w2LaIGeN0VfBa7TckVcnPLq4AnXKCBdCl8BAYIWtmjOoSAXU






    14th of Gronna ag Droba, 428 E.S. | 14th of Tobias' Bounty, 1929




    The Barony of Verskaya is delighted to announce the matrilineal marriage of Baroness Alyona Rhetta Sviatovna Godunov and Lord Malcolm Sigmund Gant. Having grown alongside each other since childhood, causing mischief upon the lands, Lord Gant proposed to the baroness during the End of Lifstala Gala in front of the kingdom. Through the rite of marriage, they shall be unionised forevermore to uplift and support one another through both the ups and downs life hurdles their way.



    In the Everadian Basilica, the nuptials shall be performed by His Holiness, Pontiff Sixtus V where the couple will exchange their vows. His Excellency, Ser Vlad shall be walking Baroness Godunov down the aisle in place of her father figure, the late King Georg I, and her brother Anatoliy Altair Godunov.



    Due to their reputation as party-goers, Lorraine Lane will be decorated courtesy of the Duchess of Valwyck. The citizens of Hanseti-Ruska can revel in drinks, alcohol, and a night of dancing along the streets of Valdev. A wedding cake catered by Little Acre, a once-Petran bakery in Almaris, will be the centrepiece in the soon-to-be baron-consort’s favourite flavour: carrot. All are encouraged to bring high spirits and enjoy the merriment of the occasion. 



    Monday, the 19th of June - 6PM EST


    Formal invitations are given to the following:


    The Baronial House of Godunov

    The Baronial House of Gant


    His Royal Majesty, Aleksandr II Barbanov-Bihar, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his noble pedigree

    Her Grace, Roslin Baruch, Duchess of Valwyck and her noble pedigree

    His Grace, Manfred Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his noble pedigree

    His Grace, Aleksandr var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree

    The Right Honourable, Stanimar Ludovar, Count of Otistadt and his noble pedigree

    The Right Honourable, Ileana Kortrevich, Countess of Jerovitz and her noble pedigree

    The Right Honourable, Carolus Colborn, Count of Malkovya and his noble pedigree

    The Honourable, Audo Weiss, Viscount of Novkursain and his noble pedigree

    His Highness, Francisco de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia and his noble pedigree

    Her Ladyship, Nataliya Amador, Baroness of Mondstadt and her noble pedigree

    Their Lord and Ladyship, Arthur and Elia Stafyr, Baron and Baroness of Thurant and their noble pedigree


    Personal invitations are given to the following:


    His Royal Highness, Stefan Edvard Barbanov-Bihar, Duke of Akovia

    Her Royal Highness, Franziska Elaine Barbanov-Bihar, Duchess-consort of Akovia

    His Excellency, Fabian Kortrevich, Grand-Lord of Hanseti-Ruska

    His Highness, Ser Heinrich von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather

    His Lordship, Viktor var Ruthern

    Her Ladyship, Aleksandra vas Ruthern

    His Lordship, Andrik var Ruthern

    Firr, Godric ap Cynefrifh Easworth, Alderman of the Shire of Steadfast

    The Ministry of the Emissar





    Her Excellency, Alyona Rhetta Sviatovna Godunov,
    Lady Emissary of Hanseti-Ruska, Baroness of Verskaya


    His Lordship, Malcolm Sigmund Gant



  2. Over her morning cigarette (which she had said she would give up, but alas), Alyona Godunov read over Rayne's Alderman campaign. "We both share similar ideals." The Lady Emissary mused, her lips curling at their edges. "Perhaps we ought to meet. If she does niet win ve Alderman votes, then ea must scoop her up for ve Ministry. Such a thoughtful soul.Tap, tap, tap... The ash fell into the tray, and she tucked the missive away for another time.

  3. Papej, Lorena, Anatoliy, Georg...


    The list kept growing. It kept her up at night, restless - fated to her paternal figure's loneliness. They say that fathers pass down their traits to their daughters, and alas Georg had done the same. She was left now to be abandoned for eternity, and only the mention of it brought her great dread.


    She had been so young when he had taken her in as his ward, so loud-mouthed when he had picked up her. There she was, little Alyona Godunov. Her father was absent up until his death, mother running rampant around on adventures. She learnt pretty early on that it was her fate to be trapped in the confinements of her obligations: her House, leading it, and bring forth the prosperity of a newfound generation. There was no parental guidance to mould her into that woman, no steady hand upon her back to guide the way. That was until her and Georg had met - a bask of light it had been.

    Years had passed and she grew alongside him. They had spoken before his disowned daughter was executed in the square, up on the balcony of the palace. Hushed whispers of their woes, and it was the moment Alyona had realised he were the father she had needed. They never spoke of it to each other, their relationship, but it was mutually understood. The night of the Mori siege where her own brother had died, the baroness had come to King Georg's defence and took the piercing for him. He should of been dead that night, but he survived; Alyona was crumpled in the snow. Out of fear for her life he had called her 'family' - Family. It is what she had desired for so long, functionality, yet the news of Anatoliy had ripped that from her.


    It hadn't been ten minutes since she was proposed to tonight, aiming for stability and functionality once more, and yet the news of his departure had taken it from her. In the ballroom did the feelings erupt in her chest, a conundrum of thunder, that left her heart shattering into pieces. Georg had hexed her, and she was cursed with that hole in her heart where he had been. She was again alone.

  4. Godmother of the Akovian baby, Alyona Godunov was the most cheerful lady in all of the Hanseti-Ruskan lands! Already she was rushing around the streets of Valdev, gathering things to put in a basket as a gift to both the new-born and Franziska. "Mea darling girl! How loved vy shall be..." She cooed to herself.

  5. There was no consciousness to the princess' infant mind, yet she knew one thing was for certain: she was no longer the youngest. Isabel of Kvenoland hated being an older sister. When she was watched by the ladies-in-waiting, the precious time she spent glued to her mother's lap was now replaced with a dark-haired thing. Oh, how she detested it so! Blue bulging eyes welled up with tears more often than in her first year; at night, loud shrieks longing for the Queen's attention. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Haeseni Hearsay said:

    This writer can only hope Her Highness is not impaired by this facade later in her life.


    Her Highness will definitely be impaired by her father and brother's facade later in her life. For now, she could only cheer and clap whenever a horse went by the palace window.

  7. Baroness Alyona almost fell out of her seat in her new home. After having witness the Duchess' journey from hosting private parties for their friends to now marriage, she could only stare at her invitation and gawk. "Of course ea shall be there!" She yelled to no one in particular, alone in her Godunov homestead. "Why would ea miss ve most important day in mea close friend's life?!" And with that, Alyona embarked on a mission to pick out her finest garbs in her storage for the wedding day.

  8. The Baby Princess Isabel had been throwing her fair share of tantrums ever since the mainline presentations. Her wailing could be heard throughout the Esrova Prikaz's halls the following night, dry and aimless... until she was presented with a figure of a horse. Strange, this phenomena is. Perhaps she will grow up thinking she is part-horse, and run across the moorlands of Hanseti-Ruska in search for her true father one day.

  9. Princess Isabel of Kvenoland was lulled against her mother as the downpour of guests - family and ladies-in-waiting alike - made gushes and coos in her direction. Despite it all did she sleep now, peacefully, dreaming about her next feeding...

  10. Windswept from the breeze of the salty seas was Alyona's hair still, stepping foot off of the boat she had housed in for two years, her handmaid lugging her bags. The Lady Emissary had a lot on her plate these forthcoming months, from diplomatic affairs to settling her House, yet reassuringly did she tell herself that it'll all be worth it. Valdev; the Heart of the Kingdom. Was it also the tree that bore fruitful, new beginnings? She certainly hoped so. 

  11. Happy pride, everyone!


    If anyone wishes for more information on some LGBTQIA+ groups that aren't only in America, the Kaleidoscope Trust is a non-profitable organisation that campaigns for rights across the Commonwealth countries. LGBTQIA+ activity is still criminalised in most of these countries due to the colonial regime of Great Britain, where homophobic laws persecute people for living their truths even today. The work the organisation does is amazing and informative, so it is definitely worth a read.


  12. On a voyage back to the people she referred to as home, Lady Emissary Alyona Godunov received her invitation via a crow at sea. She had been sailing since the fall of Almaris, to clear one’s mind of grief — a fog thick in the thoughts of the baroness, that did not disperse at the rise of dawn. 


    A faint smile curled upon her lips now as she held it close, her fingertips rubbing the parchment softly. “Did vy get one too, Malcolm?” Murmured she as she ducked her head out from her cabin, waving the envelope over to a certain Gant she brought along with her over a year ago. “It is the beacon of light that beckons us home.



  13. Yet again, another life was lost. A pale hand took it upon herself to scratch out Wiktor on the painting that hung onto her wall, to where less than half a dozen of the figures remained. Like ghosts, still would they linger glooming over her forevermore... and to which she could only reminisce a young Wiktor in the days of yore.

  14. There was a promise made tonight, and a promise broken. 

    Hours did the Godunov duo spend in the harsh snowy climates of Fenn, a sister clinging to her brother's side. Drowsiness had hit her already, the frostbite nibbling away, yet she still tried talking - Anatoliy's voice a comfort to her pain. He sounded like a lullaby, something that should lull her to sleep with his song. Yet, she insisted on staying awake. Stay alive, he had said. He had urged her to, so badly, wrapping his own cloak around her for warm. The chaos of battle sieged on behind the wall as they both stayed there for what felt like hours, the cold seeping in.

    Alyona had told him she had loved him in those moments, and it still rang true. So true in fact, that his last day they had spent not at each other's throats but rather, in the comfort of one another. She remembered the way his hands felt in her own, and she compared it to when they were five - the same hands smaller, dragging each other through Verskayan fields in fits of laughter. The Pirate and the Bird. God, she had wanted to protect him so badly; her father had told her to. Yet, here he was, protecting her. And here she was now, without him. The world felt so cold. There was no erasing it this time. The last, he had gotten away with his limbs, escaping death. The last, she had cried plentiful. A baby, he had called her for it over and over again. Was she a baby now to him? Alyona would never know.

    A part of her for a long time after his death longed for him. Violent fits in the night had her screaming Anatoliy's name for everyone to hear in the corridors of Verskaya. Nightmares - his scorched flesh had burnt an image in her mind. The darkness was unbearable. Nothing would be the same again, nothing in comparison to the times before. Only a faint flutter of a heartbeat reminded of the Godunov, who never truly recovered from her injuries, deep down.



    There are no words to truly describe how much you meant to me, Matt, in being apart of my LoTC journey. You're one of the first people who truly believed me in Haense - truly got to know me. I know we already play siblings on other personas (we still have Anne and Adrian, haha!) yet the deepness we truly had with Alyona and Anatoliy is something I can possibly never experience again with anyone else.


    Thank you for just sticking it out with me through all of it, I love you. I'm looking forward to future plans we make on here. (-:


  15. Alyona had stood on the edge of the barracks, gripping at Malcolm's arm. There was once a time the Lady Emissary had called Lorena a dear friend of hers; many-a year ago, by Lake Voron, their laughs harmonious when getting up to no good. Though, that time was over long before they had truly started. The entire situation of the Gant's treason had shook her to her core, made her feel something more than just the bitterness of betrayal. Often, she found herself thinking of where she might have gone wrong in their friendship. If I had been more kind, more forward, more gentle...

    All of these thoughts concluded the moment she saw steel hit flesh. 

    The hours after were ones Alyona Godunov would never truly forget. The comforting of Lorena's brother was one. She had spent the entire eve by his side, and the night was the same; the cries, the murmurs, the apologies. The Godunov would only let herself grieve later after Malcolm was asleep, and there she would pour her heart out for only God to hear. Oh, it was so tiresome being so strong.



    HaenseAchievement.png Untitled.png?width=662&height=662


    Agreed upon on this 9th hag i Msitza ag Dargrund, 472 E.S. | 9th day of Harren’s Folly, 1919

    Between the Dual Monarchy of Hanseti-Ruska and the Serene State of Lurin




    The Dual Monarchy of Hanseti-Ruska and the Serene State of Lurin, hereon referred to as “the signatories”, mutually recognise each others’ status as fully autonomous states. This includes the right to fully rule and govern their territories as they see fit and non-interference in internal affairs. 



    The signatories pledge themselves to a pact of non-aggression between their States, and shall not incite conflict between them.



    The signatories pledge themselves to raise their forces in the aid of one another when it comes to the fight against Darkspawn currently seeking to bring the lands of Almaris to ruin.



    The signatories wishing to promote free trade amongst one another and their people, shall allow the respective national Trading Companies of either signatory to own a tax-free stall within each other's Capitals.



    The Oasis Accord shall be in effect from the moment it is signed, and shall be in effect for ten years.





    His Royal Majesty, Georg I, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera.


    Her Excellency, Alyona Rhetta Sviatovna Godunov, Lady Emissary of Hanseti-Ruska, Baroness of Verskaya


    Sterling Percy Amador, Vice-Emissar of Hanseti-Ruska


    The Silver Lubba

    August Ahri’onn, High Diplomat of Lurin & Serpent Elder of the Athri’onn

  17. The youngest on the council, newly appointed Lady Emissary Alyona Godunov, was practically beaming. Having taken in her aunt's path filling the position, she was eager to prove herself more than ever; her fingers itched for new opportunity. Firstly though, off she was from her home in Verskaya to send a letter of many thanks.

  18. A king and a baroness stood overlooking the skyline of Karosgrad, the roaring city below them. Alyona Godunov was no stranger to Georg's company these past few years, yet no matter how hard she tried in the moment, she could not bring herself to speak on what happened. Instead, she stayed by his side where her company (she hoped) could be needed the most; a smile, genuine despite its sheepishness. 

    A man who raised her, a liege she swore fealty to, a mentor she aspired to be - oh, it ached her heart to see him this way. It ached her heart to see everyone affected by the mess of the Adrian plague, the way it plighted the brains of those who sought it out in mere curiousity. There was no loyalty to be seen nowadays, and it angered- no, it enraged Alyona to the core. There was no understanding to her, the treason one to could commit. It was one thing to go against the Crown... yet her own father? Her brothers? They had given Mariya everything, yet it would of never be enough. There was a whole encore who had supported the Barrow; even Alyona herself had declared it so the last time they had spoken. There was no reason to Alyona why or what brought her to this now.

    A king and a baroness stood overlooking the skyline of Karosgrad, the roaring city below them. Too many memories, they both had said about the square, and many more were to come in the following moments. So many thoughts running through her mind, and one thing was for certain: the Godunov would stay by King Georg's side, now until the end. Only then would she see loyalty.

  19. A Godunov comforted her brother over her news from their home in Verskaya. Alyona had been donning a face of stone for days, with the early stages of stress present above her brow. "It is only right and just, mea dear borsa." She kept telling him, "She did niet deserve vyr friendship. Nie matter how many times vy were to tell her nie, she would of continued."


  20. The Baroness of Verskaya beamed with the news of the Gant's elevation to Lord Palatine, having been close with his children such as Malcolm from a young age. "Ea must congratulate him and send mea blessins', for ve man truly deserves all ve work he puts into ve koengzem." Having said that, she went to work putting together a little basket of trinkets and miscellaneous items, followed by a handpicked bouquet of fresh baby's breath.

  21. It had been a while since she had seen him, Otton. She had spent in her room dwindling away, unreachable like a hermit in its cave, Comoară's eternal prisoner. A specific painting loomed on one side of the wall above a piano she kept, one of yore. Haunted did it hang; a reminder. There was no rest for the damned, and too often would she have to cross out another face on the portrait. Her former life once more continued to fade before her very eyes, even the ones she thought would be forever looming over her it seemed.

  22. Alyona Godunov mounted the battle-axe on her wall that King Georg had given her before the fight at Vortice. Proudly did it hang, displayed until her 'battle buddy' needed her next. "Truly, they do niet know a battle if it hit them on ve head. Good luck to them when they fight ve Mori themselves, ve bastard Adrians, for we will sit back and laugh." The Godunov murmured.

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