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Everything posted by Zandurial

  1. ((Username)): GrannyZandu Name: Zandoin Irongut Age: 80(ish) Are you a citizen of Urguan?: yes Are you of Urguan’s Folk? (A Dwarf/Honorary): Dwarf
  2. Zandurial


    Zandoin Greyfoot was born into a dwarven family and had quite the pleasant early childhood where he aquired skills in survival and was eager to learn and copy anything he has seen or heard. He was told to being of the Ireheart clan but he was too young to understand what this meant for him or his family. After the quiet and happy family got raided by Goblins where everyone except for Zandoin got slaughtered, he was caged and held for as cattle. He served a long time in an underground prison where he learned to listen to the stone's whispers and the wind's howling when the goblin group was raided by elves where he thought he would be finally released. But the elves decided to let him rott in his cell. A rumble in the mountains dislocked the prison gate on the verge of starvation and Zandoin released himself into the unknown. He was hold captive for years and has not seen the sunlight. He was on his own, without food, money and even proper clothes. He emerged from underground and started gathering fruits to fill himself. He swore to himself to never be caged again, he fears a cage more than anything from his captivity on. Then he started wandering around to search for edibles, clothes and what he most seeked, a book. He wanted to relearn the reading, as he was not able to read a single letter in years. Once on his journey to civilisation he fell asleep, hungry and delusional when he had the dream of the Mountain speaking to him, all around there are runes appearing and disappearing in his dreams, telling him to look for and find the hidden wisdom beneath. Zandoin does not know anything about ancient knowledge nor magic itself, but he feels like he knows that magic is real and that there are secrets to mankind to be revealed. Here we are, starting his journey of seeking untold wisdom.
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