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About SilverTheMoon

  • Birthday November 30

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Art, Music, League of Legends, Overwatch, Modded Minecraft

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Altheya Valin'dar
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf

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  1. Origin Dewberries, also known to the Dark elves as "Lunar Berries", is a form of bio-luminescent flora native to the deep caves of Nor'Asath. Both the flowers and the berries themselves have a great many purposes, but the plant itself is few in numbers. General Facts Dewberries thrive deep underground where light is little but water is plenty, and can thrive in any space that has bio-luminescent algae, water, and darkness. If given time, one will see the single flower of the Dewberry plant open and produce a yellow light on each stamen end that, if seen from below, looks like a small cluster of stars. Farmed plants will never have as brilliant a light due to the algae never having all the natural nutrients they need and the possibility of multiple plants being grown in the same area. If natural light is brought upon the plant, all color will recede and the plant will die in a few minutes if not put back in the shadows, however, light produced from other plants, animals, or fire do it no harm. Uses - Perfumes made out of the petals themselves will have a scent that reminds one of the night air, crisp and with a bite. - Cooking with both the flower, leaves, and berries is highly recommended, if cooked correctly the berries themselves add a nutty flavor to most meats while adding a berry flavor when sugar is present. The leaves act as a spice leaf, to be added only when cooking and never eaten. When added to low and slow cooking Dewberry leaves add a herbal and slightly floral scent. The flower petals do not add anything to cooking except when dried up and ground into a powder, when in this powder form the petals act like a spice, imparting a soft heat. - If the stem is ground down into a paste, it can be used for a basic surface level numbing agent. Perfect for scratches, itchiness, and all other sorts of small injuries; though much more mild in effect than herbs specialized in such a role. Redlines; -Dewberry plants, while mildly effective in medical use, are not as effective as other herbs in specific roles; acting as a mild remedy. -Dewberry plants are player-signed, and do not require ST signature. -Dewberry plants are not noded. -Dewberry plants may not mask the taste of something which would otherwise offput it (Such as a lore-approved poison or curse, unless otherwise stated in the lore-approved poison/curse's lore.) -Dewberry plants do not have any alchemy signs or symbols.
  2. Altheya Valin'dar smirks from her position at the gate "Our books now suckers. Pay the knowledge tax or suffer."
  3. SilverTheMoon


    Born in the Princedom of Elvenesse, Altheya witnessed firsthand the horror of dragon fire as Azdromoth unleashed his wrath upon the city of Amathea when she was naught but a child. Her father and her father both fought in the battle and by the graces of the Ancestors, were unharmed. Although, sadly a family friend Vival Velulaei'onn was not as lucky. He passed away in Sevrel's armes as the great city burned. Altheya, while young, thinks this is the reason her father chose to uproot their family and move them to the Stiygian Hollow, where her father now serves as Lord Warmaster of the Vindicators of Uradas under the city's new name Nor'asath. Thus from a young age Altheya took after her father Sevrel in the ways of the Warrior, be it with Blades or Arrows (Though she tends towards Arrows). While she still loved the arts her heart lie in a sword, often times sneaking out of music with her sisters to go train in the woods. Despite this her relationship with her siblings was never one of contention, they loved each other and were thick as thieves, often times playing pranks on family members or their father. Around the age of 7 Altheya took to learning about her Clan's past, or lack there of, and from then on she has devoted most of her waking hours to finding out more! Oftentimes asking other Clans if they knew anything or trying to piece it all together like a giant puzzle. At age 16 she started a small journal of sketches and daily events, realizing that if history was so easily lost then she may as well make as much history as she can for future generations.
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