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About mightynight312

  • Birthday 09/17/2005

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    High Elf

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  1. Name: Vulwin Race: High Elf Age: ~120 [[OOC]] Username: mightynight312 Discord: Blueastic124#0675 Timezone: Alaska Standard Time
  2. Name: Vulwin Race: High Elf Age: 100 Gender: Male [[OOC]] Username: mightynight312 Discord: Blueastic124#0675 Timezone: Alaska standard time
  3. mightynight312


    Vulwin was born and raised in the Karosgrad, he learned how to cook and clean for the people in town, mostly because his parents were merchants that moved through the kingdom a lot and left him alone with his younger sister to care for. Vulwin was not a great socialist when he was young, he would work and cook and stayed out of peoples way, this made life lonely for him, but one day he made a friend who enjoyed his humor and liked the same thing as him but they moved without ever saying goodbye. When Vulwin grew older he would see his parents way less, but he would read books of the world and the other races out there, since he's only really seen humans dwarfs and elves, this inspired him to get the idea of traveling and seeing new things. After the Third Atlas Coalition War his parents never came home and the only thing left behind was his parent's journal of their past travels and it inspired him to become a travel merchant and try to see where his parents went. After years past Vulwin had left Karosgrad in search of new things and info on his parents. His journey was hard to go through since he started with no money and had to stop in the nearest town, to earn cash but he was robbed after asking for a job at a tavern and was only left with his clothes and not much left. After he went a few towns over he met a person that had no name and told him some tips on selling goods and living a life as a travel merchant, so with this new info he sets out to try to earn lots of money and find secrets of the world that he lives in after many terrible events to seek out the truth.
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