What is your name?: Jack Paleheart
How old are you?: 35-43
What is your race?: Human
Are you aware of the rules of the College and that not conforming with them will attract consequences?: Yes
What class do you wish to teach, of the options?
(X) Common Studies
What is your experience on the chosen subject?: jack's been around long enough to pick up a few things how to use your hands defence against dark spawn defence he can spend it's your basic cooking skills and other things that you could use in your common world like mathematics and other things alike
Why is it you wish to teach said subject?: It would be fun ring it with everyone
What is your interpretation of the phrase "Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya" and what does it mean to you?: if you progress and work hard, in the future you'll be healthier in the end of your life
How many Elven Hours a week are you able to dedicate to this profession?: 14-20
Anything else you wish to add?: I can't wait to rp