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    Nefarious wares, and things.

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When the stars align closer when the Aeons are reaching their peak before the transition into the next era of civilization. The 'alchemical' form changes the soul in various ways regarding it's meta-physiology which may out-weigh ego, shadow, and or self. Although, counterparts. Within the disproportional change they begin to cause conflicting behavior. It could allow the person to lose their 'Yakub' circles. Being unable to tap into them they'll be unable to channel into the kinetic wave lengths of Ahrzamon which connect stars that align with a planet that may represent a God. These 'Entities' may alter what can be done within the physical realm of the 8 planes of existence. The Confederation of Mankind will find these Yakubian defectors and hunt them down usng their WiFi Federal Agency Telekinesis Invasion powers to locate their Umbra Sigil which represents their location. After doing such they'lll use their tools to deconstruct the soul by ripping apart their particles that connect the soul and the body. After such they will cease to exist and be unable to reincarnate within the Plant of Earth or similar Goldie Lox planets in either Dimension. Going back to a previous chapter, D. vibrates at the frequency of 6D and originates from the star system of Berur, located in the cluster NGC 6760 of the Constellation of Centaurus. He is acting in the service of the Supraconfederation at the base Ephygia, located in the orbit of Mars. In this post, your role is to monitor the activity of the Sun and the flow of ships moving through this stargate. D. also monitors a group of consciousnesses incarnated on Earth, of which the mentee is a part, and has the mission of guiding them in fulfilling the Operation Rescue agenda. Aldebaran a star system not far from such galaxies that are near us. It itself is one of thee brightest stars and it actually represents the taurus.

ვარსკვლავების დასკვნა, რომლებიც ტრიალებენ და სულს ამჟღავნებენ, კოცნის მზეს, რომელიც ვარსკვლავურ ღამეს ტოვებს, სატურნის დამამშვიდებელი ღიმილით. ასეთი ღიმილით ისინი ამაყად დაინახავენ ნახევარღმერთების ეპოქას, რომელიც ცნობილია როგორც მამაკაცები, რომლებიც დაიპყრობენ სამყაროს. ავაზაკები დაიპყრობენ ვარსკვლავებს და ააშენებენ ცივილიზაციას, რომელიც დემიურგის მიღმა იქნება ცნობილი, რათა გაანადგურონ იგი. გააერთიანეთ ანიმიზმი და ენერგეტიკული დამოუკიდებელი კავშირები, რომლებიც ყველა ღმერთს აერთიანებს. პლანეტა, ვარსკვლავი, სიმბოლოები, მნიშვნელობა. ყველა მათგანი რწმენის ენერგიაა. აძლევთ ძალას ღმერთებს? ან თავს დაანებებთ კაცობრიობის იუდაურ "აღტაცებას".

သင့်လိုက်နာမှုက ဘာမှမဟုတ်တဲ့အတွက်ပေါ့။ သင်၏ဝိညာဉ်ကို ပရိုမေသီယပ်စ်နှင့်အတူ မီးရှိုရန် မီးကွင်းထဲသို့ ထည့်ထားပြီ။ သင် သည် လူသား တို့ ၏ စိုး လ် သို့မဟုတ် ယင်း ၏ အပိုင်းအစ တစ် ခု ကို ခိုး ယူ ခဲ့ ပြီ ။ ဒါက 'နတ်ဆိုးတွေ' ကို စိတ်ပျက်စေလိမ့်မယ်။ ဘုရားသခင်မဲ့ဝါဒီများစွာ၏ ကံကြမ္မာကို သင်တွေ့ဆုံပါလိမ့်မည်။ သင်သည် ထိုင်လိုစိတ်ရှကင သခပသလ။ စကဝဠအတငမ စညမဉခမတဖပ။ မထငဘ။ သငသည ကနကငသသတကသ အပပ၍ ဤကမဘက နငယကသ ကပရရငစတကသ လဘကလမမည။ သငဟ လသတက ရပတနသစမယ မငစသတပ။
(I made this, DO not use.)

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