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Everything posted by EleventhSoldier

  1. Full Name, First and Last: Lorelei Halforde Are you a Voidal Mage? Aspirants and fledgling mages will not be turned away: I am an aspirant mage, not only in voidal magic but in regards to becoming a seer as well. What schools of voidal magic are you familiar with, and which do you practice? If the answer is none yet you have interest, please write ‘Not Applicable’: Not Applicable What puts you a cut above the rest?: I have lived 20 years without sight, flourishing despite any challenges I have had, including the 'end of the world.' I have a passion for magic that I am determined to pursue, and despite any disadvantages I may have from my lack of sight, I will more than make up for it in consistency and hard work. I believe I will have a unique perspective on magic and other topics due to my different perspective on the world, allowing us to 'delve into how far mortal hands may stretch and transform our magic' as you said. Do you have any notable accomplishments?: None yet. What do you expect or wish to achieve in this endeavor?: I wish to both learn magic and aid in further development in the magic and intellectual fields. I also wish to become a powerful mage to aid just causes. Any questions?: No questions, thank you for your time. *The letter seems to be written in shaky cursive, with words having inconsistent spacing and running lopsided along the page in spots, though it is completely legible*
  2. I write this whilst laying in bed, half-delirious so forgive me of my errors, and forgive me of my wish to lead another life through story. I love my husband and daughter but all the death that surrounds me while I sleep suspended in time by sickness wearies me of life. I want to get better, I do, to finally be a part of my family again before more people leave me. I miss the years when I ran through the woods, searching for nothing at all, simply enjoying the freedom and burn of my lungs. I miss returning home to the Morovar family’s loving embrace, finding my mamej at the center of it all, leading the chaos steadily. I miss my papej, who was always running the house, dealing with court shenanigans, and yet found the energy to love each and every one of us. I miss my eldest borsa Wilhelm and the many fond times we had together, from jumping off roofs into his arms to the day he got my first puppy, Iris. Then there's my borsa Arjen, always up for some mischief and adventure, who was the first to sneak me alcohol in my younger years, and went hunting for goblins in the woods with me. I miss my whole family, together, like those nights in my childhood that I thought would never end. I miss myself as well, and mourn for my loss of strength, the energy I have lost in my battle against sickness that has disallowed me from making the changes I wish to see happen. Even so, I am thankful towards my husband who has stood by me every step of the way- since my very first outing alone to Karosgrad all those years ago. You have been my dearest and best friend and I cherish every moment I spend with you, even while I lay here, writing in our bed. It started during Lifstala, when what I thought was merely a bad season of colds took away my experiences, robbed me of my debut along with many other events I wished to enjoy. I was then given a grace period, though that time was filled with arguments between my favorite borsa Wilhelm and my love Lorence. They both feared losing me and thus could only see the other as the enemy. I was unable salvage their relationship as I fell sick shortly after my marriage to Lorence, and I was rendered unable to tell my borsa about the wedding because his duties had taken him elsewhere. I thank all those who did show up for our union, it being the last time I saw both of my parents, Leopold and Maeve Morovar. Though my mamej still lives Leopold was murdered shortly after I fell ill, his death occurring at the height of my sickness and rendering me blindsided upon hearing the news when I was finally better. At that point all I wanted, and all I still want, was to reconcile with the family I have left, raise my little Laila who came into this world shortly after my papej died, and be a good wife. I started the process of mending the ties between my love and Wilhelm, but sickness once again rendered me useless despite new attempts at finding out the source of the problem, and I was unable to finish my work. I fell ill once again and this time I woke up with the news of my borsa’s death on my husband’s lips. I cannot describe to anyone the pure madness that moment brought me, nor the grief that tore through me, but I am sure those who have lost their most important confidants can imagine. I write and finish this a saint’s day after his death reaches my ears, unable to get up from my bed and comfort those he held dearest in his later life. I apologize for my absence yet again. So in my grief I am picking up my ink and quill to write as I did in my younger years, to write and write and write until I can figure out this puzzle. Now, however, I write not only for entertainment but to bring meaning to the world around me which seems to get darker by the day, as I lay here suspended in time by my illness. I write to reach someone else who may be in pain, who may need an escape, who may need a reason to live and fight just as I do. I write just in case I die tomorrow, so that all those I know in life are sure of my love for them, and to get them through what could be a tumultuous time. I write so if I do get better I understand the thoughts going through my head in this feverish time, and to explain to my daughter why her mamej was so absent for her first steps, words, and all the other firsts 1st’s I've missed. Dedicated to: Lorence Colborn, my husband and best friend Wilhelm Morovar, my beloved borsa and role-model Maeve Morovar, my mamej who encouraged me through everything And Little Laila Colborn, my daughter who gives me the courage to live. Beauty Incarnate. I awaken from a nightmare, insanity in which my life lies tattered and broken. To find my dearest husband besides me, looking handsome as he sleeps With rays of early morning sunshine lighting upon his skin. His eyes flutter open and I am met by an alluring ocean Filled to the brim with love and happiness. Beauty incarnate. I awaken from a nightmare, in which my dearest borsa is dead. I am left giggling however as he sits up at the same time I do and our heads clatter together. We had fallen asleep together underneath the apple tree at Ghastenwald, After playing together forever in our home. We both jump up together, and run off to have more adventures, hand-in-hand. Beauty incarnate. I awaken from a nightmare, in which my mamej is nowhere to be found. Only to delight upon the sound of her voice ringing out downstairs, traveling towards me. She opens the door and the breath is taken from my lungs upon realizing just how similar we are. My mamej, the most dazzling, intelligent, and loving woman I will ever know. I get up from my desk to embrace her, telling her about all the ways I am trying to live up to her. Beauty incarnate. I awaken from a nightmare, in which I left my little Laila all alone. Only to hear her screeches of excitement as my husband plays with her in the other room. My little bundle of mischief, I will someday delight upon how far you’ve come. But for now I join them, playing simple little games you seem to never grow tired of. Oh how happy we are together. Beauty incarnate. I awaken from a nightmare, in which my papej was murdered. But I flash my toothy grin at him as he gently shakes me, for I had fallen asleep at dinner. I then pretend to sleep, and even though he knows I am awake, he carries me to bed, Night after long night. My diligent, hard working papej, forever looking after us. Beauty incarnate. I awaken from a nightmare, in which I hadn’t talked to my brother Arjen for years. Only to hear him getting yelled at for his mischief in Karosgrad. She promises our parents will hear about this, but I am able to charm his way out. And we walk off to fight goblins in the woods, makeshift swords in hand. My mischievous, trouble causing, lovely, fun borsa, who always has my back. Beauty incarnate. I awaken from a nightmare, in which I am unsure of what my sister Juliya is up to. Only to find her scrapping with another kid over the Morovar house honor. I laugh, and cheer her on, and of course she wins. And I help her up, bringing her to the medics. She is strong, beautiful, prideful, and on her way to become the best knight in Karosgrad. Beauty incarnate. I awaken from a nightmare, in which the Barony of Ghastenwald is dissolved. To hear the laughter of my family around me at a family dinner. We are joyous, and proud, and mad in the best way. Most importantly though we are together. And we know as long as that’s true, nothing else matters. Beauty incarnate. I awaken from a nightmare, in which I have nothing to do with my new family, the Colborns. To around the fireplace, hearty conversation filling the room along with laughter, A sense of belonging in the air, kinship. I know I will be right at home, serving as the bridge between the Colborns and Morovars A giant family who all love me. Beauty incarnate. I awaken from a nightmare, in which I am no longer myself. Finding my face smeared with ink, having knocked it over in my sleep. I get up and clean it up, staring in the mirror for a moment at my healthy complexion, Before going off to do everything I love, from writing, to adventuring around the forest And bonding with each and every person I love. Beauty incarnate I awaken from a dream, into the nightmare my life has become. As I look at the broken pieces, and every place I have messed up I realize I still have a chance. Wilhelm and Leopold may be dead, but there are so many others to love So many chances I hope not to waste, and to do so I have to fight. Fight to get better, and reach a place where I can be happy again. I will never forgive myself for being lulled to sleep, never forget those I have lost, As I look in the mirror at my sallow skin, I find strength. Beauty incarnate. While I may not have the opportunity to live through most of what is above, I still have a chance to live a happy, full life.
  3. Maesie Morovar-Colborn receives the letter on what could very well be her death bed, the illness that has plagued her since her Lifstala stealing her life away even still. The letter is read to the half-delirious woman by her husband, Lorence Colborn, who she loves despite how constantly he would bicker with her most beloved borsa, Wilhelm. Upon hearing the news the woman springs up, only to collapse on her bedside as her aching body gives out beneath her, sobs racking her. Her mind flashes through all the moments with her Borsa, from jumping off the roof into his arms as a child, to when he got her the first and only dog she has had, Iris, who sits beside her even now, old age rendering her as unmoving as her owner. The final thought in her mind however before she collapses from grief in her weakened state is how she never did fully make up to her borsa, something she will regret for the rest of her life- though that may not be long.
  4. *Maesie Morovar looks at the list of people for the millionth time, hmming to herself knowing she forgot someone, before a moment of divine intervention pulls the name to the front of her mind, Noemie Oxensteirna, and she grimaces at her mistake. She walks to her soon to be husband, the hectic planning for the wedding having gotten to her, and talks to him about resending invites with the change made*
  5. *Maesie Evelyn Morovar looks at the letter, frowning that her borsa didn't write her name specifically in the invitations section, but nonetheless she smiles, happy she won't miss his second wedding*
  6. *Imaza Halforde reads the notice, a satisfied smile on her face, before doing a goofy little salute in the comfort of her own home, with only the presence of her children and husband*
  7. Maesie Morovar looks over the letter before returning to writing something of her own, barely registering the stories, though she was present for the fight between Isadora and Analeisa.
  8. EleventhSoldier


    I am the firstborn daughter of a proud guardsman, who used to work in the military, and fiery field medic. I was always intensely curious about my parents' work, following one or the other around to their workplace on days I was permitted, and this often worked out as they were unable to find me a permanent sitter. When I was 6 years old or so my last sister was brought into the world, with a problem during childbirth leaving my mother sterile with 4 daughters. This begged the question of who was to continue our lineage’s profession, as our family had always passed down the art of swordsmanship to the male heir. Rather than let this tradition die out and seeing my curiosity towards the subject my father decided I was to be trained by him as if I was the male heir. The training started the very day I turned 7 with him waking me up early to do drills and learn from him everything it took to be a warrior, along with lessons two days a week from my mother about medicine and the history of Norland which allowed my body to rest. This went on for years, with only occasional breaks for worship of the Red Faith or special market days. Soon enough the time came when I turned 9 and it came out that the doctors had been wrong and my mother was pregnant again and I felt so confused, while I was happy for another sibling I was worried that if it was a boy I would be replaced. In the meantime my father kept up training and drills, convinced it would be a girl and I would have nothing to worry about. In the end my nightmares came to fruition and a baby boy was born, training halting slowly as he started growing, stopping completely by the time I was 17, leaving me unable to completely master swordsmanship without guidance to push me forward. In the next two years I became closer to my mother, trying to ignore every time my brother was congratulated for his achievements and focus on what had been the other side of my training- becoming a medic. I worked hard and studied furiously, trying each day to exhaust myself so much I wouldn’t think about what I had lost and how much swordsmanship had meant to me. It didn’t work, so each night I would sneak out and work on drills and improve my strength so maybe my father would see my potential and continue teaching me. Two years passed with this hope slowly dying out until I realized if I wanted to finish my training I would need to travel elsewhere, find someone who would help me. The last straw however was when I collapsed from exhaustion and stress for the 9th time in the two years. So I left, I stopped filling up my time with medicine and told my family it was time I went out on my own, that I would make them proud. Despite the struggles with my father I was sad to be leaving and it was a tearful goodbye on both sides but I set off anyway, unwilling to keep sacrificing my health and sanity like I was.
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