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Everything posted by PrimnyaQuorum

  1. Young Hearts & High Towers In the year of our Lord, 24th of The Sun's Smile 126 S.A. It pleases the newlyweds to announce the celebration of the union of Lord Haus Weiss & Dona Ravn Casemira Vuiller The marriage took place within the Basilica of Saint Henrik of Haeseni-Ruska in a private ceremony for the families to attend and officiated by Father Petyr. May the couple be blessed in their future endeavors and fly ever high. This match came from a mutual friendship that spawned from a love of learning. Over the years it blossomed into more, much to the delight of the families of the two newlyweds. Formal Invitations are sent, or hand delivered, to the following in no particular order: His Royal Majesty, King Georg I and his Esteemed Pedigree The Blessed Citizenry of Haelun’or Countess Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller and her Esteemed Pedigree Viscount Carolus Ivan Colborn and his Esteemed Pedigree Viscount Audo Weiss and his Esteemed Pedigree Viceroy Francisco de Pelear and his Esteemed Pedigree Firr Roui Tawarerion Firress Valindra Nullivari Sovereign of the Depths, Lenora Jusmia and her Esteemed Pedigree Firr Kin Firr Aeriolaneth Lord Fabian Kortrevich Events: Ceremony The Main Ceremony will take place within the Eternal Library, with the traditional speech to be given by Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr. Boat Race Immediately following the Ceremony, a Boat Race will be held in the waters surrounding Haelun’or. The winner will receive a plushie, made in their image. Banquet After the Ceremony and Boat Race have concluded, A banquet will be held for the remainder of the evening. Food and Drinks will be provided courtesy of the Haelun’or Tavern, the Night Owl. Haelun’or Entry Advisory As the Ceremony and Festivities will take place within the Silver City, Visitors to the City should take note of the following: Visitors will be expected to turn over any weapons, as well as keep their face visible while within the Silver City Darkspawn testing may occur at random It is recommended guests arrive early to ensure adequate time for processing at the gates. If you start a problem during the ceremony, you will be removed from the Silver City. Signed, His Lordship, Haus Weiss-Vuiller, Jovenaar of the Aulic Court of Hanseti-Ruska, Deputy Surgeon-General of the Hospital of St. Aymas Her Ladyship, Ravn Casemira Weiss-Vuiller
  2. 1. What's been your most interesting moment on the server so far? 2. If you had to pick a favorite lore piece, which one and why? 3. What's been your favorite character to play so far?
  3. Cookies are good. There is no other answer.
  4. Thank you! It's always some major test or major project - I'd like a regular week of testing but at the end of the semester for once. I've thoroughly enjoyed the end of map eventline so far - as someone who's never heard of Asulon or a Mori'Quessir before this all started it's been super interesting learning about them from both a IRP and OOC standpoint. 1. Honestly, I'm a very big space nerd so I drifted right towards Voidal Magic - specifically, Voidstalking. It's very hard to quantify something like the Universe in a way that makes sense and carries the proper weight of what exactly it means to be several Billion Light-Years across, and seeing something that plays into that vast emptiness in a bit of lovecraftian/space-horror way tickled my brain the right way. The idea of reaching into the infinite and having something reach back was such a cool idea when I first joined, and it honestly still is. 2. This is a bit tricky - Voidal Magic as a whole still has my interest as I did when I first joined. It feels very open - there's lots of different ways one could go about playing a Voidal Mage and it's honestly difficult for me to pick a single page to sit down and read. If I had to pick something that wasn't the Voidal Magic Sub-Forum as a whole, it's this creation story for the Dark Elfs. I find Spirit Lore as a whole interesting as well, I just haven't quite gotten as deep into it as Voidal Magic - which is to say I haven't quite gotten past the first few general explanation pages for Spirit Lore 3. I used to play VALORANT pretty competitively - I infact used to run a collegiate team. More recently I play Overwatch 2 and Warhammer 40K: Darktide, Along with VTOL VR - Nothing like 4 incoming missile alarms blaring to wake you up 1. Quite Fun! 2. Honestly I've had Quite A Few so it's hard to pin down one. It would have to be one of my first encounters - A very young Haus went with his recently 1-armed father into a different dimension/realm/place and met The Great Owl, A creature that struck a deal with Haus's Father after it toyed with him a bit and threatened a 7 year old Haus with several lifetimes worth of death and suffering, Thus starting a war with a brand new Haeseni family and a Owl God, and kicking off Haus as a character. Nothing quite shapes a life like that! I am super thankful for @SethWolfand @Werew0lffor that encounter - It was super fun as one of my first interactions on Haus and it gave me a solid foundation to build Haus up as a character. 3. YOU. They are Very Complicated and Interesting. Side Note: Writing Forum posts at 3AM is hard.
  5. Hello! I'm Prima, I'm a college student and I've been around LoTC for about 5 Months now - Still playing my first character and having a blast! Final's week sucks. AMA
  6. [!] Corrections are sent out the next Saint's Morning, with all references to Mori'Quessir Spider Venom being changed to Whitespinner Venom. In addition, a letter in penned back in equal haste...
  7. [!] Copies of this Missive are spread across Almaris with haste, and posted to every major notice board. In addition, major Clinics and Hospitals will find a copy of this missive in their mailbox, on their front desk, or both. On some copies splotches of ink are present - on others, smears or miscopies. It is clear the author wrote this with urgency over presentation. Medical Discoveries in the Treatment of Mori'Quessir Induced Illness 17th of Msitza and Dargund, 472 E.S | 17th of Amber’s Cold, 123 S.A Hospital of St. Aymas Publication Preface As Descendantkind continues to fight against the Mori’Quessir, there is no shortage of injuries and illness that befalls those who stand and fight. As Medical Professionals it is our job to render aid and care to our comrades, to pick them up and tend to their wounds so that they may return to the fight in the best shape possible. The Mori’Quessir, however, employs weapons beyond the usual blade, mace, and bow, and thus some injuries and illnesses require special attention, and unique treatment. In the recent decade I have personally come across two conditions, specifically caused by the Mori’Quessir and their insectoid allies and unholy weapons. As I cannot find any publications on how these illnesses are treated, I have decided to publish my findings with the larger medical community, for the one who suffers most from the withholding of information is our patients. If you are a medical professional and have discovered a cure to an illness caused by the Mori’Quessir, please send a letter to Haus Weiss, or consider drafting your own publication. If sufficient letters are sent, I will consider a larger publication, dedicated specifically to injuries and illnesses caused by the Mori’Quessir and their treatments. Mori’Quessir Spider Venom - Symptoms and Treatments If bitten by a spider of the Mori’Quessir, one will begin to notice tiredness and fatigue in a patient, before they soon slip into an unconscious state. Tranquil Draught, if given immediately after venom is injected, will temporarily halt all visible symptoms of the venom for the duration of the potion - however, the venom will take full effect immediately after the Tranquil Draught has worn out of the patient's body. It is recommended one use Tranquil Draught to keep the Patient Ambulatory so they may seek further treatment, continue fighting if absolutely necessary, or otherwise remain alert, awake, and mobile To fully treat a patient who has been injected with Mori’Quessir Spider Venom, a patient needs to have the venom removed from their body. This can be done in a number of ways, but the consumption of One serving of Alabaster Leaf is the most efficient way. Mori’Quessir Fungal Sludge - Symptoms and Treatments The Mori’Quessir Fungal Sludge is a liquid of inky consistency, which does not rub off on cloth or in water. The Mori’Quessir appears to employ it in some kind of cloud that settles into a sludge after some time. If one is immersed in this fog or sludge and is unlucky enough to inhale or get this substance in their eyes, they will find themselves blinded to a large extent, as well as find themselves in significant respiratory distress. Coughing and impaired respiratory function will arise, with choking a possibility if the substance is not removed from the lungs. To treat Inhaled Mori’Quessir Fungal Sludge, or Sludge that has settled on the eyes, skin, cloth, or any other surface, one should prepare a solution of Dwarf’s Pumpkin Oil mixed with water, heated as needed: For Application to non-living surfaces the Solution may be room temperature. For Applications to living surfaces such as skin or eyes, the Solution should be lukewarm or warm, but Not Boiling. For Application in cases of inhalation, the steam produced by Boiling the Solution should be inhaled through both nose and mouth by the patient until all traces of the sludge are removed from the body. It should be noted that those without the sludge in their respiratory system who inhale the Solution Steam will produce a burning sensation. In Addition, patients who have had the sludge rinsed from their eyes with the solution will find their vision remains blurred for One Saint’s Day. Signed By: His Lordship, Haus Weiss, Jovenaar of the Aulic Court of Hanseti-Ruska, Deputy Surgeon-General of the Hanseti-Ruska
  8. Name: Haus Weiss Race: Human Title: Lord Allegiance: Haense Magical Practice: N/A
  9. A servant handed the tired Blonde Weiss the missive as he sat at his desk, working away late into the night with a tea, served with a side of Zvaervauld Lilac Field Honey (TM). Tired brown eyes scanned over the missive before Haus casted it aside on his desk, the missive joining the other assorted scattered documents. He stood, opening his closet and looking over a particular outfit. He nodded slightly, satisfied with what he had seen before he returned to his desk. All his attire was set for the season, though Haus wondered what the missive had meant by a murder game.
  10. PrimnyaQuorum


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) You take the seat with the grace of a practiced habit, pausing for a long moment. It's expected, after all - tea is usually served to guests, but even this basic courtesy is lost on this...place. You clear your throat, dispelling your thoughts before you speak. When you do speak, it is in the common tongue, as you were addressed in it - though you'd much prefer your native tongue "I was born in Elvenessse. My parents are Clothing Artisans. Wealthy clients come to them, asking for elaborate patterns and colors - My parents return their clothes with masterfully designed works of art. They had me follow their steps - I design clothes in ways my Parent's learned from their Parent's, and from their Parent's. Because I am young and my parents are not, I do the traveling - I seek business beyond Elvenessse. I talk to traveling merchants, which led us to the conclusion that more business lie's beyond Elvenessse's borders."
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