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Status Updates posted by LobsterLarry

  1. im thinkin about eating people

  2. I love Tiberius... @YoungSimba You my day one pookie

  3. @moosehunter123 is going to be my Rexess.... 


  5. this year we stand on bidnezz

  6. yall think dinosaurs were a thing? be real.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. alexmagus


      I put them there, sorry @NotEvilAtAll

    3. Qctho


      Well obviously, otherwise what is the Flintstone's pet? Some people say it's a big lizard with a weird neck problem, but I know the truth.

    4. LobsterLarry


      Thats actually facts Dino was canon in history. But he gotta be the only one tho @Qctho

  7. hi yall just want to let yall know its saturday

  8. hi yall just want to let yall know its friday

  9. The_Ran_Tan is afraid of me

  10. Darkspawn think I'm threatened by them, but I just haven't gone hunting yet.

  11. hi yall just want to let yall know its thursday

  12. hi yall just want to let yall know its wednesday

  13. hi yall just want to let yall know its tuesday

  14. hi yall just want to let yall know its monday

  15. hi yall just want to let yall know its sunday

  16. hi yall just want to let yall know its saturday

  17. Sam is so cool

  18. Orlanth is my soul mate

  19. I love Villainy RP. I enjoy walking up to people and just attacking them... When I'm done i tell them to d20 for that sweet sweet loot box. 

  20. Orcs crashin a party turnin it up. If windows aren't broken and there's no blood on the ground, it's not an orc party. We out here

  21. Katy Perry bumpin on blast in the Iron Horde... and people say the Orcs are uncivilized...

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