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About LobsterLarry

  • Birthday 09/06/2002

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    take him to detroit
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    from da O

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  1. Nub wae, diz track ahm hozh az zkah! Lat need to collab wid Drayk or Kendrick Krugmar.
  2. Azcalon... Mi have heard of diz land from mi home acrozz da zea... Hozh choice to name it after an entire continent... (Loka continent)
  3. Charter of the Confederation of Southern Defence “The Sun rises, the tides ebb, mortals die, and humans invade” THE PROLOGUE The nations of the south, aware of their precarious position, have resolved to come together for the purpose of mutual fortification and defence. This Confederation takes for itself the fundamental purpose of preserving the peoples, the cultures, and the faiths of the South from external violation of any kind. THE TABLES STRUCTURE OF THE CONFEDERATION PURPOSE OF THE CONFEDERATION OBLIGATION OF MEMBERS MILITARY OPERATIONS STRUCTURE OF THE CONFEDERATION The confederation as a body shall be understood to be, in the fundamental sense, a collection of nations with the interest of mutual defence in all circumstances. The Confederation shall be governed as follows. The Confederation shall assume a unified foreign policy, internal logistical policy, and a unified military policy for the purposes of fortification and general defence. This policy will be dictated by the will of the Confederation Council. The Confederation Council will determine policy by way of a majority vote. The council shall meet as necessary, otherwise once every four years. Nations seeking admission to the confederation must be admitted by the Confederation Council. The Council shall be structured as follows Each member nation shall be afforded a ‘Seat’ upon the council, presumably occupied by their respective leader, but able to be filled by an appointed proxy if necessary. Nations and their vote weight; Nation without Vassal: 1 Vote Nation + Vassal: 2 Vote Nation + Vassal + Vassal: 3 Vote (Max 2 vassals) Members: Haelun’or - 1 Vote Kaethul - 1 Vote Caelia - 1 Vote Krugmar - 1 Vote Akaal - 1 Vote Gorkil - 1 Vote Dunfarthing - 1 Vote 1. Currently no holder - 1 Vote 2. Currently no holder - 1 Vote Vikela - 1 Vote 1. Unbuntu - 1 Vote 2. Maeh’nor - 1 Vote 2. Quorum for the council to pass binding decisions shall be 51% of total membership votes. The Confederation Council shall be hosted by a different member nation with each meeting. Alternatively meetings are to occur on neutral ground at Stonetalon Peak in the centre of the South. PURPOSE OF CONFEDERATION The purpose of this Confederation is, as aforementioned, mutual defence of the nations, cultures, and religions of the South from external invasion or oppression. For the purpose of mutual confidence, member states agree to the following binding clauses. DURING WARTIME NO MEMBER STATE MAY DEPART THE CONFEDERATION. Wartime shall be understood as persistent hostilities not necessarily involving invasion or siege but also including threats or frequent raids. NO MEMBER STATE MAY DEPART THE CONFEDERATION WITHOUT GIVING THE CONFEDERATION COUNCIL NOTICE IN PERSON AT A COUNCIL MEETING TO BREAK THESE CLAUSES IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BREAKING OF A FORMAL OATH. OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERS Member states of the Confederation agree to and are therefore bound by the following obligations. MEMBER STATES SHALL EXERCISE JOINT MILITARY COMMAND The Confederation Council shall at its discretion appoint a High Marshal of the Confederation for the purpose of centralizing command and directing military action during war time. MEMBER STATES SHALL JOINTLY FORTIFY The Confederation Council shall determine necessary location and design for fortifications. All member states shall contribute to the material and manpower requirements of said fortifications. MEMBER STATES SHALL PURSUE THE LOGISTICAL POLICY OF THE CONFEDERATION COUNCIL The Confederation Council shall determine the necessary intensity and type of materials, arms, armour, engines of siege, and ammunition of siege and bow that must be acquired by the Confederation. The Confederation Council shall at its discretion appoint a Quartermaster General of the Confederation for the purpose of centralising logistics. Specifically the gathering of resources, the production of war goods, and the distribution of war goods according to need. MILITARY OPERATIONS The Confederation shall endeavour to conduct its war fighting with a unified vision. During times of war the Confederation Council shall appoint a High Marshal to conduct the affairs of war. The High Marshal shall be empowered to appoint Marshals at his discretion, who may lead raids, lead units within the war effort, lead scouting parties, or any other innumerable war related functions that the High Marshal may deem necessary for the conducting of the affairs of war. The authority of the High Marshal is to be limited to matters of war. Matters of Logistics pursuant to matters of war shall remain the jurisdiction of the Quartermaster General who shall also be appointed by the Confederation Council during times of war. The High Marshal can be voted out of power and changed by the council pending a successful vote. The High Marshal must be chosen from a pool of candidates that hold a high ranking position, and are thus trusted, in a Nation's military. Theveus Sythaerin Sohaer of Haelun’or Praefectvs of Caelia Yera Silveira, Overlord of Kaethul, Matriarch of the Silveira Clan, Okarir’san of Haelun’or Emperor King Cyris Collingwood I II Thain of Dúnwen and her Vassals, Lord of Barnsley, Barbant, Dúnkeld, Valenza, The Wyrtmark and Casa De Lur. Emperor of Oren, Father of Foxes, Protector of the WeeFolk. SOVRÈN MAJESTÈ, Reine Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea, The Queen of Vikela, La Violetta KLOG’AKAAL, Rex of Krugmar, Ruler of the Desert
  4. I love Tiberius... @YoungSimba You my day one pookie

  5. @moosehunter123 is going to be my Rexess.... 


  7. Tears up reading this, going into Blood Rage and breaking his entire office, smashing his boomsteel hammer against all sorts of rocks and walls, making the room look like a war had just ran through it "HOW CAN DIZ HAPPEN! WHO HURT MEIRA! MI ZIZTAH CAN NUB GO OUT LIKE DIZ.... REVENGE.... MI WILL FLAT DEM ALL! MI WILL BRING LEGIONZ OF URUK TO DER DOORZTEP AGH FLAT DEM FOR DIZ! MI WILL BRING FIRE TO DA NORTH!"
  8. this year we stand on bidnezz

  10. *Would grab the letter from one of his goblins, sitting in his throne surrounded by skulls of his enemies* "Mi wonder whub diz ahm... Dey want mi to work wit da otherz? Mi could do dat... UG! GOBBO! WHO WROTE DIZ LETTUR AGH HOW DO MI REZPOND TO DEM?"
  11. yall think dinosaurs were a thing? be real.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. alexmagus


      I put them there, sorry @NotEvilAtAll

    3. Qctho


      Well obviously, otherwise what is the Flintstone's pet? Some people say it's a big lizard with a weird neck problem, but I know the truth.

    4. LobsterLarry


      Thats actually facts Dino was canon in history. But he gotta be the only one tho @Qctho

  12. hi yall just want to let yall know its saturday

  13. hi yall just want to let yall know its friday

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