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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Hiebe

  1. yep ive been wanting too for months now

  2. Willie. Please come back.

  3. Hiebe

    yes you can ;) you might want to wait tilll the weekend when i have my coronation and ill have my updated skinn

  4. sorry. i forgot you were aussie so i moved skippy to annebelles grace and you to overseer so you can sell homes to people in your tz area. you might be also put onto the dwarven ooc group which will handle events and relations with gms to get our events done and lore approved.

  5. I will try my best. We dwarves must stick together ;)

  6. Stole it from Tythus

  7. Bad huskey stop poking the dwarves till i take over ;)

  8. stop unbanning cryers mayn ;)

  9. so does that mean if i have a confessions of a duper you would ban them? ;)

  10. its the same cryer you banned today. mili ;)

  11. Hiebe

    you cant leave...

  12. message me back you little butt head

  13. I am a master in Fire-Water and a teacher in both ;) expect me to be around the guild more in 3.0

  14. You allowed someone to abuse your powers and have ruined the FM credibility forever. I will never look at you and think your staff.

  15. Thats cute Oceas

  16. Loving the new craftbook stuffs, time to make some badass dungeons and ****

  17. Getting real upset that

  18. And then the elves get steam rolled

  19. Aldunians should get the turtle island

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