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About _edplayer

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  • Birthday 07/12/1993

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  1. Why hello there Inquisitor Varge

  2. time to corrupt some people ^^

  3. weird meeting on ts....

  4. your back yaaaaaaay

  5. When do i get my damm cake???

  6. am i allowed to harvest flint by making a large tower of gravel and digging down?

  7. I 'ave a design fer the Theatre in the New World.

    Check out "Dwarven Theatre" topic.

  8. The Valve History: The Valve, founded in the times of the Great dwarven king Charles achieved great wealth and power by fulfilling the task as some kind of secret police for the dwarven kingdom. Hidden far behind Kal'urguan, linked by a forgotten metro station, valve remained growing in silence, even after the retirement of king charles, and king belin. Now after a period of sleep, the valve is ready to awake on more time, and to take all the tasks of destroying evil upon itself About us: After the original lord of the valve being cursed by the undead, the valve main goal is to rout out evil as fast as possible. Ranks: The valve has certain posistions, listed here from lowest to highest Valve recruit Valve soldier Valve guard Valve royal guard Valve commander (head of the military) Valve Advisor (politics) Valve sublord (treasury) Valve lord ((info: tasks of these ranks are highly classified)) Rules: DO NOT steal from anyone. DO NOT kill anyone without direct order from commander or higher. (rest of the rules will be passed on later) Want to join? If you would like to join, make an application here including: Minecraft Name: RP Name: Why do you wish to join us? Why do you think you are worthy? Are you against the Undead? Why? What do you know of them ? Do you have any specialities? Can you follow any order at anytime blindly ? What we give you in return: -cheap housing for all races! -a mine accessible for all valve member (higher then recruit)! -high end training! -Adventure ! -protection! -Jobs! -Free housing for guards! -Arena entertainment! (building in progress) Our city: Kal'Manor the main mansion for higher valve members (commander and over), dwarven housing on the sides: Orc district: Human district: Elven district: Arena (building in progress) Front entrance gateway Now show your show me what your are made of! -Varge, new appointed Valve commander, head of recruitment.
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