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Status Updates posted by Groobs03

  1. My eyes have never seen such spam!!! RUN! RUN!!

  2. And thus begins the era of political parties on LoTC.

    1. gingernut97


      *starts gingersforequalrights party*

    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog


    3. Lexperiments
  3. Wow, I was going to say "inb4 server crash statuses" but you guys are fast.

  4. I never want to leave your profile...

  5. I never want to leave your profile...

  6. Are you in need of a character? Well I am in need of a son. If you are interested in playing Taron Geminine (Male/13ish years of age) of the noble Geminine house PM me for the details. In other news... pie.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Groobs03
    3. Kaiser


      you can't just get a son at the age of 13 unless they are adopted, no?

    4. Groobs03


      It's not exactly just "getting", he was given birth to when my character was 22 (I think, I have it written down) and the person playing it can no longer play the role, so I am asking if anyone would like to take over the role. I rped the role accuratley to the Asulon time frame, even when other's made their children's aging faster.

  7. Heh... I am more confused than Asulons economic system.

  8. Woah woah woah woah woah woah... woah... woah... Why are the compartments on the right of my screen slightly bigger than before! I didn't ask for the compartments on the right side of my screen to be SLIGHTLY BIGGER THAN BEFORE! I'm tripping out!

  9. I am thinking that if you stop responding to a troll, he gets pretty bored.. throwing that out there.

    1. EmeraldStag


      Nope, he won't, he has mental retardation/.

    2. Groobs03


      I know, but if there were no extra posts/his posts were just deleted without a bunch of responses, it would get pretty boring on his end, I would think.

    3. EmeraldStag


      *Shrugs* they have been doing this a very long time, everyone else has given up and gave into the rage.

  10. *Makes a post about not being whitelisted even though he is infact whitelisted*

  11. I for one.. would like for politics to stay away from LoTC.

    1. Slic3man


      Surely Vermin Supreme is the exception?

    2. Groobs03
  12. Yes sir I do.

  13. Suppose since I am not a dwarf anymore I should change my avatar.. but to what is the question..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Groobs03


      Well, as it would be amusing to show my character as a halfling, his is indeed a human, so I should find a creative way to show him.

    3. Groobs03
    4. ArmedByBlade (POTATO3)
  14. AGH! Your status is killing me!

  15. Where is the trigger!?!?

    1. Korvic
    2. Eredor~


      In the bush next to your house.........or was that the fountain in the sanctuary......I don't know

  16. No, Status Update, What's on your mind!?!?

  17. 01010110 01101111 01110100 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01001100 01101111 01010100 01000011

  18. http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774 If you don't do it, I will be very unhappy with you! >:(
  19. We are 25ish votes away from the top of xtreme Top 100! Vote!! http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774

  20. How is it that you get into the "Old hat" group? because I have been here since June 21st and have 458 active posts. Not sure if I don't have enough posts or not, but I can't get into the old had forum either.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 0000


      Well you have to be on the forum prior to the server. xD

    3. Groobs03


      500 posts? Darn

    4. Groobs03


      Hold the phone! This man right here has 498 posts http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/user/30596->人</ :( I'm just not cool enough xD

  21. Remember kids, if you see two "remember kids" posts underneath you, cleverly make your own.

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