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Posts posted by Ever

  1. The color identity on most of these cards are real weird. White doesn't kill creatures, give them -x/-x, or return creatures to their hand. White is usually about exiling cards with a drawback added on (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=swords+to+plowshares http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=382192). 


    Blue is all about card draw, countering spells, wizards, and big fish-y creatures & boats. Black is all about killing creatures, diseases, zombies/undead, and demons. 




    This one is super cool though, 1+ here.


    Also if a card has 0 toughness, it instantly dies (http://i.imgur.com/x2yJl1z.png)

  2. By the way, the Dwarves have A LOT of proof, we've just been debating, on several occasions every time we hear Cappy does something that warrants a brief dislike and desire to get him removed, but we've never actually done so, which I wouldn't be surprised given his new adminship if I saw a compilation post of some of the things we've got hiding away.


    If the admins want a looksie at some examples just hop in our TS.


    i'll speak as a player here and say that's the most retarded thing I've ever read


    if someone continually abuses their position, you report that ****


    you don't compile it and cry every time they do something else


    if you have the power to do something (which it sounds like you do if you're not just making stuff up) then do it


    take action or shut it. you have no right to complain if all you do is remain complacent. 

  3. Sad to see you go but I'm thankful for all that you did. Who knows what the server would look like or if it would even exist if you never came along. Thanks for all that you did and for helping to create so many strong friendships and relationships. Good luck in wherever your path takes you!

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