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Posts posted by Ever

  1. 8 hours ago, Space said:

    4ish years of ******* talking to you and i still don't know


    what pronoun?


    What do you think I am, some kind of SJW unicorn?


    8 hours ago, Halsey said:

    What do you consider as the most memorable RP moment in your whole LoTC career?


    It's hard to say. Some of my fondest memories are from the beginning when RP was so much more simple. If I had to pick out one moment in particular, it would have to be the Purge war/rebellion. One of my early characters, tired of a perceived corrupted guard force, rounded up a large force of warriors, rebels, thugs, and thieves, built a fortress, and attempted to lay waste to the city of Galahar. This was near the end of the first map so we were mainly having fun before the map imploded. Winner of the battle would take over the city and control it for a month or two till the map ended. 


    After a few weeks of recruitment, the war took place, and we were quickly betrayed by the dwarven forces- I thought we had secuired our allegiances but the Dwarven king hadn't be fully swayed yet. The druids and dwarves came as backup forces that we hadn't expect and we were outnumbered in the end. This was long before warclaims, too, so the two leaders had, together, decided up the boundaries of the fight, what the winners would receive after the battle, etc. 


    As a result of the battle, my character's lover was (somewhat) PK'd, my character was PK'd shortly thereafter, my guild's fortress was destroyed. All in all, it was a fun few weeks of roleplay. I remember a thieve's guild had contact me in the dead of night one particular day to sell me TNT. TNT was hard to come by (and ended up not working anyways, FML) and after some negotiation, they sold it to me for a shitload of minas. They also provided 5~ men as warriors on the condition that they could control the city once we won. 


    I even found the historic entry in the Dwarven history thread:


    "1345 - A dwarf by the name of Ingot rallies a militia for an assault on Galahar, in response to the supposed corruption of the local guard force. After gathering much support, the Grand Council is contacted to assist with this effort. After attempts by the Grand Council fail to deal with the situation without bloodshed, the Purge continues and Thorik is forced to order his Grand Councilors, Valen Blackaxe and Kjell Ireheart to rally the Legion to defend Galahar. Valen Blackaxe and Gideon Silverblade arrange a counter attack after the Purge has breached the Galahar walls, accompanied by elven support. The battle is a success and the Purge is defeated."




    5 hours ago, Geo said:

    Gm again pls?


    Not up to me, pal, although I'd certainly love to.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Freya  said:

    If you could change one thing on LOTC what would it be


    I'm split between two things that are quite similar: Regions and Mining, or "Don't take the mine out of Minecraft".


    Mining sucks at the moment. I have to be blunt. The first few levels are a grind and the only way around it is to tape your mouse down so you're constantly digging. The mines (at least the Resource Island mine) are x-ray'd to all hell. You can find more iron/coal further down, or so I've been told, but you can't easily clear the filler-blocks at the bottom without a decently high mining level. Your first few hours of mining are spent mining stone, basically. It's terrible. I'm on the fence of even leveling it at the moment till I know whether or not skills are going to be wiped or changed for the next map. I don't want to do this grind again. Also, mining in the overworld is WAY more fun. I love caves, I love caverns, I love exploring 5,000 blocks north of any civilization to find untouched ground and ore. 


    Regions also suck. Not everyone agrees with me here, and that's fine, there's a few good counterpoints for them, but I really dislike regions. Every since Asulon, the policy for each map has sort of been 'look, but don't touch'. The world is generally pretty nice looking, from event builds to world painter, but you can't touch it. For months at a time, everything stays the same. It feels unauthentic, fake. It's hard to make a server feel like home if you can't build, if you can't make the map your own in some way. Obviously the biggest counterpoints here are people building shitty builds but that's never been an issue past Aegis if you want my opinion. As a GM I went around destroying and prettying up tons of bad builds, it can be done.  


    This map is especially heinous. Outside of the dozen or two towns and villages, there's not much to see. It's just all randomly generated terrain that can't be touched. It's not ugly, it's just boring. There's no heart, there's no soul. Free the plebs, let them build. Don't take the mine out of minecraft. Yes we're a roleplaying server, but we're also a minecraft server. Our server should be a perfect harmony of game and roleplay and the game side is severely lacking as of the past few years. 


    25 minutes ago, Angmarzku said:

    Hello! Now, the questions:

    Opinion over Ghouls?

    What made you come back?

    What do you think of the current staff on LoTC?

    Hows your day?



    1 - I can't for the life of my find the ghoul lore. I've looked for like ten minutes now. I may just be blind... Link me it?


    2 - I like to hop on every few months and explore the new map(s). Plus, Spaceofaids like to spam me a lot to come back. Not sure why I'm making this one an indefinite visit, though. Good to be back however. 


    3 - I don't know the whole team as well as I have past teams but I can't complain about any of the members in particular. I know around half of them pretty well from when I used to moderate alongside of them. A lot of new faces but hey, that's not bad. A few recent decisions may have been a bit questionable but I know how it goes. 


    4 - Not bad, can't complain. Dropped $200 on a pool liner so I could finally go swimming after like 6 years, that's going to be fun. 

  3. 1 minute ago, SaintPaint said:


    I agree


    What's your favorite plugin in lotc? There are so many choices but mine will have to be Nexus for multiple reasons. It's just so immersive you know?


    Yes, me too.


    Memes aside, I really like the date pop-up when you first login. It's simple, yeah, but it's nice and immersive. To be honest, I don't need many plugins. LWC, soulstones, and... proximity chat and I'm happy. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Freya  said:

    What in your personal opinion is the most unique creature/place/lore you've seen on LOTC?


    Creature - Heial The Ender Pearl. That counts, right? Creature enough for me.


    Place - REALLY hard to say. I'd have to give it to Asulon's Cloud Temple. To me, it was the only temple that really nailed the whole 'monastery' feel. It was extremely fun to explore. Overall one of the best builds on the server that I think we'll ever see. Perhaps it's not the most unique, but when I think of outstanding and impressive builds, it's at the top.


    Lore - Too much to pick out anything in particular. 


    2 minutes ago, DrakeHaze. said:

    Do you dab with your left or your right?


    To the right

  5. 2 minutes ago, Comrade Ka4xid said:

    Did you have that moment when you feel yourself too old for LotC or Roleplaying?


    Not once. Honestly, roleplay is timeless. It's fun to design a character, to nurture them, to watch them grow. The possibilities are near endless. It's like an interactive novel where you and those around you are writing the story.


     I've had my ups and downs with LoTC but I don't feel like it's something you can outgrow. Either you enjoy it, are a little bored with it, or dislike it. I've been at all three stages many times in the past five years, but I've always came back whether to roleplay or to help other players enjoy the server. 

  6. Just now, Comrade Ka4xid said:

    Is there something offensive for you in LotC lore?


    Not really. There's been a few things I've disliked over the years but nothing has ever outright offended or upset me.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Bunny :) said:

    What characters do you currently play, and what is your favorite character of all time? please give a small little description of them too!


    Oo, this one might be a bit long. My current character and favorite character are somewhat related, even though they're about 4 years apart give or take. Currently I'm playing a Dwarven lass named Kalastria Starbreaker. She's doesn't have too much backstory, I didn't want to go delving too deep into story after a year and a half hiatus so I gave her a generic amnesia backstory. Anyways, I made her a Starbreaker for two reasons: 1.) They're basically a dead clan. I don't think any others exist atm. And 2.) The clan founder, Arbrek Starbreaker, was my bud back in the day. I'm not doing too much on her besides reintegrating myself into the roleplay and mining. I have some ideas about her and a railway/mining company, but that's probably best for the next map.


    Now, onto my favorite character: My first! It's hard, as I've had quite a few of the years but the fun and zany adventures I had cement it at the top. His name was Ever and he was a drunken dwarf. Like, literally. Cursed to be forever drunk was my backstory. Early on in the server's history, the dwarven king Simmpa was electing councilmen for the royal... council? Priests, engineers, stuff like that. I got elected as the priest then abruptly stopped playing on the server for a few months, can't remember why. I came back as the same character but explained my absence by saying that my character had gotten himself cursed and he was now perpetually drunk. 


    I ran a small inn alongside one of the more popular roads of the map and met a lot of people and sold a lot of booze. One of those players was Arbrek. Hooked him up with a room and a locked chest and I think he later said that I was the reason he kept playing past the initial first days. Someone kind to help him out and supply him with a place to stay really made life easier (if you had LWC back then, you were king). I could go on and on about the hijinks I got up to with these duder but I think that covers the basics. I've had probably a dozen Dwarven characters since but my first will always be my favorite.

  8. I was originally planning on saving this for my 5th year anniversary on the server but hey, we're close enough, right? AMAs (ᴬᴹᴬ ᵐᵉᵃᶰˢ 'ᵃˢᵏ ᵐᵉ ᵃᶰʸᵗʰᶦᶰᵍ', ᵇʸ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃʸ) are cool and there's lots I want to talk about so ask/troll away.


    Anyways, a short introduction. I've been playing on the server (on and off) for five years now, having joined June 22nd, 2011. I've seen every map except the last and have played as a lot of different characters and have met a lot of different people. April 2013 I became a GM and was active for about 6~ or so months before I stepped down due to a few issues, namely creative differences. August of 2014 I once again joined the team for about four or five months then stepped down once I noticed my activity waning; I was a tad disinterested in the server, Minecraft, and roleplay, plus I was beginning college soon and wanted to be prepared.  I came back about three weeks ago to give roleplaying another shot and... well, here we are! 


    I'll answer any questions about myself, my time on the server, my views on the server, or anything else to the best of my ability. 


    No topic is off the table but I'll be able to go best in-depth on questions pertaining to the server/my experiences. 

  9. A note is pinned to an advertising board near the monk market. It is well written with fine parchment and inks.


    "Dwarven lass by the name of Kalastria seeking employment and shelter. Able to read, write, mine, as well as fight, though my talents lie in the former skills. Would prefer a quieter town or village as opposed to a city- the hustle and bustle has never been for me. If interested, leave a message for me with the monks, I've been lingering 'round the temple for quite awhile, they'll find me quite easily."

  10. The color identity on most of these cards are real weird. White doesn't kill creatures, give them -x/-x, or return creatures to their hand. White is usually about exiling cards with a drawback added on (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=swords+to+plowshares http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=382192). 


    Blue is all about card draw, countering spells, wizards, and big fish-y creatures & boats. Black is all about killing creatures, diseases, zombies/undead, and demons. 




    This one is super cool though, 1+ here.


    Also if a card has 0 toughness, it instantly dies (http://i.imgur.com/x2yJl1z.png)

  11. By the way, the Dwarves have A LOT of proof, we've just been debating, on several occasions every time we hear Cappy does something that warrants a brief dislike and desire to get him removed, but we've never actually done so, which I wouldn't be surprised given his new adminship if I saw a compilation post of some of the things we've got hiding away.


    If the admins want a looksie at some examples just hop in our TS.


    i'll speak as a player here and say that's the most retarded thing I've ever read


    if someone continually abuses their position, you report that ****


    you don't compile it and cry every time they do something else


    if you have the power to do something (which it sounds like you do if you're not just making stuff up) then do it


    take action or shut it. you have no right to complain if all you do is remain complacent. 

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