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Status Updates posted by Xerdun

  1. Add me on Steam - username - Xerdun :)

  2. Farewell, my most dear pack mule :)

  3. For whatever reason I was unable to send you a personal message. I've cleared my inbox for you now though if you want to send me one

  4. Foxinator - I'm hurt! I always look amazing in a suit. Its just the ****-head esque pose I'm pulling :P

  5. hesitate to get in touch*

  6. I don't think we've ever officially been introduced (at least not that I remember) but I'd just like to extend my thanks for your implementation of the Kharajyr spawn point. It really means a lot that we have the support of so many of the GMs, especially those as respected as yourself. I'll keep this short as I know you're a busy man, but if you ever need anything, don't...

  7. I feel today has been "A day in the life of Shiftnative". That man is a god for coping with this amount of stress daily...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      Hey Xerdun sorry to bother you, but for some reason I cannot reach you via the pm, so if you are available could you possibly get on ts I have an urgent favour to ask of you.

    3. Lucas


      He is a busy man. I'd say send him a message tommorow when he has more time ^_^

    4. Sir_Vilku


      HIYA! ss'! were you missing me? =)

  8. I have literally no idea where you heard about that, I've not authorised any such thing and never would, it seems like an utterly ludicrous idea!

  9. I lost a reputation point D:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wobbajack


      Have another one!

    3. Wobbajack


      Erg...that 89 is annoying me, I'll give you another one, for a nice 90!

      Damn my OCD. xD

    4. Admiral_Ackbarf


      you lost a rep point huh...let me find a post for me to +1 you.

  10. I miss being Emperor :(. Real life sucks :(

  11. I'll probably be on TS later tonight :). We can chat then. And Matt Smith, like the latest Dr Who :P?

  12. If you wish to contact me "[email protected]" or if you have tumblr "fupping-dinosaurs.tumblr.com". You shall all be missed

    1. Akeron


      He came back for an entire hour. hehe

  13. Its awesome to be back!

  14. Takeaway, pub and drunken LOTC later. Looks to be a good evening...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lirinya


      Sounds amusing...

    3. KarmaDelta


      Sounds like Derpfest but without all the people.

    4. KarmaDelta


      And the Derp

  15. Thank you very much for your kind words on the Kharajyr! It means a hell of a lot and I hope we can truly do the server justice and spice things up a bit ;)

  16. The Kharajyr appear to be experiencing some technical difficulties at present, please stand by as we attempt to resolve the issues as quickly as possible

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eyrev


      I am writing a gladiator epic and adding it to my Character zelphar's bio, it is about how he survived as a house slave then became a gladiator and escaped while he was a Mori'quessir slave for the Cress'mtor house, for one chapter I am planning on adding a shady...Kharajyr that lurks around the Cress'mtor house and none of the nobles or slaves know what it is, im planning on making him as kind of a myth amongst the house. Is this ok?

    3. Eyrev


      is there some way to act as a cultural explorer of sorts and have my character camp out around the Kharajyr city and slowly learn of their culture? Also to be respected?

    4. Eyrev


      is there some way to act as a cultural explorer of sorts and have my character camp out around the Kharajyr city and slowly learn of their culture? Also to be respected?

  17. Xerdun's word of the week - disgruntled...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rissing




    3. Xerdun


      It is indeed, I like to keep up to date ;)

    4. foxinator


      you look like someone familiar :p

  18. Your bio seems like an interesting idea and seems okay to me - go ahead :)

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