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Everything posted by Respiren

  1. Trees and things

  2. making LotC better one jediyodac3po at a time

  3. I've just promoted you ingame, sorry about the wait, seems we overlooked your donation.

    Thankyou for supporting the server ^.^

  4. Please don't comment on players applications

  5. The closest mechanic I can think of is to use the mob-spawning flags to only make squid spawn in a certain area, it's not one large one but they would be somewhat more numerous... Maybe if you squished them all together...
  6. Your persistence and patience is almost druidic ;)


  7. 'I reject your reality and substitute my own' That's more Vampirism than vampires per se ^.^ also don't use your 'sparkle' ability to powergame
  8. Wow, so much hostility guys, tone it down. Yes. Cthulhu may be somewhat derivative, though people need to realise our server is derivative, we did not invent elves, orcs , or dwarves, nor Aenguls or Daemons, nor undead or ascended. It seems to me that it could be an interesting addition to LotC. Players, myself included have previously suggested waterbased races such as Murloc and Merfolk, which would tie nicely to such beliefs. I am fine with squid worship, lore-wise and rp-wise it would be more interesting than most the half-baked guilds on the server (points at vampires that don't exist)
  9. Trees and things

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. Bawg


      Latz enraged Bog'z bruddah?

      Wii Ug dere Respiren, Bog'z albai fren...

    3. Tarquin Pyrros

      Tarquin Pyrros

      Jediyodac3po = anomynus, I just got a e-mail from him gloating about how he spamed your account.

    4. Respiren


      Lol, I didn't even see

      Guess I'll forum ban him too.

  10. Damage is far less important than strategy, and the best strategy is surprise, or range. Summary: bows > your ability to survive You need to take into account some of the passive mcmmo abilities as well, and average their damage over the chance to be inflicted to gain a more accurate picture. Bows have a chance to ignite, swords to cause bleed etc http://mcmmo.wikia.com/wiki/McMMO_Wiki There are also armor set bonuses (not sure they are working ^.^) : Unclothed gives a bonus to unarmed A set of leather armor (ranger set) increases damage from the bow Crouching/ sneaking - increases damage With these taken into consideration, I would say the elves and their bows have the greatest potential to inflict damage, though their style requires greater skill and by far the most difficult training (aiming, especially with any lag is terribly difficult) Perhaps you think, I am exaggerating. To illustrate; At archery 1000, a sneaking ranger, well equipped would have: * An effective range of 50 blocks * 2 base damage * +1 bonus damage * +5 damage ignite chance (1.25 average) So that's 8 damage or an average of 4.25 damage for each hit, and without a delay between firing, the ability to hit a large amount of people rapidly. In choosing the right vantage point, they can also be invisible. Did I also mention all elves get yet another defense/attack bonus amongst trees?
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