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Everything posted by Archmage_Cataris

  1. I am so embarassed! Im new to Key Binds and i accidently used "So be it! Die" while have a chat with someone, it was just a normal chat :S

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      I don't have keybinds, but I walked with Gaius one time and every couple of seconds he stated "Gaius Marius readies his Zweihander, prepare to die."

      I found this kinda funny.

    3. Alec


      I had "/s For Whispering Isles!", "/s Run!" and "/s Attack!" as keybinds. I've used them all at least once on accident, during calm moments.

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      I have a song bound to my keys. . .

  2. Our newest member, the very one and only ******. Its a super duper secret ;)
  3. ^ I won't be on for around 9 hours, going to sleep now.
  4. Lol, Roze and everyone is flipping out wondering where you went, since we don't know :P you just disappeared for us and i was getting worried :P
  5. Im watching The Hunchback of Notre Dame, awww yeaaaa

  6. We have got our Guild logo finished! :D You can use it as a signature if you wish
  7. Why does everyone think i am a mage? Okay.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cosmik


      It's probably just your personality.

    3. Archmage_Cataris


      Maybe its my belt.

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      It's the hair. Telling you, it's the hair.

  8. I used to RP with Susitsu, then i took an arrow to the staff.

  9. The guild has officially started IC now :D
  10. Accepted. In other news: The guild is almost complete IC, i need as many members as possible on Skype within the next few hours so we can begin the guild IC, we will be doing a large meeting where all of us thieves meet each other (There are quite a few who don't know the others as of yet and only me)
  11. Ive read them all <3!!! haha, one of the best series ive read, its what got me into reading
  12. Man, ive lost this ring twice already! Why must the fate of Middle Earth be in my hands! Ill keep losing it!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Archmage_Cataris


      Found it after 3 hours of searching and complaining on TS about how i lost it :P it was in my shirt pocket

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Well, I get to be Gandalf when we go to Moria.

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Well, I get to be Gandalf when we go to Moria.

  13. Were it up to me, i might have succumbed to such fanboyish things :P
  14. 12 members in the Thieves Guild, even though it hasn't started IC yet? And most are quite renown in LOTC ;)
  15. HolyRane and Jtheo2016 still need to get Skype, please get it and add "Archmage_Cataris" ASAP, it is a huge help to the guild and we will be 1000x thankful
  16. Oops, sorry for the double post

  17. Oi Nudenutt, go check the Thieves Guild post, you've been accepted.

  18. Oi Nudenutt, go check the Thieves Guild post, you've been accepted.

  19. Accepted, please get Skype and add "Archmage_Cataris" we have a few things to discuss
  20. Then how did the family reproduce if they are all homosexuals?
  21. Yea, ive considered it IC, just need to talk to Will etc and start it up
  22. ((Then you shouldn't post it.... People will get confused.))
  23. ((Without meta you wouldn't know them and also they've been around far longer than this group. ))
  24. So, i got a replica of the One Ring for Christmas... unless this is the real one and Frodo destroyed the replica! Oh my god! What do i do!?!?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Heh, you guys may think you have the real one, but uh, hehe, you know oyu don't have it unless you have all of your multi disk copies of LotR DVD cases signed by the actors. That was a fun 3 weeks in Hollywood hunting them down. I guess i'm a Celeb Stalker then? I can already feel a member change. . .

    3. Volutional


      Shame, t'is seems I have misplaced the fake one ring. Guess I'll have to shrink and somehow live for hundreds of years, plotting my revenge on a somewhat obvious ringbarer. Don't mind me, just pointing out the flaws in LotR.

    4. Kickstarted and Running
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