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Everything posted by Archmage_Cataris

  1. Sooo tired.... ughhh and its only midday D:

  2. My entire body is in pain... and now i have to go to work. *sigh*

  3. I was a thread away from quitting the server, though if it weren't for Alectriciti, i wouldn't be here, nor would a few other players that were going to join me, so thanks Alectriciti for what you did

    1. Trouvo


      no not allowed!!!

    2. Antharin


      What's going on?

  4. Wow, a bad day yesterday, an even worse one today :\ SUPER LAME

    1. KarmaDelta


      Sounds like someone needsa hug

    2. White Frost

      White Frost

      *hugs* I hope ye feel better D:

  5. Goodnight my lovelies, been an intense day, ban reports and stalking women... all good ;)

  6. Been working hard with Haldon on the Master Thieves Guild, its gana be so epic.

    1. Antharin


      Makes me wanna join ;_;

    2. CloakandDagger



      indeed it shall!

    3. Agnub


      Just don't steal from me. ;)

  7. A note: All members to be accepted into the guild or have been accepted via application, will have to still RP joining the Guild IG. (Because this still has to be legit ;). )
  8. The crack on my laptop screen is getting worse.... and i gotta go to school :\ damnit. Bye!

    1. KarmaDelta


      Cataris, maybe go to a radioshack or somethign to get it replaced?

    2. Repiteo


      Oh I'm glad that isn't my laptop... I'm so OCD about those things that I would have to get it replaced.

  9. My friend made it for me, though i can ask him perhaps if you wish

  10. Hmmm, my attempts at stopping OOC in RP is futile. http://i44.tinypic.com/okv2v9.png

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. cometking123



      This is shameful.

    3. Archmage_Cataris


      Aye! We shall call our new found nation "Futuristic-Robots-controlled-by-the-King-and-Queen-of-Aegis"

    4. Rilath


      Huzzah! And it shall be a grand kingdom! We will rule the lands with an iron fist!

  11. I applied to be a GM, i potentially signed my RP life away, if i did, atleast ill do my best to make others RP better

    1. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      *Smacks Cataris.

    2. Rhisereld


      Noo! You are one of the best RPers out there, we need you!

    3. Rilath


      Haha no one ever said that about me..:(

  12. Some lore changes will be made, we unfortunately cannot have our characters + the town native to the new map, though Lysle and Lily will have come from Aegis and you may see us walking around ;)
  13. Don't worry, you can be a hipster. "I had pencil sketch avatars before it was mainstream" :P I only chose the pencil sketch since he reminds me of Lysle Rigger

  14. No, its just a simple roll etc, though the maximum you can pickpocket is 25minas
  15. ^ Pickpocketing is an option also armed robbery/highway robbery
  16. Nope, everyone starts at the bottom, everyone is equal.
  17. Didn't have internet for half a day! It was dreadful!

    1. Song Druid
    2. Trouvo


      ISP RAGE!!! *Throws modem out window

  18. Rogers, i'd much like you to have your input in the guild, a lot of your posts on the forums i have agreed with and i respect them, i think you may have some good insight into the future of the guild, PM me if you want to have a look at everything we have? (Its 11 pages long) Notice: I have opened up a Google Doc specifically for questions concerning the guild, please follows the rules and DO NOT! remove other questions or answers, if this occurs, im afraid i will have to take it down, thus ruining it for the other community members, please don't be that guy. Click > Thieves Guild Q&A < Click
  19. No need to be sorry, i wasn't giving you a warning just a suggestion for next time ;) You can keep it here if you wish not like i can force you :P
  20. Why need this be in the Guild section? It seems like a group more than a guild and should post it in the RP forums perhaps? Now for trolls
  21. Got onto the Human Build Team! Thankyou TheRedNinja!

    1. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      Human Build Team? So now Aegis constructs hummies? I'm scared.

  22. *Hugs Akorta, a single tear rolls down the face of Cataris as he starts to blow snot onto Akorta's shoulder*

  23. That would be awesome! I ofcourse accept such help :D
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