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Status Replies posted by Taiga

  1. Paper-cutted my right eye... Urgh, this is painful.

  2. I didn't choose the noble life, it choose me.

  3. how do i play on this server?

  4. hello, how do I make an orc?

  5. >Calls out lotc for being eltitist . >gets banned because no one knows what it means

    1. Taiga


      Ayresalex, if you wish, you may file a ban appeal. The Forum Moderators will be more than happy to look it over. Seeing as how many others agree with you, the the ban might just be lifted.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  6. >Calls out lotc for being eltitist . >gets banned because no one knows what it means

    1. Taiga


      I think the ban was given because of a past status update. Seeing how Nppeck stated that disrespect towards staff was given, I am lead to believe that he referred to your update about the VAT.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  7. >Calls out lotc for being eltitist . >gets banned because no one knows what it means

    1. Taiga


      Judging from the status below this, I think he took your status update as "offensive" towards members.

      I actually quite agree with some of your points. Except the dragging of course.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  8. For a good 10 seconds, I forgot how to breathe...

  9. For a good 10 seconds, I forgot how to breathe...

  10. For a good 10 seconds, I forgot how to breathe...

  11. For a good 10 seconds, I forgot how to breathe...

  12. Sorry, but for some reason I hate people who have furries/anime/cats in their sig or avatar or whatever. Even though they're probably cool. whats happening

  13. Sorry, but for some reason I hate people who have furries/anime/cats in their sig or avatar or whatever. Even though they're probably cool. whats happening

  14. Sorry, but for some reason I hate people who have furries/anime/cats in their sig or avatar or whatever. Even though they're probably cool. whats happening

  15. Sorry, but for some reason I hate people who have furries/anime/cats in their sig or avatar or whatever. Even though they're probably cool. whats happening

  16. Sorry, but for some reason I hate people who have furries/anime/cats in their sig or avatar or whatever. Even though they're probably cool. whats happening

  17. So I make myself forth to the off-roads, video games have just become a thing of the past; a pastime that has gone past it's sell-by date to me. Playing LotC was alot like this: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8cgri7uXn1raph1ko1_250.gif Yet it is my time to go with my cynical thug-life self, ya'll keep having fun! http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkp9c2y1SV1qh59n0o1_500.gif

  18. And let this be a lesson, people, stop coming up with ideas that make you seem like your working yourself into a sensual sweat. You hath overloaded the dwellers of logic and reasoning, those who caretake the Lore with requests to embellish yourself like Lady Gaga. Amen. Now read a book and stop trying to make yourself the epic magic user, fire-breathing, dragon-humping knight of all Calradia.

  19. And let this be a lesson, people, stop coming up with ideas that make you seem like your working yourself into a sensual sweat. You hath overloaded the dwellers of logic and reasoning, those who caretake the Lore with requests to embellish yourself like Lady Gaga. Amen. Now read a book and stop trying to make yourself the epic magic user, fire-breathing, dragon-humping knight of all Calradia.

  20. I have discovered that I am now good at demoman melee on degroot keep :D

  21. Simon I counter with >

  22. To scared to write my AT application. -_-

  23. Ohp, ohp, ohp, ohp— OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE!

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