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Status Replies posted by Taiga

  1. Amnesia is the best horror game ever.

  2. Stubbed my toe and lost my toenail... for the 4th time this year. =_=

  3. Hey LotC! We haven't had a proper event in a while, so if you're interested in recommending me an event, shoot away!

  4. My pet chinchilla bit my nose today.

  5. Hey LotC! We haven't had a proper event in a while, so if you're interested in recommending me an event, shoot away!

  6. Has the forum been down for anybody else the past week?

  7. Posting on show yourself tonight, I have 3 options. 1) Go full gheddo swag. 2) Do a really weird picture. 3) Normal picture. Which one shall I choose?

  8. Posting on show yourself tonight, I have 3 options. 1) Go full gheddo swag. 2) Do a really weird picture. 3) Normal picture. Which one shall I choose?

  9. Posted on the show yourself thread finally. I had to get a friend to be like DO IT DO IT DO IT. o.o

  10. Googled Brazilian DDOS attacks... Found out that they DDOS their government, their banks, and they have DDOSed PSN that cause the whole hacking scandal. Now (a diff. guy)) is targeting us.

  11. I now have all the evils on one character. CRY HAVOC AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR!

  12. Come on, more. I need to practice my ban hammer swing.

  13. Sat on call to Chikaea dressed as a cat. You Only Live Once.

  14. Sat on call to Chikaea dressed as a cat. You Only Live Once.

  15. Whoever's doing this is getting loads of attention. Let's all move on and ignore the next one.

  16. For real, that impersonator was using Farsi and Bengali, my actual name is written in Hindi

  17. OMG I'm so sneaky, nobody will see through my clever disguise!

  18. The guy below me. I love him.

  19. The guy below me. I love him.

  20. trololol lololol trololol lololol

  21. Er... Seriously... WHy'd I get a warn,..?

  22. Now now boyfriends and girlfriends, calm yourselves and your First World Problem. Remember, in Ethiopia, they don't have sustained farming to feed their population!

  23. Can you burn some one to death with out a va?

  24. Paper-cutted my right eye... Urgh, this is painful.

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