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Everything posted by Coconuta

  1. crash all the servers! "Cedric_Evelyn" : Look, your voice crashed the server

    1. Yamnothere


      Hense, my new love for Cedric

    2. Coconuta


      heart, slowly, dieing..

  2. Punch ALL the issbaner!

  3. Casually trying to kill yourself in the middle of the boats.. repeatedly.. then being called suicidal :(

  4. Had some great RP today.. not to self, bully issbaner more ^.^ :P

  5. Had some great RP today.. not to self, bully issbaner more ^.^ :P

    1. Praetor


      :3 It was fun, wasn't it? ^^

    2. Maximas1211
  6. Trol ALL the teamspeak ^.^

    1. Recklez


      Dont! You get banned IG and on TS and then they wonr respond on your appeal!! -.-''

    2. Coconuta


      fail ALL the spellings ^^

    3. Praetor


      Troll the nice SpamShok :(

  7. One does not simply, kill himself in one rp session!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Coconuta


      Oh, well that was based off being killed after i logged in, and falling to death from a scab hurting, however the body was never found :P ^^

    3. Praetor


      Good! We must Rp!

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      *cracks cocounut and drinks milk*


  8. More like kill himself :P

    or attempt ;)

  9. Your dead to me, in the most violent rp way possible 3

  10. - called lym the wrong name- -server crashes- seems legit...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Dammit Rio ... I just locked on.

    3. Yamnothere


      Rio, you've doomed us ALL

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Jiggltpuff Does NOT Approve!

  11. Keeps skiving off writing up villain app... Getting way to lazy now ^^

    1. Praetor


      same. ^^. Are you going to be evil, or just using it for "advanced Rp-ing"?

    2. Coconuta


      Evil different char :p

    3. Praetor


      :O Umadbro?

  12. *always seems to get on the computer after the server crashes* ...

    1. Dash_Rogers


      im there with ya. but in another dimension

    2. Dante


      welcome to the club :3

  13. So much landscaring on the server, why noobs, why? D:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trouvo


      kill the bas****s!

    3. Nero


      Tell me where! Me, Liri, and Levant were just fixing some :p

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Damn them! Damn them to H*ll!

  14. Why haven't you been online recently ? D:

    im missing people making me see mistakes i make in irl ^.^

    in example: when i was a homphobe

    ^ you changed that :D

  15. ((you cant stop worshiping iblees if you start, thats powergaming))
  16. Brief Character History: The most rescent thing i remember is waking up in alkhazzar , out o' money and out of luck, yet i ventured out in search of adventure , where i found a nice man, and we started to mine some stone with the plan of selling it for some minas, yet i found out it wasn't worth much and set out to kill monsters, yet he disagreed with those dangers, and we changed our paths, i went out to kill monsters and came up with a cash making system just outside of al khazzar, once i had some money and basic equipment , i set out in search of a job and home where i came to alstion and met a genorous and kind man , called saint dan , yet i didn't know who he was and asked for a house which i later got money for and bought and tried to become involved with the comunity which was very kind and accepting , so i tried to get involved in helpfull jobs , for free and kill monsters for my money and i then ventured north where i found a destroyed and wrecked orc fort , i later found out this was the work o' the undead and tried to help the comunity kill them and send them back to their own world. Later on i was walking back to my home and saw snowy fields , a place i thought to be peacfull and freindly in ruins and became angry when i found out this was cause o' the undead and started my own private war on them , where i hunted them down and killed em and tried to stop their supplys from getting to their new fort which was horrible and a stain to the to all aegis and when i came 'ome their was rumors we would be attacked to and all of alstion , and the UAC who i thought where good fighters where attacking them , later we when't to rescue one of them who was captured yet the attack failed and i descided it was time to he a brake and go hunting , yet a message was sent to me via a bird , alstion had been looted! i nearly lost my sanity when images of the damage came to my mind , and descided that on my own i couldn't help much and now i find myself ooking for a new group to help against the foul undead and finding the people who i once tried to help , under the blessings of areal made me long to help them. Character Name (I.C.): me name be rio Character name (O.C.) coconuta Race: I am a proud human IC Age: i am 24 , but i am very well trained in the sword Will you be a FOA soldier, or apply for a division? If applying for a division please list which one ((Currently the Paladins and the Preachers)): I would join the palidins if it ment helping the ascended however, till then i would aim to be a soldier , as i have always been one Goals in the FOA?: The one goal i have is to help crush the undead and send them back to their own world , or further Good deeds you have done?: I have done many things , being a guard of oren and alstion and then a ranger of alstion and slaying many of the undead Have you done any bad deeds?: Once i nearly robed someone in kramoare and saw he evil i was doing and vowed to never go evil again How did you hear of us?: i heard rumors and have seen you fight before Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: the undead have crushed my homes and slayed my freinds, i will stop at nothing to send them back to their hell and kill all of their followers Can you wield a blade?: Me blade is my first choice in weapon , and i belive that i am quite proficient in it Are you a capable builder?: Give me a plot o' land and some plans , and it will be done , yet give time as quality is worth it Are you an archer?: I am not very good with my bow , but i am trying to improve this. Any special skills?: I do not belive i have any skills worth of mentioning. Do you have faith in the Ascendeds return and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: I will always trust the ascended and belive that after they return , the undead will be striked back with a force that will shock all aegis! Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I wil do any request given, give me orders and they will be completed , give me a sword and i will give the undead death!
  17. I actually have to quit lol , nvm about it
  18. In Game Name: Coconuta How long have you been on the server: a month Character Name: Rio Coconuts Why you want to join the Army: It seems to be growing well, and i have met you before and to help a powerfull army against the evil in the world would be a pleasure Previous jobs: Alstion Ranger (rytier, second in charge) F.O.A (recruit, same time as alstion rangers) Alstion Guard (Recruit) Oren Guard (recruit) Self employment How did you hear of us: Forums What is your field of profession: Swordsman What weapon do you typically use: A iron sword, a bow, 20 arrows, and a lot of mushroom stew Do you promise to obey our rules: Yes Group you want to be in: [i.E: Soldier, Rangers, Stewards etc] If possible to be in more than one A soldier and one who scouts, but not a ranger A builder And a farmer (im good with mushroom's) if im not fighting i will spend time building, or hunting monsters for money, also if we know a enemy base scouting around it and harrasing them ((finaly i live in GMT + 0 ))
  19. ((nope there was another RP that i faked it because i wanted to play as rio again and would rather wait till i get a AV app for my other character before rp ing him to ))
  20. two questions 1. where is the base you have 2. can i re join?
  21. to the followers base and sighs, rio coconuts is dead! he anounces (threads under role play :D )
  22. ((i killed my character off il join when i have a new evil one))
  23. -In-Game Name: Coconuta -RolePlaying Name: Rio coconuts -Sword and/or Bow Skill: [Not Needed for Now] -Are you a Mage: [Not Needed for Now] --If so, what type do you specialize in: [Not Needed for Now] -Villain Application Link: viewtopic.php?f=52&t=14291 -Race and Subrace: Human , no subrace -Previous Guilds/Armies Joined: Oren guard, alstion guard, alstionrangers,FOA --Are you still a member of this organization:Alstion Rangers, FOA --If yes, are you trusted: highly -Reason for Joining:because im trying to get iblees villain and this guild sounds cool -Evils you have committed: Rebel -References for Evils Done: (Optional) -Are you a good RolePlayer and do you understand the rules of PvP: i do thinkim a ok role player , and yes -Do you have any connections with trusted people within a Kingdom: all of alstionand a few FOA people -Time Zone and playing Times: GMT, whenever i can -Do you wish to have your name posted in the Guild list: no, till i do the betrayal from alstion
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