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Status Replies posted by nachotp

  1. if anyone hasn't voted yet vote. We are 18th on minestatus.. seriously wtf guys. http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft

  2. if anyone hasn't voted yet vote. We are 18th on minestatus.. seriously wtf guys. http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft

  3. Cheese and Onion crisps, Ooooh Jaaa

  4. Is stealing in the wilderness aloud?

  5. Been awake for like, 40+ hours now, so hard trying to fall asleep >.

  6. Can anyone get on the actual Minecraft? xx

  7. Havent got any responses for my appeals, Still waiting for a GM to respond to it, since respiren isnt a GM anymore I dont know who to ask. I cant even send messages for some reason to Gm's anymore..

  8. I am getting SO sick of these magic powergamers. My heads about to explode. >.

  9. Just got spacers, next week I get braces. Do they hurt>

    1. nachotp


      They hurt, just until 5 days then everytime you visit the dear doc, they will hurt for another 4 days

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. If respiren isnt an administratior anymore, who would be the one to unban me if I wouold be fortunate enough?

  11. Is getting annoyed at all the orphaned toddlers at the cloud temple randomly walking up to her while she is in her scary cloak and interrupting her important conversations. Is there any kids on this server who's parents are alive? There was one child with good RP though. Just one.

  12. Just lighting some candles, gathering Barry White records and will be running a steamy bubble bath for mine and Native's special night together.

  13. what is the command to set a shop /setshope doesn't work

  14. can any gm fm or admins, change my group to diamond vip?

  15. Life as a Mori slave is surprisingly fun. Always RP going on, at least. Oh, and derping around in teamspeak.

    1. nachotp


      We got caught by the MRI but we escaped with fbPatty >:D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. Walk out of house, see six cave spiders. Wat do?

  17. Titanium.

    1. nachotp


      GOD I LOVE THAT SONG! IT HAS BEEN STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR AGES! We are different Danny I know.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. Who was it that actually made LOTC? Noob question i know :P

  19. Guys remember to vote, we are on 13! We can do better that that! You help the server and gain 300 minas if ye dont want to do it for the server then help yerself with 300minas!

  20. Just finished writing a menu for Spanish class. THE MENU WAS IN SPANISH! I deserve Kudos for that...

  21. Okay, lets do some Applications!

  22. off to bed, goodnight lotc

  23. Can anyone else not connect to minecraft? I can't login...

  24. Can't wait for Summer. It's the only time of year where you can have a decent night out, when the good music is released, and in general; everything is awesome.

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