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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Thrym

  1. My JV soccer coach of last year, committed suicide yestday.....to be honest, none of my teammates nor I even knew he had depression, which he had aparently been hiding for the past few years. R.I.P. Drew Milkent.

  2. Just reached 1000 Posts!!!

  3. Just reached 1000 Posts!!!

  4. 999 Posts! I am now reserving my 1000th post for something awesome

  5. Who knew it only took a book to turn someone insane. or "Determined" so in fact.

  6. Just Updated my LotC Texture Pack

  7. 10 POSTS AWAY FROM 1000!!!!!


  9. Im slowly loosing intrest yet again :/

  10. So, how are you all doing?

  11. just finished up with the forums for, well, lastnight. hope to do more this weekend. thanks for positive feedback all!

  12. Someone has the audacity to ban my Jesus account T_T

  13. I can't change my display name. Yes I know where it is but I literally do not have a "Change Display Name" option. If anyone can help it would be appreciated

  14. I need someone to tell me how to change my forum name. I've done it before but can't seem to find where to do it anymore.

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