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Status Replies posted by Appeals.

  1. Come back LOTC!

    1. Appeals.


      Don't listen to him, he is a fake. I'll come back to you baby, and we can be together forever.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Wow, the Dwarves are so aggressive lately, finally fed up with being kicked in the face in battle?

    1. Appeals.


      The above is funny because dwarves often do that =/

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  3. Can't find my way to the elven capital. FAIL

    1. Appeals.


      1743 X, Z -600. This isn't meta gaming just say you found it from spread of word.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. That feel when I enjoyed getting sacrificed by the Mori and errybody else is just raging. -_-

    1. Appeals.


      That feeling when someone brings up a serious topic and people like cosmik simply don't riong anything to the conversation. =)

  5. That was SO freaking stupid. A bunch of Mori come to the elf capital, and start speaking a odd language, then just attack us all, kill me, I had all my life work in my inventory, everything I ever owned, and they just attack, we cant even understand them. It was majorly absurd, and a terrible rp event. I thought they would bring good rp, instead they just bring bad rp and minecraft combat.

    1. Appeals.


      It is still horrendous rp, and you would feel the same if you were in the situation.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. That was SO freaking stupid. A bunch of Mori come to the elf capital, and start speaking a odd language, then just attack us all, kill me, I had all my life work in my inventory, everything I ever owned, and they just attack, we cant even understand them. It was majorly absurd, and a terrible rp event. I thought they would bring good rp, instead they just bring bad rp and minecraft combat.

    1. Appeals.


      Exactly, they come randomly, I offer food, they growl at me and draw their sword, there is like 6 of us, and like 5 of them, they are better geared, then one attack, serenityonyx, and the rest join in. We couldn't understand a single word, and she and one othr were the only ones doing any rp, the rest just joined in. It was terrible rp, I lost everything, and have to walk back, jeez, I wish it would have at least been good enough to justify the walk backk....

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  7. That was SO freaking stupid. A bunch of Mori come to the elf capital, and start speaking a odd language, then just attack us all, kill me, I had all my life work in my inventory, everything I ever owned, and they just attack, we cant even understand them. It was majorly absurd, and a terrible rp event. I thought they would bring good rp, instead they just bring bad rp and minecraft combat.

    1. Appeals.


      They were speaking a random language no body knows, then one draws their sword and says some more things then emotes *attacks closest femaklee as sign of dominance* then every cgharges in...

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  8. about to hit 70,000 mina *flexes :D

    1. Appeals.


      HOW? Everything was wiped, you came here with 3000 minas. Hm, obvious, 100 excavation...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)


    1. Appeals.


      log back in finally, COMPLETELY lost, im so pissed.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. I finally get to a place with no perms, and I die!

  11. HAHA i got in! ;D -robot dance-

  12. Gonna go play some skyrim. Hopefully the scramble for slots will be over by then

    1. Appeals.


      lol. Scramble for slots will be up for a while.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. welp im going to wait till it dies down to get on, let me know when it gets down to 100 or so xD

    1. Appeals.


      *3 months later*

  14. People should get unwhitelisted after 2 monthes of inacitvity..

    1. Appeals.


      Talfagoron, I am sure EVERYONE is getting tired of your egotistical non sense. Anytime anybody says anything even slightly negative about the new map, or in this case something completely different, you are on them like a dog, hounding them telling them to stop complaining. Just let it run its course.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. We have no food, and no direction of where to go

  16. I didn't think I could be possibly dissapointed, I was wrong.

    1. Appeals.


      Give it time? You gotta be kidding me. They took EVERYTHING, they gave us NO CLUE of where to go, how do we live with NO FOOD, NO TOOLS, nothing. I cant break wood with my hands to get the wood I need, and even if I could, everything is protected.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Staying as a fearful orc lol

    1. Appeals.


      What do you have to be afraid of? your a 7 foot behemoth of pure muscle, you can snapp a mans neck with two fingers, why and how does it make any rp sense to be a fearful orc?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Who else is having major problems with the forums? I go to view a profile or go to a thread topic and it just doesn't show anything but the stupid banner add for a Facebook friend request. Too bad I don't have Facebook. Some ads, seriously. . .

  19. I am seriously about to have a nergasm all over the place. So far, nothing has gone good for me in this huge event, but it will all be worth it when Asulon comes.

    1. Appeals.


      I wont be, my expectations are literally incredibly low, because so far all of the event has dissapointed me, now no matter wat it is, will excite me.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. angry, got accused by "alras again" for something, then everyone just came up to me saying rude comments, thinking of a warning report, but don't know if its worth such, but i'm very frustrated by what happen

    1. Appeals.


      You were firing arrows randomly and doing random rp hits and such according to most people.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. what are these mori things people are talking about? i have heard of them many times but havent found anything about them, apperently its a new race or laungenge or something?

    1. Appeals.


      click on caverns of Menorcress in the role play section, then read.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)


  23. Finally gets to log in, only to find his home griefed and his hidden chest, placed under planks of wood, open and stolen from. I lost everything over night.

    1. Appeals.


      Alkenaar. This was in the verge, after the event, in my cozy little home. The chest was hidden under wood and dirt, and my home was griefed. To Redbaron, tht is why I am not modreqing it.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  24. Finally gets to log in, only to find his home griefed and his hidden chest, placed under planks of wood, open and stolen from. I lost everything over night.

    1. Appeals.


      Yup, lost 2 stacks of iron, 5 diamonds, iron gear, and food.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  25. Finally gets to log in, only to find his home griefed and his hidden chest, placed under planks of wood, open and stolen from. I lost everything over night.

    1. Appeals.


      It just angers me it happened. I figured it would, and was scared it would, and then it did =(

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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