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Status Updates posted by Rustyjusty123

  1. Antag battle yesterday was really fun! Thank you to the GM's and ET who made it happen :)

    1. Knox213


      um i made it happen by making the warclaim credit where it is due please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Demotheus


      Not true. Arkelos made the warclaim before you, then you made one after. Then she merged them because lol why not no one would have a problem with that *shrug*

  2. Bring Boiendl Back 2014

  3. officially a black belt first degree! :)

  4. How will I know when I get my Gold VIP? I dont mean to be a bother, but im just wondering

    1. SparehoeCakes


      You should get it near instantly, Try typing in OOC chat, or LOOC, it should have your VIP there when it goes into affect. To get the rank on the forums, you should PM an admin or make a support post in the support section.

    2. Rustyjusty123


      Ah okay. I bought it on Saturday and i havent gotten it yet. Thanks for the help!

  5. Just got accepted to a college i wanted to go to :D yay

  6. Just donated! Gold VIP. sooo now what? haha

  7. Only.....3...more...days.....Gah >.

    1. Valdis


      technicly two, if you dont count today

    2. Rustyjusty123
  8. *sighs* whats up with the DDos,, we must destroy it,,,

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      shall i kill it with fire

      from orbit?

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