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Everything posted by Akorta

  1. Australian puybs really need to check ID.

  2. I am your enemy, I am your opposite, I only exist because you do... When will you understand? As long as there is one of us, there is the other.

  3. I am your enemy, I am your opposite, I only exist because you do... When will you understand? As long as there is one of us, there is the other.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Akorta


      Me too, I want to buy a mini-bar so I no longer need to see people when I get thirsty!

    3. Akorta


      Me too, I want to buy a mini-bar so I no longer need to see people when I get thirsty!

    4. Maximas1211


      lol your tempting me to buy one XD

  4. Susitsu will be mine.

  5. Come back weekend *sniffles*

  6. Come back weekend *sniffles*

  7. Derping on WoW.

  8. Derping on WoW.

  9. Want to sleep... But there's so much spare time for activities!

  10. Want to sleep... But there's so much spare time for activities!

  11. 36 hours of sleep would be nice...

  12. 36 hours of sleep would be nice...

    1. Narrogan (Nathan1506)
    2. Narrogan (Nathan1506)
    3. Braxis


      Pffft Akrota you should Know Sleep for da weak!

  13. Almost 6pm... Thinking about getting breakfast.

  14. Almost 6pm... Thinking about getting breakfast.

  15. They should make OOC in IC bannable, like... Three step warning system leading up to a two day ban... Be evil and help teach people the outside world is bad.

  16. They should make OOC in IC bannable, like... Three step warning system leading up to a two day ban... Be evil and help teach people the outside world is bad.

  17. X-Men First Class needed more Wolverine :I

  18. X-Men First Class needed more Wolverine :I

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      X-MEN Origins: One scene with two words XD

    2. Guest


      He says "Go **** yourself."

      In true wolverine style.

  19. I love the rain... Except when it rains for a week straight and floods >:I

  20. I love the rain... Except when it rains for a week straight and floods >:I

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