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Status Updates posted by Akorta

  1. *rolls around on the ground* GO AWAY STEAM.

  2. 3,000 Profile views :o I feel popular.

  3. 3,000 Profile views :o I feel popular.

  4. 36 hours of sleep would be nice...

    1. Narrogan (Nathan1506)
    2. Narrogan (Nathan1506)
    3. Braxis


      Pffft Akrota you should Know Sleep for da weak!

  5. 36 hours of sleep would be nice...

  6. 4,000 Views, I feel popular.

  7. 4,000 Views, I feel popular.

  8. 6:25pm... Almost time for breakfast!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Akorta


      My alnighters usually end at that time. It's close enough.

    3. Akorta


      My alnighters usually end at that time. It's close enough.

    4. V0idsoldier


      =( okay night time XD.

  9. 6:25pm... Almost time for breakfast!

  10. 7pm... Time for breakfast!

  11. A bottle and a half of rum, not feeling it yet :I

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      Come on Skype when you're drunk. I need to see it 8D!

  12. A shame to hear what Availer did :I

  13. A shame to hear what Availer did :I

  14. A year ago today Alec and myself joined Lord of the Craft, even though we have moved on now, we'll never forget the awesome experience that is Lord of the Craft. Our first day:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Akorta


      I haven't exactly played on the server for months, but I love the community so I'm always stalking the forums. and I remember you :P

    3. Kendra


      Yeah neither have i :P but YOU REMEMBER ME :DDDD yaaaaaaay

    4. Akorta
  15. Addicted to PlanetSide 2, been playing for about two days already spent close to $200 on it :I also got Alec addicted ^-^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ΚΨΙΞ


      It is a really great game.

    3. Samoblivion


      Liberty or death! Eat New Conglomerate Freedom Waffles!

    4. Praetor


      200$ e.e, The price of a cubic centimeter of our high tech Vanu rifles!

  16. After about 6 weeks of working I finally seen my first snake, too bad he was chilling in the toilet and couldn't get a good look at him :c

  17. After picking 8 winners, looking for their profiles, and then sending them all PMs, I'm quite hungry...


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