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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Braxis

  1. Fall in abyss at Renatus attack.... LIKE A BAWS! :D Optimism FTW! lol

  2. Alright New Jornheim is officially posted, we have stone, iron for gates and a whole clan of eager players. Now we just need approval :D

  3. No school tomorrow! *fistpumps*

  4. I like being a white orc... Fun.

  5. Time to yell at people until they feed Tack ^_^

  6. Time to yell at people until they feed Tack ^_^

  7. Time to yell at people until they feed Tack ^_^

  8. Just had a lovely Wedding! Thanks for everyone who attended!

  9. "Raren Miiystra [Lym]": HA! FOUND MY NEW SOFTPORN

  10. Can anyone get on the actual Minecraft? xx

  11. Leeeeerrrrrrooooy Jeeeeennnkiiins!!

  12. Can anyone suggest a site that's good for making a computer? I'm in need of a new one.

  13. Clerics, Paldains, Pupils Vote for the Guildhouse location! and People who whish to become clerics we are taking Pupils now!

  14. I love the feeling of returning...its been too long

  15. I may be back soon...

  16. I am getting SO sick of these magic powergamers. My heads about to explode. >.

  17. I am getting SO sick of these magic powergamers. My heads about to explode. >.

  18. Just got spacers, next week I get braces. Do they hurt>

  19. Yay, sickness during V-day... And still sick v.v

  20. Protip: don't rage on the forums, buy a punching bag. Trust me, mine's gotten a lot of use in the past month.

  21. As soon i get up I think this School:MEEEEH! Birthday: :D New Laptop: :D New Laptop not here till next week: :s

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