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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Braxis

  1. Got to read 10 sites of lecture, an french essay to write. Dad's going to kill me if I'm not in my bed in an hour. Help? D:

  2. Got to read 10 sites of lecture, an french essay to write. Dad's going to kill me if I'm not in my bed in an hour. Help? D:

  3. Reputation down a star, Hates gana Hate.

  4. Does this server incorporate lotr lore?

  5. Your arguement is invalid, I'm an elf.

  6. Finally after months of waiting, I have donated $25!

  7. Urasept and I spent every waking minute holding rifles.

  8. Today is mah birfday! :D

  9. 2 year old orc learning to fight by going to battle agains renatus today! Armed with a stone axe, bow and some leather armor......... Gonna be some fun rp.

  10. Mori roam free!

  11. Daytona, why you so wet? :(

  12. Stop The War! Stop the war against Hanseti, Renatus!

  13. Now.. To finish my essay! I SHALL CONQUER THEE!

  14. Alright guys, I may not be on in a while my mother just passed away in the hospital and Im depressed. So for now I wont be on the game but I may be on the forums.

  15. I wish there were more time in the day...

  16. Just got a Saint Bernard :)

  17. Servers been pretty laggy lately, maybe the server needs a RAM upgrade?

  18. Sorry all but will not be able to come on for a week or so due to personal reasons.

  19. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: buy a punching bag and direct your rage at IT, not at the forums.

  20. New bunga bunga avatar. Aw yeah.

  21. Old hat.....but I'm gold vip...... Mother of god...... Gold Hat?!

  22. Anyone Know what the Group Old hat is?...Im very confused..

  23. What did Braxis do??

  24. I haven't accepted a single villain application at all yet, or a server app in the past week and a bit... I feel evil... :/

    When I discovered this I kinda went...


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