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Posts posted by GavinTheViking

  1. Dear Nobility and Landowners of Oren,


            I, Kaneous Klargus the Second, wish to purchase a small plot of land near our grand capital, Kaldonia. I won't need much land ((between 15x15 and 30x30)). I am willing to pay in Minas or Iron, which ever is more convenient. Thank you for your time. Ave Orenia!



                    Kaneous Klargus II 


    So, let this be a lesson to any lesser nation. Step on anyone's toes then cry on the forums enough and you can oocly end a war you're doomed to lose. Gotta love the message being portrayed.

    And we're going with conensual war come 4.0? Damn this server is just looking good.

    This just makes things even worse on the OOC relations between the two groups. Just going to toss that out there.


  3. Remembers how they have only really lost one war? "Oh dwarves thinking they can win this war, they must be stupid enough to believe they could win with Oren at full strength."

    Kaneous corrects the man. "Full strength? Oren is not at its peak. This is only the base of the mountain of power Oren will amount to.

  4. Forced conquests end in either drama or one group suffering in silence however you do 'em. I've no doubt you can create a really good war system for two groups that aren't at each other's throats OOC. But if a group outright refuses to organise a war event with you, forcing war on them'll end in so much OOC drama that nobody will enjoy themselves. I doubt anyone wants a repeat of the Anthos OOC conflict.

    There's nothing stopping you organising amazing war systems with another faction that's happy to organise them with you, the Dwarf Oren one you cited is an example of that. But forced war? Plenty of empirical evidence to indicate it makes neither fun nor RP when it goes wrong, and when you have force it, it's going wrong.

    Are you referring to nations or small settlements? Anyhow, war is NOT FAIR. People have to loss sometimes, or end it in peace. There isn't always going to be one solution to make everyone happy and friends. War is meant to gain, conquer, and destroy. You take the risk by entering a war, sometimes you do not provoke or want to do so. That is life, and how it should be roleplayed, like a logical real life system of nature. If people do not want to fight, then they should run away, buy/make allies, or pay off their attackers if possible. There shouldn't be safe guards preventing war just because people want their own house in the middle of nowhere. We need to solve things with logic, not pleasing the people who post the most, not naming any names. Sorry Lago, this isn't all all aimed at you, but some is, more of the first part is.

    Alan. I'm sorry but your compromise to outside cities ruined it. Your proposal had a potential to centralize RP to nations capitals by discouraging players from creating their own cities and spreading out RP all over the map. Lift raising rules on non nation settlements so raiders can do some good.


  5. Hello. I come to the community with a idea. Seeing as war had been a big issue on the server, a few things have been done to prepare 4.0 for war. A new war system was made, which angered many. Admins and GMs making the rules is fine, but when coming to war, there needs to be a council-like-group who knows how Minecraft war works. That is why I propose, a War Team.


    I know what you are thinking, "Not another Team". Well, a team like this is long overdue. Shiftnative's war rules were okay, but the rules are not appropriate for LordoftheCraft. A War Team, with a representative from every major faction (who is a veteran player with war experience), would sit down, along with one or two GMs of admins who are experienced in war, and they would make the rules. The Admins do not know the right answer to every question. In this case, the war question needs to be answered by a fair, just, and knowledgeable council. 


    One Admin (Maybe)

    One of Two GMs

    Oren Represenative

    Kal'Urguan Rep.

    Orc Rep.

    Snow Elf Rep.

    Wood Elf Rep.(?)

    High Elf Rep.

    [[This is just an example of the list of the team, with maybe a community voted few who serve as just unaligned reps.]]


    If you support this brief idea, +1 this post please. I also want your thoughts and criticism. Thank you for reading.

  6. In Character


    Name: Kaneous Klargus II

    Age: 19

    Race: Northener

    What are your professions and talents?: I am an average fighter, an above average archer, and a well rounded diplomat and reasonable speaker.

    Previous military experience: None

    Do you agree to follow the Oath of Allegiance?: Aye.


    Out of Character


    MC Name: GavinTheViking

    Do you have skype? (Not Required): Yes

    Do you have teamspeak? (Not Required): Yes

  7. "Wut hob mi dun? Mi recruitud sevun new Uglukz, mayde hozh relationz wif da Kaxil klan, agh ull da while kept klompun umiez. Mi nebbah zee uni ov latz dere klompun ulungzide wif myzelf agh da Kaxilz. Now ah klan wor iz ztartun. Agh lat vunt ta votye fur Warguth? Mi wul du zum tinkun, agh blah zumtin tu lat latat Malog." Nux grunts loudly, sitting back in his seat, waiting for any responses.

  8. Nux is satisfied with the attendance rate, even a special guest arriving. He coughs, sits up in his throne, and says,"Da Uguk klan, wif ah lung agh hozh hiztury. Fur ah lung tyme mi beh un da klan, ova azh hundrud yeerz. Mi peep ah lut. Mi gruk wut ut taykz ta leed urukz. Etha un ah klan ur un ah nation. Rulg ta Malog fur duin ah hozh job befur mi, but mi thot ut wuz tyme to taky ova." Nux coughs again, cracking his neck. "Nuthin ov much impurtunce ere. Mi juzt vunt ta zay azh wurd, Recruit. Git ta klanlezz urukz ta becum ah bruddah ov da Ugluk klan. Lutz ulzo zturt duing mur ritualz ov uld wayz, az Pok hod dun dem wif myzelf un Azulon. Uf uny oddah bruddah vuntz ta blah, gu ahed." Nux waits for any of his clan members to speak up.

  9. Warhorns blow, signaling the meeting of the Ugluk clan. Nux throws some more firewood into the dim blaze. He is suprised to see some of the young goblins already arriving in the clan tent. The Wargoth also commands a few messenger runners to send word to far off outposts of the meetings. "Dere bi ah few tingz mi wunt ta blah ubut. Ah few tingz ov hozh izzue." Nux patiently waits for any other Ugluk members to arrive. 



    Forum Meeting. Ugluks only. RP your arrival and we'll move on from there.

  10. The orcs amass near the Ugluk tent, headbutting and klomping alike. Nux walks into the Ugluk tent, yelling,"DA MEETUN OV DA WARGOTH COUNCUL IS ZTARTUN!" The orcs squeeze their way through the entrance way. Nux takes his seat on the Wargoth throne, seeing his brothers squeeze in. The crowded group includes all four clans, Ugluk, Lur, Gorkil, and Azog. A fifth clan joins the rest, Kaxil. Broxigar and Vulgrak sit near the throne. Orcs glare at the duo, knowing of their actions. As the orcs begin to take their seats, Nux shouts, "DA MEETUN HOB ZTURTUD!"For the next few hours, the orcs discuss the Rexdom, Krughai, the new Targoth, and the unbanishing of the Kaxil clan. An actual Rex was not decided, the Wargoths taking their time to choose their nominations until the next meeting. The things decided upon were shouted by goblins message runners. "DA URUKZ NOW HOB AH REXDOM! DERE BI AH NEW KRUGHAI! WULGEHN IZ DA TARGUTH! DA KLAN KAXIL WUZ UNBANIZHUD!"




    The orcs had a council meeting. Great attendance out of every clan. The orcs now have a Rexdom, but have not decided on a Rex. The Krugahi was re-instated, with Mingpow321 being Targoth, or head general. Other Krughai ranks will be decided by him. We are waiting to pick a Rex, but will eventually. Also Kaxils were unbanished. Love to see the orcs returning to old ways, while implemented new ways of conducting the government.

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