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Posts posted by GavinTheViking

  1. Kaneous Klargus the Second walks along the cobble path through the desert. He doesn't notice the large Orc fortress until he is right infront of its gates. Seeing an Orc on the wall he calls out to him

    "Hello, orc. I wish to offer you something."

    The Orc insults the human, before another higher rank Orc comes up to the open gate. He shouts, "Wut uz latz uffa?"

    Kaneous responds, saying "I wish to work with the Orcs to infiltrate and deceive their enemies. I could also serve as a translated for human script and wanted posters. A spy, an inside man, on the Orc's side."

    Kaneous waits for a response from one of the respected Orcs about his offer.

    ((I will still play Nux, just making this Human to make more diverse RP and to do something when no orcs are on. Also, no one was around in plain sight when Kaneous did this, so please DO NOT RP hearing this if you are not an Orc.))

  2. Nux watches from the wall, a ways off. He remembers Thore, and his Rex-ship. Focused on the approaching battle, he returns to the mines. He is satisfied more orcs are returning to the nation.

    (Good to see you are back)

  3. Hey orcs. You all know we have a teamspeak server and it is a great way to get to know people and enhance rp. I would appreciate it if all you new orcs (if you plan to stay active) get in our teamspeak channel to tlak to us and understand the orcs better. The ip is ts.lordofthecraft.net. Here is how it usually looks: 


  4. MC name?:GavinTheViking

    Have you been banned? If so, why?:In August 2011, stole a piston. I got unbanned a week or two later. #ThugLife

    Do you have an accepted villain app?:Nope.

    Do you have a TS or Skype? Skype name?:Yep and gavinsample

    Short Bio (2-5 sentences): Kaneous Klargus was born to a very old man and his spouse. His mother died after childbirth. He was raised solely by his father. Taught to swing an axe and shoot a bow, he is ready to prove himself and learn to fight for Oren.



    Name:Kaneous Klargus II



    Experience:My father taught me briefly in axe weilding. He spent longer teaching me archery. I have not been in any real battles, though.

    Your oath:I, Kaneous Klargus the Second hereby swear my sword to the Nords of the Frost, and to that of the Ulfhaedyn line, to defend our lands, to stain my sword with the enemies blood, and to batter my shield in defense of my brothers. 'Till death comes to me, I shall not forsake my vow, I do by swear.

  5. I had assume the shorten human curse of life span would work in half or terms against the elven blessing, both were given by an aengul demones creature of power, so one shouldn't completely negate the other, they work hand in hand, that's why half breeds don't have elven life span, but instead a shorten one, half of a thousand years is 500 years of life expectancy cut...

    Nope, it clearly says the curse is dominant and the blessing is recessive. So a human/elf would have infertility and a short life.

  6. *Walks by the note and decides to take a look at it. He tell himself:*

    "This Tavern doesn't even have Vodka yet! I shall visit only when he has Vodka"

    *Symodimi then walks away whistling*

    *Hears that Vodka is a popular, Julius strives for a week to find the recipe. After learning it from a merchant, he adds it to the list of things his tavern sells.*

    [ Added Vodka ]

  7. Many pieces of paper are posted throughout Arethor, Solace, and other human settlements

    The Therving Tavern

    Many sketches are made of the tavern




    The Therving Tavern has reopened under the ownership of Julius Silverblade. There are many foods to choose from. Such foods include ale, bread, soup, and meats. An additional outdoors seating area is provided. Our menu is listed below

    The Therving Tavern Menu:

    Ale- 7 Minas

    Apple- 2 Minas

    Baked Potatos- 10 Minas

    Bread- 2 Minas

    Carrots- 5 Minas

    Cookies- 2 Minas

    Meats- 7 Minas

    Melons- 1 Mina

    Soup- 7 Minas

    Vodka- 10 Minas

    Visit the Therving Tavern in Arethor, acroos from the Silverblade Smithy, just inside the walls.

  8. A few pieces of parchment are posted in Arethor, containing a notice for a man looking for work

    Hello, Oren residents. I am looking for work that will earn me some coin. Such work I prefer is chopping logs, pulling weeds, collecting sand or gravel. If you would like to hire me, post a small reply under this note containing information on the work and location. Pay will be discussed when I meet ye in person. Thank ye for reading.

    ~Julius Silverblade

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