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Posts posted by GavinTheViking

  1. Goblin Messengers run throughout orc lands, yelling.


    "Dere bi trainun zuun, bi ut da goi gayte un ah twiggeh dai."


    The Goblins go to the Orcs, as also to the Adunians and Daldriad. They urge the Adunians the most to come, as they are more needy of orcish war tactics than the fearless Daldriad. 


    [[There will be training at 6 EST by the Arena just outside the gate. All allies are welcome to join. I want as many Adunians to attend as possible, as you guys do not have a lot of battle experience. Please attend this, as I will try to have training every Saturday.]]

  2. *Max receives a poster from a goblin, he smiles, and says thank you before ripping it up after the goblin is gone* "Stupid things think they can have a store next to me, and win." *Max sends a messy child like message to Charles Greymane that states "Silly Orc thinks he can sell stuff next to us"

    (( OOC: I wish you luck, give Zabgub some of dat profit. :3))

    ((Nope,that's meta and I don't donate to 8 year old commie farmers doe <3))
  3. A dozen goblins travel throughout Anthos. They tell of a shop in Salvus, selling lots of goods. They hand out papers advertising this establishment. 


    Da Potato Bruddaz Zhop


    *This paper is translated into common*


    The Potato Brothers sell many items at their Salvus stall. From iron to potatoes to sand.


    *Sketches of the stall are drawn below*





    Here is a list of our wares and their prices:


    Arrow- 1 Mina each

    Bone Meal- 1 Mina each

    Bow- 2 1/2 Minas each

    Carrot- 1 Mina each

    Iron Ingot- 22 Minas each

    Potato- 1 Mina each

    Sand- 1 Mina

    Stone Sword- 3 Minas each

    String- 1 Mina each


    Restocking occurs at least once every elven day.

  4. [i will be doing an Orc LP soon, probably starting this weekend. It will just show how we function and what we do. I will also be making a video where I fly around and talk about the Orcs. That video will be edited and what not to look nice. Stay tuned for that this weekend, hopefully.]

  5. -snip-

    Playing an Orc isn't about winning or keeping items, like you said with the armor thing, it is about enjoying RP.

    We win 1 battle for every 2 or 3 we fight (that is recent Elysuim stats). It is still fun to lose, as I loved being chased through my own mines by 7 Oren peasant levies knights. When we win, it is a pretty awesome feeling if we just lost a few battles prior.

    Orcs do train a lot. PvP klomps (fights in Orcish) are considered training to me. I klomp around 2-8 times a day. I am all for losing a fight to a good rp-er who's character makes sense to win. Heck, I once lost to 5 humans, 3 with crossbows and 2 with swords, because I felt like it and Oren was dead with excitement.

    If you do play an Orc, I strongly suggest getting on TS. It will make a big difference, helping you excell in learning our culture better and quicker.

  6. I always assumed there was or might be friction between clans and whatnot. If that's not the case, it would definitely be something fun to explore. The Orcs could have some cool political intrigue.

    There was a full blown clan war when the Orcs lost there fort to the Humans in kinda early Elysuim. It was pretty fun, better than wars with humans and dwarves.

  7. Nux looks to Raurna from the wall of the Ugluk fort. Holding back laughter, he mutters to members down in the keep

    "Nebah chullung mi, unluzz latz uz Pok. Skah un Braduk."

    Nux motions for Fozil to grab orcs and go mining. He sees war on every front now. Humans, Dwarves, now his own Orcs. He yells to Raurna.

    "Skah-hed, latz gut ut mi lundz befur mi du sumtin. Latz cun hob urmur un, un mi stull flat lat wif nub urmz."

    Nux takes down a worn, ripped flag. Its darle gray and brownish yellow coloring represent old, cowardice ways. He stabs a new, brightly colored flag into the gate. It represents the new mindset of Ugluk, as it were in Nux's early days. He then mutters to himself.

    "Mi tok skah frum stout, umie, un nuw uruk fur tuu lung. Mi nub put up wif nub skah nub mur. Latz cauze skah, latz fed. Mi nub bi fanci ubut ut nub mur. Skah-hedz bi ded."

    Nux flexes the string on his longbow before waiting for a response from Raurna.

  8. MC Name:GavinTheViking

    RP Name:Nux Ugluk

    Clan: Ugluk

    Previous IC positions: Wargoth, Nob

    Time Zone: CST

    Teamspeak & Mic: Yes.

    How much time can you put in: I don't know, a few, maybe thirty. I been an Orc since February 2012. I can get on 1-5 hours on schooldays and around 7 hours or more on weekends.

  9. Not everything having to do with the downfall of orc RP is the orcs' fault. Lately, everyone and their mother (and their children) thinks they can take on an orc in a 1v1 fight. This should almost never happen. I'm not saying that it's impossible. It's not. The problem is that nobody thinks twice about fighting an orc anymore. Whether they're a homeless old beggar or a twelve-year old child, they just jump right in and claim to suddenly be "too quick" to be touched by any of the orc's attacks. Only the most seasoned warriors are supposed to be able to take on an orc, and that's if the orc isn't particularly skilled. Nobody pays attention to the size and strenth advantage that orcs are supposed to have.

    Everybody needs to understand what orcs are, not just the orcs.

    I agree.

    I swear myself and a few orcs were trying to take a dark elves pants and it took 15 minutes. It was rediculous. We got the pants doe.

  10. I gotcha Arteh. I fix War Nation. You see. No tears, only dweams mayne.

    Ma Ideaz:

    Epic War Paint That Means Something: Clan colors, number of stripes on face for number of kills last battle with that faction, Wargoth have different style than elder who has different style than regular member.

    Training Sessions: To whip the skah out of Bog.. I mean Orcs that nub listen, at all. (Not saying Bog doesn't listen, xoxo)

    TS/Skype: Get er'body able to listen to Arteh scream orders while Ctap calls me a fat homo. So we understand RP situations better.

    RP Klomps, some: Do some RP Klomps, training weaker orcs through getting the **** kicked out of them.

  11. Application:

    Name (MC and RP: GavinTheViking or Swagg_Bandit / Kaneous Klargus II

    Race: Human

    Desired Position (If any):GroßWache

    Preferred Weapon (If any): A Short Sword

    Non-Combat Skills (If any): Drawing and Organization

    Previous Work (Past groups or jobs): I was in the Norsemen before everyone died.

    Your most valued trait from list below:


    Have you interacted with the Order before? Explain if yes: No.

    Have you visited Hanseti before? Explain if yes: No because it's cold as fawk far away.

    Are you willing to take an oath?: Yes I am.

    Moral boundaries (What you will not do): Children are not a threat, so they should not be harmed. Foolish people are similar, but I enjoy spilling their blood them.

    Do you have a VA?: No.

    Additional information: Hi Romenan.

  12. *Notes are pinned around Human lands, they read the following*

    Certain War Is Coming, From Those Who Befriend You

                 Oren, a mighty empire, is threatened. By turning a blind eye with their alliance, the Dwarves are secretly planning on crippling Oren. Who fought tirelessly to keep the Humans from reuniting in Asulon? Does Salvus ring a bell? They fought to keep the Humans scattered and weak. Now, they plan to return them to their previous state.

                 Beware, war is on the horizon. Acting first may bring great advantages in later time. Armor up, you will be needed. As Oren faces turmoil at the hands of the heretic worshipped with ale stained braids on their chins! They do not even recognize the Creator! Fight the true fight, brothers. 

    "You lose all of the battles you never try fighting."


  13. *Notes are posted throughout Dwarven lands, they read the following*

    A Threat Rises, From Whom You Trust

                 Oren, they are strong. They have the men, the coin, and the supplies to take on any faction known. This seems good for their allied Dwarven friends, yes? Wrong, it is an avalanche waiting to happen. They help you in battles, possessing twice the manpower you can muster. 

                 Today, you fight side by side. Tomorrow, you fight face to face. Be smart bearded ones, war is coming. War on Oren. A war that shouldn't be fought alone.

    "As arrow will fly, they will hit unsuspecting foes. Those who were too blind to see the bolt coming." 


  14. *A note is posted below*

    I have up to 25 iron ingots for sale, at 30 minas each. Are you interested?

    *Posts a reply note under the previous note*

    Yes, I am! Please reserve your ingots for my purchase until I can meet with you.

    ((I am CST time, or -6, I can get on 3-5 my time tomorrow, does that work for you?))

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