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Posts posted by susitsu

  1. The omnipresent filthy orenian peasant curls his chapped, blackened lips, revealing the wretched teeth hanging off bits off bloody gingivitis-ridden gum. One of the yellow, blood ridden pieces of tooth falls to the ground, as a tear escapes from the horrid man's eye, running down his cheek, savaged by smallpox and plague, landing in his filthy tick infected beard. The peasant promptly raises a hand to touch the notice, as his fingernail comes off at contact with the paper, staining the notice in filthy, scarlet blood with small streaks of yellow puss. The commoner then proceeds to falls forwards lifelessly and lands against the wall, scraping down the stone, leaving a mark of crimson red blood teeming with small worms, maggots, and puss. The peasant dies of the plague, as the horrid stench of his disease infected body is carried by the gentle breeze that rolls through the land of the elves every now and then.



    Kardel walks away from the scene, not only made to witness the abject death of the peasant, but also disturbed by the notice itself.



    Castor wheezes in horror at this, glad that he lives the high life even though he's never been payed or has ever payed any taxes.


    "Damn it's good to be a mage..." he says, shaking his head.

  2. A single Red Mage of Renatus responds to this with a song. From somewhere, it comes, written by who, it does not say, but this song is for all the men fighting against The Crow.


    Come Out Ye Black And Golds!

    I was born on a Abersi street where the Crow drums did taint & beat
    And those loving strelts feet they walked all over us
    And every single night when me dad would come home tight
    He'd invite the neighbours out with this chorus

    Chorus: Come out you black and golds! Come out and fight me like a man!
    Show your wife how you won medals down in Furnstock-
    Tell her how the OSL made you run like hell away
    From the green and lovely lanes of Vekaro!

    Come let us hear you tell how you slandered great Horen
    When you thought him well and truly persecuted
    Where are the smears and jeers that you loudly let us hear
    When our leaders of Auslon were purged by Ostromir.

    Come tell us how you slew them ol’ Rentains two by two
    Like the Kaedreni they had spears and bow and arrows
    How bravely you backstabbed one with a poisoned dagger
    And you oppressed them Oreniens to their marrow

    Now the time is coming fast and I think them days are here
    When each Crow on in heel run before us,
    And if there be a need then my kids will say, "Godspeed!"
    With a verse of two of singing this mine chorus.

  3. Forum Name: susitsu

    Roleplay Name: Jacon Welker

    Describe your preferred doppleganger with adjectives [stealthy, brutish, etc.]: Stealthy. Manipulative. Selfish. Attractive.

    Biography: Jacon Welker grew up in an odd house enviroment. One couldn't say he had a bad childhood, just a bit of a lacking one. His parents were good to him and ensured he had everything he needed, but they didn't exactly treat him with love and care. So, whereas they taught him everything he neeed to know and were kind to him, he was left without a sense of 'love' that one would normally gain.


    Due to this, he came to feel and believe many things that one would not normally. He could manipulate people for what he wanted rather than work for it himself. This came to play into his school life where he cheated most of the time on tests or payed people off with the money his parents provided him. He slowly came to a view-point that left him with the belief he could pass through life without ever involving himself in it, so he would always have time for his entertainments.


    As his life progressed, he quickly began to become aware of how inconsequential people were to him. It was then that he decided to set his path on something more enjoyable. He entered into a JROTC program and from there realized that it was not as easy as he assumed it would be. In this program, he gained discipline, but also better honed his craft. After several years of being in this program from Freshmen year, he was quite changed. More determined and more able to use his craft.


    From there, he joined the marines, and from there, he ended up here.


    Have you clicked on the 'Follow this Topic' button at the top-right corner? Yes.

  4. Lucas Black smirked Catholically as he stood over the wounded phisage of their leader; Roy Carrion. He watched him for a moment, considering what to do before he muttered "I'm sure you'll keep the throne warm for us," and carired on up the hill to slay more crows, allowing another to claim the glory of slitting his throat.


    He knew it would not compare to being one of those who struck him in battle to help fell him alongside his cowardly comrades whom quickly tried to leave him behind.

  5. "This sounds like a threat to me. So, as usual, this is what The Carrion's resort to."


    I am not a Carrion. Just a foolish boy.



    "I need not respond to all this but one point: You are no boy, you are a Carrion, and you are a liar. What you know is not something a child would so easily. And neither would you understand it to such a depth as to be able to make propaganda."

  6. Lucas Black raises his hand and says "Oh, I got this one." He then goes to writing the rebuttal.


    ((Posted by proxy at the request of anonymous parties.))

    Posters are hung up all about the Empire.


    People of Orenia
    On this day, I, a foolish boy under the tutelage of great men, address you on behalf of yourselves, and for the sake of righteousness and truth.



    First, I offer you a summary of the events which transpired on the fateful day that this Storm Rebellion began, in shorthand and in order.

    - Maric Varodyr and his companion approached Aleksandr Carrion in his Keep in Karovia.
    - Maric imparted his wish to, in the future, dissolve the Empire of Oren, and offered Aleksandr the title King of one-third of the Empire. (The other two being Renatus and Aesterwald).
    - Aleksandr informed his father of then Ser Maric's intentions towards the Empire.
    - Emperor Tuvya called Ser Maric to Petrus, where he and others arrived.
    - Ser Maric was stripped of his title of commander of the Red Dragon and his Privy Council position.


    "You forget to include that he declared Maric in acting of treason, an offense punishable by death and attempted to act on such. I believe it was truly only because he knew killing Maric then and there would not work out that he allowed him to go then. He had no right to act as 'the law' and attempt to enact his personal justice. The Emperor is controlled by the same laws as peasants are."

    - Ser Maric and his loyal Knights left with Tuvya's permission.
    - Tuvya, upon hearing that Maric had garrison'd Fort Angren, approa

    ched the Fort with armed men.


    "Incorrect. There were no letters sent out, we gathered to discuss what had happened and our confusion. They came with no provocation and weapons drawn."

    - Tuvya requested that Maric vacate the castle immidiately, as it is an Imperial holding designated under the peerage, and Maric's right to hold it was stripped along with his titles.


    "Truly, such is debatable."

    - Maric refused, and after some arguing, Ser Ocran utilized the ballista to fire at the bridge, blowing out part of it.


    "After Tuvya drew dynamite and they intended to blow their way in and murder us all."

    - Afterwards, Lucas Black used shamanistic powers to call lightning down on Tuvya's party.
    - Tuvya declared Ser Maric a traitor after offering him his last chance to vacate Fort Angren.


    "That happened far earlier in an unlawful manner, as mentioned."

    - Tuvya's party departed.

    These are the true and absolute facts, agreed upon by both King Maric and Emperor Tuvya and which can be confirmed by countless eye-witnesses.



    However, the series of events listed above are not what proves whom has a righteous hand in the conflict, not to the subjective eye. So instead, we shall observe this objectively, beginning with the rights by which the Storm Lord, King Maric, and his subjects, believe the Kingdom of Renatus should be formed and be independent of the Empire of Oren, and that others should rally to his cause. Rebuttles to each statement, compiled from different constituents of True Orenia loyal to Emperor Tuvya, are listed below each and in bold.

    - Tuvya is tyrrannical.


    Tuvya has not once declared war on any besides the Undead and on those whom he views as a traitors. He has been eternally generous to his people and to even Ser Maric himself, prior to the rebellion. Furthermore, the notion of his tyrranny has only surfaced with the recent rebellion and never before that; evidence that the declarations of tyranny are a petty attempt at turning the smallfolk against their benevolent monarch.


    "Tuvya immediately came, war declared, with weapons and explosives to attack Angren. You speak of benevolent monarchs, but we were told we weren't being attacked or bothered in Angren. All acts after that were self-defense. As well, he personally declared war on Aesterwald."


    - The Empire is an instrument of oppression and is abused by the Carrion Vochna to subjugate their fellow man and maintain at the forefront of Orenian politics.

    The Electorate was formed under the Carrion Vochna. Any Electorate system is inherently dangerous to the ruling House, as removal of them through legal means becomes possible. Therefore, to assume that the Carrions seek to maintain the Empire for the sake of oppressing others can not be true, for it was they who made it possible for themselves to be easily removed.


    "Then why is it they declared Maric as acting in treason for doing exactly that? This is the exact reason that this happened. Maric wanted to change the regime and remove them. I believe even Tuvya may be willing to admit that."

    - The designation of Maric Varodyr as a traitor was for the sake of the elimination of political rivals to the Carrion Vochna, as the Carrions seek to see Aleksandr Carrion ascend to the Imperial Throne, and Maric proclaimed he would not support Aleksandr.

    Maric Varodyr held no Electorate votes personally. The only existing Electors at the time of the events were de Savoie, Carrion, and Rovin, with the High Pontiff capable of breaking ties. De Savoie has remained loyal to the Empire since the Storm Lord's rebellion, confirming that they would not support Maric's cause nor answer to him with how they use their vote. Therefore, Ser Maric simply had no legal precedent to be a political opponent to the Carrion Vochna, as he held no direct sway over enough Diet votes.

    "You say this now, but before the rebellion was forced to begin by Tuvya, things were rather different. His word was being supported, but war was not what they wanted it."

    - Tuvya Carrion and his loyal men are Flays, renowned for banditry and the forsaking of peace and law.

    Tuvya's allegiance to the Flays is known, but it is the Flays whom were instrumental in the initial expansion of the Empire in the days of Godfrey. Augustus Flay's ascension to the status of Saint is but one example of the Godly necessity of the ruthless and skilled combatants. Tuvya and those whom once served the Flays do not practice banditry, and instead serve as a peacekeeping force in Orenia now, and as a repellent to external threats.


    "That is like saying a murderer should not be punished for their crimes, but put to doing exactly what they enjoy. Making a sadist kill for your cause is not just. They are not punished. They are rewarded with better arms and the law on their side for being murderers."

    - House Carrion claims to strive for the unity of all men, yet supports the secession of the Kingdom of Norland from the Konigreich of Aesterwald.

    The Kingdom of Norland does not belong, de jure, to the Empire of Oren; whereas Vanderfell does. Norland's desire to secede was not feuled by Orenia, merely supported by it in an attempt to weaken the Waldenian resolve and strip them of their vassal's levy.

    "You say this, but as a historian I'm well-aware that Aesterwald was part of the Imperium Tertius which was the Chivay Empire. The third Empire is essentially no more, because its now the Holy Oren Empire, so by their logic Aesterwald was never part of de-jure Holy Oren Empire because it could only be part of de-jure Imperium Tertius."

    - Tuvya is heathenous, for he supports the creation of a pagan Kingdom.

    Tuvya is not intolerant, nor does he support the idea of racial or religious subjugation or genocide like Orenian rulers of the past. Additionally, it should be noted that the Waldenian King's personal guard was directly comprised of Clan Ovar's soldiery at a time; a pagan group.

    "It's quite obvious, actually, that his intent is to force the Raevir culture upon all. He has opposed all that sought another culture and to not be apart of Oren due to the unwanted life-style of The Carrions."

    Below, several quotes from Renatian propagandists are listed, with rebuttles.

    "Now the reason I would rebuke their whole Unity argument would be the fact they granted the Northerners Independence, an act of desperation to win their support but it also means they do not fight for humans to be Unite, they simply fight to try and keep the majority of them under their boot." - Edmund Horen
    The Norlanders declared independence after the Waldenians began to aid the Renatians in the field of battle. Tuvya is no warmonger, as shown by his repetative avoidance of war with Aesterwald in the past. He will not simply go to war with those outside of his de jure Empire because they are human and should serve him. He will, however, defeat those who seek to split apart the Empire, for they seek to break apart the Empire and that is a direct threat to the thus far established unity.


    "As mentioned, he literally did try to go to war with them. The only reason it was stopped was the rise of The Undead."

    "We the rebels do not believe human unity is achieved through an Empire, ever since the departure of Horen V any Empire after his own has been on shaky ground. We believe that human unity is agreed through the cultures and peoples of humanity ruling themselves and being in coalition with one another to work for the betterment of the world itself." - Edmund Horen
    In the Age of Five Kings, unity was not prominent. In the time before Godfrey, unity was not prominent. Only under an Empire was humanity ever truly united. If the Empire is split, the blood will be fresh on the field from this war, and leave the door open to countless other petty wars between the divided human nations. The rebels could have achieved unity legally, by attempting to legally maneuver themselves to take power and representation, but instead conspired seditiously.


    "This opposes your own argument. They could not have done so legally because in a display of illegal power hunger, Maric and his followers were declared as traitors and acting in treason when they tried to legally change how the electorate vote was handled."

    "The Carrions like to say he broke oaths but Maric is a Knight and his oaths to Chivalry outweigh that of fealty, the Carrions would have him suppress an angry population through force which would directly break his vows to the code of chivalry. Is it better to follow a tyrant for an oath of fealty? Or better to follow a pious code that follows all the best values humanity has to offer." - Edmund Horen
    The Knight's Code of Chivalry clearly states that a Knight must valoursly serve his liege. To break this Code is to break his vows of Chivalry. Lord Edmund should study law more closely before fancying himself ready for Bailiff again!




    "Was it not Emperor Tuvya, the peoples Emperor, that had only recently stated that the citizens of Oren didn't deserve trial?" - Unknown? (Kalameet)
    Actually, they do not. Legally speaking, common men may be convicted without a trial. To say otherwise is simply an attempt to appease the masses and offer societally seditious sentiment. The statesmen under King Meric once again find themselves lacking.


    "Actually, such was promise to commoners and Edmund Horen was put to his position for this exact reason."


    In Ser Edward of Ayr's document, he proclaims blatant lies regarding the events of the beginning of the Storm Rebellion, and here he shall be condemned as a despicible traitor to truth and justice; and therefore not quoted, for his word is as worthless as the wind.



    Now that the Renatian sentiments and Orenian rebuttles have been listed, perhaps it would be prudent for the reader to examine the statistics regarding the war. Below are estimations of the force, and shall be updated with the changing of allies or forces. If any feel they have been misrepresented, or not included, please inform me and it shall be edited.

    Imperial Levy; 4,000
    Karovian Levy; 2,000
    Orcish Krughai; 2,000
    Mercenaries; 2,000
    Total; 10,000 (100)
    Renatian Levy; 2,000
    Waldenian Levy; 2,000
    Total; 4,000 (40)

    Now consider Tuvya's expansive wealth. He will be capable of supplying his levies with the absolute best equipment available, and hire as many more mercenaries as he pleases.


    "This sounds like a threat to me. So, as usual, this is what The Carrion's resort to. You additionally lie about The Warnation."

    I believe that is all the information the populace needs to make the decision about whom they should support.

    Staring at these statistics, Lucas raises his eyebrow and laughs, calling out "Absolute lies. Orcs declare neutrality for one and you try to say this and for two, you insult The Warnation's power even? Whoever taught you knows how to make up numbers...and not only that...sounds like threats. I'll just be adding right in at the end..."

  7. "You are an immortal spirit? So is everyone else, in that case. At least, they have one. Or is it their spirit has a body? Either way everyone is on some level immortal. If you're some kind of spooky ghost, advanced necromancer, dreadknight, shade, or whatever, I still don't care, so just stuff it up your ass mister spook man.

    Idiots and their "i'm an immortal spirit" elitism crap. You're not special. You're naive. Truth doesn't guide anyone. It's just a state of being. True, or false. Yes, or no. Who's truth is it, then? Truth is often subjective since many people don't know the whole truth the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I doubt you do."


    "Well, apparently you're simply too dumb to even realize what I'm saying. Good day, unintelligent creature."

  8. Scylla assumes this is a poster. If that's the case, she tacks a note next to, under, or on it. If not, she shouts at the guy.


    "Well, Tuvya's pretty cool. My uh, sister tried to rob someone a while ago and he caught her doing it. It was just a boomerang, by the way. Anyway, he didn't kill her or try to like most humans a while ago would, considering she's a midget dark elf with red eyes. He just made her surrender her knife, which is better than any "bandit" either of us have come across would do."


    "This was then. Here is now." Lucas shakes his head some, saying "Edmund Horen and I once stopped a Halfling bandit who had left two Elves absolutely terrified. He made the brigand throw down his arms and then offered him a job as a farmer with pay mixed in with supplying his own food."


    "Tuvya was once great. Even I can say this confidently. He was the People's Emperor, but now he's even told Edmund such treasonous things as saying that peasants receive no trial...Edmund Horen is a man of justice, duty, and honor who would not lie. The Tuvya we know is gone."

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