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Old Man Boiendl

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Posts posted by Old Man Boiendl

  1. (I wrote it in the Summer but never did anything with it. Here is a little play, perhaps to encourage some theater RP, hopefully provide some insight into Asulon for newer players)

    The Ballad of Adeodatus

    By Mister Edmond JB. Manston

    7th of The Amber Cold, 1566


    About:   Adeodatus’ attempt to run both Church, Brothel and his own family during the First Orenian Empire.




    Adeodatus I - The lead of the play, he’s a deeply cynical, bumbling old man who’s found himself as the High Pontiff of the Church of the True Faith. His Clergy skills are lackluster and he acts akin to a jester than priest. He heeds Godfrey’s every word, while not in his presence he tends to be completely outlandish.


    Throdo- Though older than Adeodatus, he is his adopted son. He’s just as obedient to Godfrey and as outlandish as Adeodatus. His antics are paralleled with an  extreme lack of self worth. His attempts to curry favour with Godfrey always end in a degradation of his own character.


    Godfrey- Emperor of  the First Orenian Empire. Calculating. He enjoy’s the presence of both Adeodatus and Throdo, at times indulging them in their pursuits to win him over.  


    Velwyn Ashford- Pious, the shaping of a true clergyman. He has great disdain for Adeodatus’ activities and seeks to usurp his pontificate. Politics and piety conflict within him.


    Authors Note:


    Set during the mid 1300’s. The first Orenian Empire is still in its infancy and Emperor Godfrey I is reigning. There's a spirit of optimism amongst the commoners.


    The pontiff before Adeodatus was Pius I, born Gideon Silverblade. He was a bloodthirsty warlike pontiff who is now believed to be one of the worst pontiffs.


    The play chronicles the later years of the pontificate of Adeodatus.  Born as Boiendl Silverblade, Adeodatus I focused mainly on tending to the poor and downtrodden. He was under the belief that doing good to the general public will bring the public closer to the Church. But, he suffered from eccentrism. Often he would be seen running through Arethor wearing skimpy outfits. He owned a brothel and attempted to regulate prostitution as Pontiff.


    Adeodatus  lit a fire under Velwyn Ashford who became motivated to force him to resign as Pontiff. Adeodatus died in the Atherian duchy of Furnstock.  His life full of a duty to the Empire.


    ACT I

    SCENE I- A Regretful Introduction


    Silence. A dark hallway inside a dimly lit building. A door opens, enter High Pontiff Adeodatus and a boy of questionable age. Past the door there’s a bed lined in a dark red which contrasts the drab rotting walls. A bard can be heard through the walls lightly playing a lute, the notes ring out piercing the walls of the brothel and making its way into the city. The boy leaves the building, leaving only Adeodatus. He makes his way to a nearby fireplace. The scene lightens.


    Adeodatus looks directly at the audience and offers a quick wink.


    Adeodatus: “There’s a bit of clergy in that boy. He could be a priest.”


    Adeodatus: “I am his Holiness, High Pontiff Adeodatus the First,  third High Pontiff to our fair Church. How have  I come to this position? A stroke of luck, mere coincidence that I happen to be related  to the last one, Pius I.  This building we are in, it’s my brothel. The year?  1330 and this is the First Holy Orenian Empire. And worry not for that boy, my fair Emperor Godfrey had me castrated a long time ago.


    “What you are about to see is my life, pure and without embellishment. You have the honor to see me as I try to manage both Church, Brothel and my son, Throdo Therving. Come now, follow me as I go to the Palace, my coffers run low and the Emperor is generous.”


    Adeodatus adjusts his robe and hat as he walks out the door.


    SCENE II- The Mid-Day Grovel


    The throne room of the palace is lavish. Purple and black drapes hang over the large stains of glass that showcase Godfrey reuniting humanity. The throne sits at the end of the hall, it dwarfs both man and beast. Atop the throne is Emperor Godfrey. An old man is on his knees, gently kissing Godfrey’s feet.


    Throdo: “My most dearest Emperor!”


    Each line he speaks, he kisses Godfrey’s feet


    Throdo: “You, uniter of humanity, Divine and Prophet of our God!


    Throdo: “I ask you, pity me, I live in a house with Adeodatus, my wife is fat and my dog is rabid. I simply ask for friendship.”


    Adeodatus stares blankly at the audience, he points behind him to the old man


    Adeodatus: “You see that man, that old decrepit thing, almost more so than I. That is my son Throdo, rather my adopted son. What you are now witnessing is his daily ritual, kiss the feet and then kiss the ass.”


    Adeodatus shakes his head and looks back to the throne.


    Godfrey: “Stop that Throdo! Fine! So be it! I will make you my Chamberlain, you will sit on the Privy, you will manage my personal belongings and you will design me my buildings!”


    Throdo’s face goes red, he looks up at the Emperor, a tear of joy slightly in his eyes


    Throdo: “Most esteemed! Most kind!”


    Throdo would turn and step to the side. Throdo would then smile as he see’s Adeodatus.


    Throdo: “Hail! Boiendl how goes it?”


    Adeodatus: “ I am his Holiness, it is Adeodatus to all.”


    Godfrey turning to the pair, he smiles slightly


    Godfrey: “Hail! Boiendl how goes it?”


    Adeodatus turns quickly to the Emperor and offers a deep bow. His cap falling over his face as he does so. He would move to Godfrey’s feet.  Kneeling by them he looks to Godfrey.


    Adeodatus: “Well, you see your Imperial Highness, the Church coffers run low. A harlot has stolen them from me. I simply ask for a donation.”


    Godfrey: “And how has this harlot stolen your coffers?”


    Adeodatus: “Well, she said 100 mina an hour and then her bosoms plucked the coins from my pocket.”  (Adeodatus would turn to the crowd “Do not mock me, they were most grand.”)


    Godfrey: “Boiendl, this is the third time now this woman has stolen from you. Perhaps it is time we seek her arrest?”


    Adeodatus: “Your imperial Majesty, you are Head of this Church, I am under you, as a clergyman I must inform, never arrest the person who does the Church a great service.”


    Godfrey: “So be it, take five thousand more mina, but if you are to lose it again I will find a way to castrate you twice!”


    Adeodatus bows and turns towards the door, he waves Throdo to follow him. As they begin to leave they say a brief few words.


    Adeodatus: “Throdo, never grovel. I thought you were one of the whores in my brothel.”


    Throdo: “Boiendl, I did not know boys grew breasts and stole your money.”


    Adeodatus reddens deeply


    SCENE III- Ashes to Ashford


    Enter into the throne room Velwyn Ashford. Godfrey is still in his throne. The hall has emptied save for Lord Patrick Denims, who is advising  Godfrey. Velwyn looks to be calm and collected. He wears Priest robes and a cross can be seen hanging around his neck.


    Godfrey: “Young Ashford, to what do I owe this pleasure. His Holiness, Adeodatus, was just in and he seemed to need more gold for the Church. Surely you have come to rob me as well?”


    Velwyn would noticeably wince at the mention of Adeodatus. His calm expression becomes distorted momentarily, forcing himself to recollect his thoughts.


    Velwyn: “Your Imperial Majesty, I  come not to rob you, but to save you. To save you from this impish and most outlandish man named Adeodatus.”


    Patrick leans into Godfrey, whispering something about Velwyn.

    Godfrey’s face would distort, his look becoming noticeably sour.


    Godfrey: “For what reasons do you seek his downfall, young Ashford?”


    Velwyn: “Heed my word your Imperial Majesty. The man is hardly a man. He degrades his own character and by doing so the Church. He’s a holy man yet owns a brothel. He rides pigs into Ildon, he wears skimpy outfits. Once I saw him in a dress, a woman's dress!”


    Godfrey sighs, he bobs his head in acknowledgment. He drums the armrest on his throne. Looks directly to Velwyn.


    Godfrey: “Adeodatus is faithful, he listens to me, and that is the most I can ask for at this moment. While his tendencies lay between outlandish and eccentric he remains completely loyal to me. So  I say this, Young Ashford. I shall give Adeodatus ten years. If he fails to improve by then, he will surely step down.”


    ACT II

    SCENE I-  The Pontiff in Panties


    It has been one year since Velwyn Ashford and Godfrey spoke. Adeodatus has grown more outlandish. His brothel more  expansive and the Church more lewd. Enter now to the Imperial Capital of Arethor. The streets are crowded. The taverns are full. Snow is lightly capping the roofs of buildings. From a far away glance, a tavern goer may see two old men  arguing on the corner of a street. One dressed in a suit and the other in panties.


    Adeodatus: “Throdo, who has made this world so cold?”


    Adeodatus would shiver, his wrinkles moving more so than himself


    Throdo: “Boiendl, it is the middle of Snow Maiden, you are wearing nothing but women’s garments.”


    Adeodatus would look at Throdo and offer him a slap across the face. Throdo stumbles backwards.


    Adeodatus: “You shall not speak  about your High Pontiff in such a manner. What I wear is my holy garments and that shall keep me warm in this winter.”


    Throdo would rise, he would then lunge at Adeodatus. They were soon locked in a wrestling match in the dirty streets of Arethor. A hooded man would walk near them. Pausing for a moment he watches.


    Velwyn: “Your holiness…”


    Throdo and Adeodatus would pause. Adeodatus turns to the audience and offers an aside.


    Adeodatus: “It was in this moment that I realized I had not done the right thing. My garments seemed to have attracted the completely wrong sort of attention. Perhaps if I wore nothing I would get a lady of the night, rather than this clergyman with the cross so far up his ass he can only take holy shits. Why this man stops to look at two old men, who knows…”


    Throdo and Adeodatus would rise. Dusting himself off Adeodatus tries to straighten his posture and make himself presentable. He adjusts his panties, raising them slightly as they started to slip. Velwyn stands there, his face unmoving, expressionless.


    Adeodatus: “Father Ashford, if you intend to gawk in  such a manner perhaps you should go to the Brothel. I am sure a man could be arranged for you.”


    Velwyn: “Your holiness, you… you should truly go inside. It is cold out and wouldn’t it just be a shame if you froze to death.”


    Adeodatus: “Ah, Father Ashford, you are always looking out  for me. But do not fear. My garments shall keep me warm. They are wool you see?”


    Velwyn looks to Throdo who is standing there, a blank look on his face.


    Velwyn: “It is just a miracle that you two found each other.”


    Adeodatus: “Not a miracle, for I am his Holiness!”


    Velwyn: “Good day your Holiness.”


    Velwyn would depart leaving Adeodatus and Throdo alone. Adeodatus turns to Throdo, he pats  him on his shoulder.


    Adeodatus: “Throdo, that Velwyn Ashford has it out for me. I truly think there was something malicious about the way he said it would be a shame if I died.  I am starting to think he wouldn’t think it a shame at all.”


    Throdo: “I am surprised, but then again not so that you have not heard of Velwyn’s meeting with the Emperor. He seeks to usurp your position. The Imperial Court is full  of excitement.”


    Adeodatus: “What would they be excited for?”


    Throdo: “They see your pontificate as being rife with hypocrisy and lewdness.”


    Adeodatus would adjust his panties, pulling them up in a way that would define certain parts of his anatomy and give him a wedgy.


    Adeodatus: “Absurd.”


    SCENE II- The Priests of the Round Table


    A day has passed since Adeodatus’ argument with Throdo. Since then, he has called a Congress of the Faith. The Cathedral in Arethor’s bells ring out. Priests sitting at a large, dark oak round table. Adeodatus is seated directly across from Velwyn. Adeodatus is in red and grey robes, his traditional Pontiff garb. He wears a cardinal hat two sizes too big.  


    Adeodatus: “I have gathered the Clergy here today to discuss a very pressing issue for our Church. I have heard the most devilish and hurtful rumour that some nobility and even some Clergy may not want me as Pontiff.”


    The cardinal hat would fall over Adeodatus eyes, he pushes the hat up, eying the men around him carefully. The clergy nods in agreeance to Adeodatus’ words.


    Velwyn: “Your Holiness, it would appear that these rumours are true. There are those who seek your removal. But fear not, I shall be here to aid you.”


    Adeodatus would turn to the audience


    Adeodatus: “If I could tell the future, I would say these Ashfords not telling the complete truth is going to be quite the trend.”


    Adeodatus would eye Velwyn and then the rest of the Clergy


    Adeodatus: “You all mock me as I do not adhere to your standard of Pontiff. You and the nobility seek my removal because I do not service either you or the nobility, nay, I fend for the common rabble.”


    “I have put up stands where alms may be given out, I have held festivals not in the name of Kings but in the name of local heroes. My own peculiarities, though I do not think them such, lift the people’s spirits.”


    “Be thankful for what I do, as if without me the people would surely revolt. You are all too preoccupied with the governance and manicure of them you have forgotten that they are GOD’s children too.”


    Adeodatus would rise from the table. Turning to the door he makes his way out. On leaving the Cathedral he would find himself waist high in water.  He would adjust his cardinal hat, raising it above his eyes.


    Adeodatus: “If this water is tears, for where do they come from, does GOD weep for me or for my flock?”


    SCENE III- An Exit from Asulon


    Flooding has taken hold of the Continent of Asulon, prompting immediate departure of its inhabitants. Adeodatus has taken what he can save from the banks. Running towards the ships coin falls out of his robes. Throdo can be seen scurrying about, trying to find and save his dignity. Godfrey calmly walks towards the docks, his personal levy flanking his sides. Velwyn is seen carrying Holy Texts, trying to save parts of the Church.


    They  all meet on the docks, each with a different item in hand. Adeodatus has sacks of money, Godfrey has the Sword of Horen, Velwyn has holy scrolls and Throdo has a wedding ring.


    Adeodatus: “Your Imperial Majesty, such travesty has struck our lands! Forced to flee in such a way, how demeaning.”


    Godfrey: “Fear not Boiendl, both Empire and Church shall persist, if not here then in the next realm. We are born for greatness and GOD has blessed humanity with an ambitious spirit. Tell me, why have you saved those gold pieces rather than something from the Church?”


    Adeodatus: “I had heard rumours some men worship gold coin, I thought this may attract more to the flock.”


    Velwyn smirks, tapping the scrolls in his hand


    Velwyn: “This is the only thing that attracts people to the flock, the scrolls!”


    Godfrey would nod to both, he would then show them the sword of Horen


    Godfrey: “And this sword shall defend whomever go to the Flock.”


    Godfrey would sheathe the sword and look to Throdo, Godfrey rubs his own chin in  thought to why Throdo would have nothing more than a ring.


    Godfrey: “Throdo, where are your personal belongings, you bring nothing but this ring? Where is your fat wife and your rabid dog?”


    Throdo: “My wife who’s most kind, let me have this ring. She said she would rather drown then keep on being my wife. And  she said she is keeping both dog and all I own.”


    Godfrey: “Ah yes, well. You will learn Throdo that the only women who care are the ones you pay.”


    The four nod in agreement before stepping onto the H.M.S Godfrey and setting sail to a new world.


    Act III

    SCENE I- Elysium


    After many months at sea, those who managed to escape the flooding now land in Elysium. The ships dock off the coast and men row onto shore. Men of all walks begin to cut down lumber, raise homes and recuperate their losses. Adeodatus and Throdo have made a small home for themselves. The interior is dimly lit and poorly furnished.  Adeodatus sits in a chair looking out the window onto a riverbank. Throdo stands beside him.


    Adeodatus: “This new land, it promises a new start Throdo. And I fear Velwyn has made his final push with Godfrey. My days as Pontiff are numbered.”


    Throdo: “Worry not, Godfrey would never replace you.”


    Adeodatus: “No, I believe things will change, both for the Church and Empire. My antics as Father Ashford likes to refer to them as will become taboo. Pontiffs will focus more on their political ambition than on their holy one. What we enter now is the end of more than just an old realm, it is the end of an era. Tomorrow I will resign as Pontiff. Abdicating to young Ashford.


    Adeodatus would rise, he holds Throdo’s shoulder for a moment, locking eyes. He then would walk by him and into his room, where he would fall asleep. Leaving Throdo to look out the window.


    Throdo: “Never have I seen  a realm more terrifying and more breathtaking than this.”  


    SCENE II- Godfrey’s Soliloquy


    Enter Emperor Godfrey Horen the First into his new home. It is carpeted with purple and black, it’s wall have pictures of the founding of Renatus and defeat of Hanseti. He is alone. Men and beast alike have fallen asleep leaving only Godfrey and himself to stay awake.


    Godfrey: “I am at a crossroads. Velwyn grows more thirsty for the position of Pontiff. Do his political pursuits outweigh his pious ones? Will a precedent never seen before be set by this Ashford?”


    “And Boiendl, what will become of him? Surely he is able to see why it would be apparent  that he needs to abdicate to Ashford?”


    “My thoughts are unclear… this new land has thrown order into disarray. People build makeshift homes that stand great chance of collapse. The Empire, though still strong, is facing external threats. And what of my own legacy?”


    “I wish to be remembered, no. Revered. I am Godfrey, first of his name, uniter of Man. But will this desire cloud my vision. Is this ambitious spirit beset upon me by GOD more curse than blessing? Rogues are everywhere and those who simply further themselves surround me.”


    “I must sleep… in the morning I will have a clear head. And yet tomorrow I know, something will change.”


    Exit Godfrey.


    SCENE III- Lucien I


    It is now mid-day, nobles and clergy have been called to the makeshift throne room. Godfrey sits on his throne, waiting for everyone to hurry. Adeodatus stands beside him, his face pale and clearly distraught. Velwyn stands on the opposite side of Godfrey. Velwyn’s excitement is noticeable.


    Godfrey would bang on the armrest of his chair

    Godfrey: “Silence in these halls! I shall have Silence!”


    The nobles voices die down to a murmur


    Godfrey: “I believe it was his Holiness, High Pontiff Adeodatus who asked me to call all here. I shall let him speak.”


    Adeodatus steps forward, he adjusts his robes, looking out over the crowd he  quickly does the lorraine cross


    Adeodatus: “I abdicate the pontificate to Velwyn Ashford.”


    A few in the crowd clap, some of them let out low cheers. But for the most part, it was shock.


    Velwyn grins, his own scheming and politicking has come to fruition


    Moments pass without anyone saying anything. Godfrey finally breaks the silence.


    Godfrey: “Seeing that this is so…  impromptu on behalf of  his Holiness. I see it only fit for Velwyn Ashford to declare his Pontificate and name.


    Velwyn Ashford: “Lucien the First.”


    The lights fade out


    Adeodatus steps forward, he speaks to the audience


    Adeodatus: “I do not know what I was expecting when I began this venture of Pontiff. I do not know if I was ever particularly fit to do it. But this is my story. I will now slip into the recesses of Oren. I shall watch Lucien I from afar. I am both brotheless and pontiffless, now I only have Throdo. How far my life has slipped.”  




  2. 2 minutes ago, Alterazgohg said:

    1f602.png I realized this post might be a joke. It does so much wrong and directly contrary to logical argument that it has to have been done on purpose


    Dont you  know @Alterazgohg, every emperor has been claimed to have a shadow leader! Oren is always looking after it's own interests(no matter the costs)!  We won't be happy until we control both server and the world! We're evil! The only true thing we see wrong with Tahamas and other staff is that they do not inherently favour us! Grr Oren Grr

  3. apostle-paul.jpg




    On Citizenship


    The Holy Oren Empire’s citizenship system is deeply flawed and ultimately hurts society at large. It’s complexity works against Man, as the average Man has trouble understanding it. Further the system does not promote Goodness within the Empire.



    The de Beaufort System


    Citizenship and Citizenry has taken on many mutations in Orenian Society. In the Fifth Empire specifically, the citizenry began under his late Imperial Majesty John the Third. The torch bearer of the system at large was his Excellency, Archchancellor Stephen de Beaufort. The system was simple, a far cry from the current. There were three groups: Class A, Class B and Foreigners. The system allowed for a simple classification of the Empire’s denizens. Class A required noble or royal blood and a five-hundred mina processing fee. The fee proved beneficial as at the time Imperial Coffers were low.


    But the de Beaufort System failed to further the Empire. In the end it merely encouraged seekers of either Class of Citizenship to serve themselves. The seeker of Class B did not require a fee, merely a simple application. These applications were generally accepted. With granting of Class B, the Empire gave to the citizen rights to hold lands, businesses and public office. This while the the new citizen gave nothing to the Empire to earn it. Class A is more in the same, except now giving a mere five-hundred mina to the Empire. Gold benefits the Empire in the short run. Empire’s require a longer promotion.




    The Halcourt System


    Unto the present system. Established under the Ministry of Ser Sylvestre. The Halcourt System is complicated, but it intends to promote the Empire. But it falls short. While the system still has Class A and Class B, the classes are now divided into three sub groups each(A1, A2, A3 & B1,B2, B3) and a Common Group. Class A and Class B are awarded to Nobility, Officers and Civil Servants exclusively.


    But while the de Beaufort System awarded land, business rights and possibility to hold Public Office to at least Class B, separating it Class B from the Common Man. The current system offers nothing other than a different marking on a ledger or Passport for Class B. Furthermore, the Halcourt System allows civil servants or officers to gain citizenry simply. The farce in this is that the Empire has a large bureaucracy and large military. There are many Civil Servants and Officers who have done nothing to benefit the Empire other than join the administration or military.


    Finally, It is imperative that the Passport system is stricken and never put in place. The system is inefficient, many people who gained citizenship never received their passports. This has led to a number of problems and grievances for Orenians.




    The Manston System


    The future of Citizenry is to combine the old and new systems. The old system is favorable in that it is simple. Your Common Man can understand the system at large, it is easy for guards to tell who falls where. The Halcourt System makes improvements in that it hopes to use Class B as a reward to the Officer and Civil Servant.


    A new system is required where Citizenship as a whole is only awarded to those born into it and those who have worked in service to the Empire. Requirements to this new system must involve military service or working in the Civil Service for a number of years. Citizenry is exclusive to Humans.


    Citizenry will remain in two Classes, A and B, but these will not have sub groups. Class A is only reachable by being born into it or raised to it by the Emperor.  Non-Citizens are encouraged to try and reach Class B. Reaching the base form of citizenry should be the goal of all non-Citizens.


    Children and one’s Partner are not granted citizenship because the father or mother has it and or because the husband or wife has it. Citizenry is no longer to be handed out like sweets. Citizenry should be exclusive. An incentive to work and do Good in the Empire.  


    Requirements of Citizenry:

    Full blooded Human

    A)Ten Years of Military or Civil Service(If not Noble)


    B)Being a Commanding  Officer in the Legion or Head of a Department in the Imperial Administration*


    C) Being Nobility 

    Approval by his Imperial Majesty


    *If the Officer or Department head loses the post and has not met Ten Years of service, citizenry and it’s rights are stripped.


    Benefits of Citizenry:

    Tax Cuts in the Capital

    Ability to Petition the Emperor

    The Right to Sue

    The Right to Trial

    The Right to Land

    The Right to Indentured Servants

    The Right to living in the Manor District of the Capital

    The Right to Burial within the Capital


    Rights of Noncitizens

    Own Businesses

    Own Houses

    Employment in the Civil Service or Military





    Citizenry must be exclusive. The age of handing out rights to those who do nothing in return is over. This new system will encourage Man to work towards benefiting the Empire. The Manston System promises to bring incentive to working towards the Empire. The Empire has entered a new age with the Crowning of Philip I, it is time Citizenship does too.



    His Excellency, Minister Edmond James Burnside Manston, Esquire





    Winter Festival


    Following the first dozen days of Malin’s Welcome, heralded by the fading winter’s final chilling winds, posters appeared upon hardwood signposts along Oren’s primary roads and in her prominent settlements. The elaborate seal of the Imperial Administration decorated the top, while beneath it, the following was written in narrow, slanted handwriting:


    “The Imperial Administration cordially invites the Orenian public to attend

    the greatly-anticipated Winter Festival, commencing in Johannesburg on the eve of the 18th of Malin’s Welcome, 1589.


    The festival, occurring in St. Thomas’ Square, will consist of a

    number of seasonal activities, such as ice skating, snowball fighting,

    and a great deal of feasting and drinking.


    The Imperial Administration encourages all Orenian citizens

    and allies alike to attend and share in this year’s festivities, in the hope

    That it shall be an evening of celebration and peace.


    Ave Orenia.”




    Date: Saturday the 10th of December.

    Time: 10PM GMT, 5PM EST.

    Location: St. Thomas’ Square in central Johannesburg, to the north of John Frederick Avenue.

    Invitees: All Orenian citizens and allies.

  5. The Johannesburg Arena




    “There is a great clamour for entertainment.” - His Imperial Majesty, Emperor John II


    The Imperial Administration formally invites all who seek fame and glory to the Johannesburg Arena. Fights will be hosted every saints week (Sunday @ 3 PM EST), alternating week to week from Group v. Group to One on One combat.


    Contestants will be rewarded with fame, glory and wealth. Prizes will vary week to week but fighters have a chance to win up to two-thousand mina.


    Scenarios will be set up for each week of fighting. This involves, Ship to Ship combat, fighting in a ring of fire, sieges, horseback and more.


    The costs of participating in the fights are fifty mina per person. The maximum number of people per group is five.



    His Excellency, Minister Edmond James Burnside Manston, Esquire


    Fight Dates( Will be updated weekly:)

    Fight I: 12/11(Group, Scenario: Ship to Ship)

    Fight II: 12/18(Individual, Scenario: Fire Ring)

    Fight III: 12/25(Group, Scenario: Horseback )

    Fight IV: 1/1(Individual, Scenario: Island Hopping)





    Group Registration

    Group Name:

    Name of Participants:

    Number of Participants:

    Fights you will participate in (Fight I, Fight II, Fight III, etc...)

    Screenshot of payment for each fight(pay to Boiendl)


    Individual Registration



    Title(if applicable):

    Fights you will participate in (Dates you will participate in: Fight I, Fight II, Fight III etc...):

    Screenshot of payment for each fight(pay to Boiendl)


    There will be on site registration as well.

  6. Mister Manston is sitting in a shack near the construction site of the Haense tunnel. A courier scurries through the site and knocks on his door. 




    Mister Manston looks up at the courier from his small desk "What is it?" 


    "A letter, from Lord Caius Sigismud, your Excellency."  The Courier bows his head and drops the letter on the desk.


    "Thank you, you may go." Mister Manston takes the leader from the desk and reads it over after the courier had departed 


    "The Lordling has learnt quick from my tutelage. I will have to commend him if I ever get out of this wretched camp."





  7. Just now, Good Guy Shady said:



    "Mister Edmond is hiring imported labor from Haelunor I bet because they literally suck **** for books. Cheaper than what he would have to pay a hard working heterosexual Orenian man. "






    Mister Manston proceeds to import elf labor to cut his grass and keep wages artificially low.

  8. 9th of the Deep Cold, 1587




    On Oren and Her Exceptionalism


    Mister Edmond James Burnside Manston, Esquire


    It has become increasingly apparent that the Holy Oren Empire is exceptional. What may be proclaimed Orenian Exceptionalism, the progress of the Empire has set Her above all others both before and during Her existence. The stylings and fundamentals of the government and an ideology deeply ingrained in Her citizens are the drivers behind this exceptionalism.




    -On Government-


    The Government of the Holy Orenian Empire can be compartmentalized into three divisions, the Monarch, the Nobility and the Imperial Administration.

    The Absolute Monarchy of the Empire with a strong Imperial Administration is inherently the strongest form of governing. The Monarchy and Imperial Administration have led to an efficient and streamlined government. The Emperor’s absolute power allows for the immediate enforcement of laws, settling disputes and direct control of the Empire. Republics and Constitutional Monarchies are inherently weaker than the Absolute Monarch. Republics and Constitutional Monarchies are easily susceptible to corruption and rigging.

    Feudalism in the Empire has led strengthened the State and Administration. With a Ducal System, the citizens of the Empire are able to locally govern. Local governing is crucial as it is the most flexible and able to respond to the needs of the Empire’s citizens more personally. Feudalism keeps the Monarch in touch with the people and striving for success. When the Monarch fails to connect with the Empire and progress Her, pressure is applied on the Monarch from the nobility.

    The Imperial Administration is the backbone of the Monarchy and Empire. Founded by the Emperor John the Second, the Administration is the arm of the Monarch. Tasks are delegated out to the Administration that internally acts independent of each other while being overseen by the Archchancellor. The Administration is an extension of the Monarch. The Administration is adaptable as it is able to manage the Empire’s inner working independently of the Monarch. Achievements from the Administration are reformed and streamlined tax codes, construction of Johannesburg, and the PANDECTARVM JOHANNES FREDERICVS IMPERATOR which is a comprehensive law codex.

    Comparatively the Dwarven government is unnecessarily complex and incapable of efficient governing. The Kingdom’s founding document The Articles of Urugan are immensely cumbersome. The division of the government between the King, Upper and Lower Council are inefficient. Not only is there an initial divide, but there is a further divide between a Fluid and Rigid Council. Thus generates a need for an immense number of bureaucrats, not because their State is large because their governing is so complex. While the bureaucratic need is high the populace is complacent in fulfilling the roles. Unlike the Empire where the minimal number of bureaucrats needed to operate efficiently is far lower. The Dwarven government lacks experience and consistency inherently due to The Articles of Urugan. As written in it “All members of the Upper Council shall be discharged once the king that has appointed them has left office.” As a whole Urugan’s government lacks the ability to adapt and lacks experience. Elections undermine the Urugani government by losing consistency. One doctrine that was practiced under one administration may not transfer over to the new administration. The Urugani elections at their core are a failed system as those that are eligible to vote lack enthusiasm and education.

    The Empire’s government stands apart from the others. The mix between feudalism and centralization has developed into a high functioning government that is able to adapt easily. Monarchs provide consistency and act as a unifying political agent. The Ducal system allows for easy local governing and the ability for individual citizen’s needs to be met. The Imperial Administration has bridged the gap between monarch, nobility and the masses. The Administration manages the day to day operations of the Empire, allowing both Monarch and Nobility to govern more effectively.


    -On Ideology-


    The Empire’s citizens have an ideology which makes both citizen and nation exceptional. Spurn on by the desire to reach religious and personal fulfillment the citizens of the Empire are ambitious and spirited. Citizens are imbued with the belief that with cunning, persistence, devotion to God and loyalty to the Crown they have the opportunity to achieve success. Most notably Emperor Peter and Thomas Chivay inherited little to no renown from their ancestry. But their persistence and skill brought them to the pinnacle of both religious and worldly success. The Chivay’s established an Empire and both were sainted. More recently, the late Secretary of State and Count Bradshaw Gray has become a hero amongst the commons for his rise. Like Chivay, he started with little renown, but because of the Empire’s system that rewards those who work hard, he was able to rise from the common masses to reach nobility. The Empire is a meritocracy.

    The Empire’s nationalism outmatches other nations. Citizens take pride in the foundation of the Empire, they know Her history and are willing to take up arms in the name of Her and the Crown. Orenians  are eager to support their Country even if adopted into it. Citizens keep up their property and continue to try and improve the State. A sense of fraternity is ultimately found. Citizens in Oren are brothers bonded by the Empire.

    The Empire is the most inclusive State. A stroll through Johannesburg reveals all races working with Man. The Imperial Legion’s roster boasts men and women of varying races and ethnicities. The Imperial Administration also has Man and other races working side by side. Even religiously non-humans can rise to notable rank. High Pontiff Pius the First born as Gideon Silverblade was a High Elf and more recently there have been elves as Cardinals and High Chancellor. The only limitation set on those who come to the Empire is to respect God and assimilate into society.

    The Kingdom of the War Ugz, Hael’nour and Kingdom of Urugan’s citizens all lack a similar ideology to those of the Empire. Where hard work and intelligence is rewarded in Oren, allowing even the meek to achieve, the War Ugz society punishes those who are smarter than they are strong and quieter than they are loud. Orcs who do not conform to the language or practices often face being ostracized and white washed. In Hael’nour if one is not a High Elf then the one is cast aside. In the Kingdom of Urugan it is rare to find a Man or Elf in their government or military, let alone walking the streets. These states have a lack of diversity of both race and thinking. This has caused stagnation.  The Empire’s diversity has brought about cultural and military achievements. New ideas caused the Imperial Administration to develop.




    As we rear the new century, the Holy Oren Empire has much to look back on. There has been immense progress from the Kingdom of Oren in Aegis to now. Each Empire has built upon its predecessors. No Empire has been complacent in its position. The Empire stands at the forefront of governing, citizenry and culture. Religion has ignited Oren’s passion, as Oren succeeds She get’s a step closer to God. The Human Curse of a short life is a blessing. Ambition has resulted from it. The Holy Orenian Empire is exceptional in every way, it is and will remain the greatest Nation in history.











  9. Date: 10th Amber Cold, 1569

    Proposal: Replace Grand Burgher with Speaker of the Commune

    Proposed by: Commandant Edmond James Burnside Manston

    Sitting Grand Mayor: Bradshaw Gray


    Approved: Four In favour, Two abstain, None Opposed

    In Favour: Grand Mayor Bradshaw Gray, Commandant Edmond James Burnside Manston, City Purser Piero Gradic, Imperial Liaison Erren Crawley

    Abstain: Head Steward Niklas, His Excellency the Metropolitan of Felsen Paolo Gradic







    The council seat of Grand Burgher will be replaced by Speaker of the Commune. The Speaker of the Commune will act as a direct non-appointed representative for the citizens of Felsen.


    The Speaker of the Commune will be selected as follows:


     I. A current list based off of the tax ledger will be created, citizens will be numbered


    II. At random, one citizen will be selected by rolling dice, conducted by the Grand Mayor


    III. The process will repeat itself after one year


    Responsibilities of Office:

      I.To represent the interests of Citizens


    II.To bring new problems to the Council


    III.To vote on council proposals


    IV.To draft new amendments and proposals



    Grand Mayor Mister Bradshaw Gray

    Commandant Mister Edmond James Burnside Manston

    City Purser Mister Piero Gradic

    Head Steward Mister Niklas

    Imperial Liaison Mister Erren Crawley

    His Excellency, Metropolitan of Felsen Paolo Gradic


    MID4Lyo - Imgur.png

    Sigil of the Imperial City of Felsen


    The Felsen Guard stands firm defending and watching over  the Imperial City of Felsen and it’s crownlands  from brigands, thieves, beasts, and scoundrels.  An organization where birth matters not, and merit accounts for all.  The Felsen Guard is unlike a formal levy, as they mainly keep the peace within the city, protecting the gentle citizenry.  The Watchmen of Felsen mete out justice where it is due to the scum of the realm, though proper citizenry are awarded a trial and detained until a verdict is reached.



    “Nothin’ like the smell of fresh Abresi sh*t in the morning.”

    Captain Branaford of Abresi, circa 1453, while making his rounds.





    The Third Reconstruction of Felsen





    COMMANDANT - The commander of the Felsen Guard. He handles the administration of the Watch, along with any task not delegated to the lower ranks.  He handles the promotion of  officers and discipline within the ranks of the Watch. The Commandant is appointed by the Mayor and is in charge of the defense of Felsen.


    “Appetite comes with eating.”

    Captain Arjen de Sarkozy of Abresi, circa 1456, in the Mess Hall after driving the cannibals out of the city.



    LIEUTENANT - An officer of the Guard, specializing between various lower administrational duties such as training, assignments of duties, distributing of supplies and provisions, and calculating and distributing pay.

    DRILLMASTER - The drillmaster specializes in training and drilling the guards into capable fighters into capable fighters and a cohesive force against threats to the city.  

    QUARTERMASTER - The quartermaster outfits each member of the Guard along with managing provisions such as rations and raw goods.  It is up to the quartermaster to make sure that there is enough armaments and raw goods to turn into needed supplies.


    “Rich men die young.”

    Lieutenant Dingo de Sarkozy of Abresi, circa 1448, to an initiate requesting the week’s pay.



    SERGEANT - A proven veteran of the Watch, the Sergeant is a senior footman with limited authority over the lesser guardsmen, capable of leading patrols and leading a small detachment of footmen to carry out an assignment.


    “What are you going to do, catch it?”

    Serjeant Richard Palmer of Abresi, circa 1448, after bludgeoning Rymuel Elendil to death.


    WATCHMAN - The backbone of the guard consisting of rank and file soldiers and footmen who protect our fair City of Felsen from lawlessness.  They have the authority to carry out the law of the Holy Orenian Empire and detain any of those who dare defy the Lexicon of Ashford.  They carry out punishment according to social status within the Empire and detain those who try to avoid it.


    “You like that?!”

    Warden Erik Berhal of Petrus, circa 1474, after smashing a Dwarven merchant’s teeth in.



    RECRUIT - All watchmen start off as fresh-blooded recruits.  Recruits start without pay, and are expected to serve for one Saint’s Week until their promotion to Guardsman.  They are usually accompanied by a Guardsman or someone of higher rank so that they may learn the ropes.


    “Sometimes when I close my eyes I can not see.”

    Recruit Asgoslav of Felsen, circa 1523, after being struck in the head by an orc.




    Equipped in a motley of leather and chainmail, the uniform of the Watch is designed to mitigate any harm that may come upon a watchman performing his duty.  Fabricated from state of the art leather and ironworks, the standard issue studded gambeson sits atop a chainmail hauberk.  The vibrant and warm colors allow the guard to seem friendly and approachable, further improving effectiveness.



        Recruit’s Uniform | Watchman’s Uniform



    “What if I spill my wine?!”

    City Marshal Giancarlo Gradic, circa 1545, displeased with color of the new uniforms.





    ROLF’S TENDERFOOT - For the gentle of the guard, a medal and a bonus of 200 mina.  The Tenderfoot Medal is given to those who perform their duty without the use of unnecessary force.  To those which have a gentle touch, to those who would comfort, rather than harm.


    DAVIS’ LIMP  -  For those injured in the line of duty, a medal and a bonus of 200 mina.  The Limp Medal is granted to those who with visible scars or those who were discharged due to their injuries.  Named after Felsen Watchman Limp Davis, who was rendered incapable for near a decade.


    GILBERT’S IRON FIST - For those who willingly risk their skin, a medal and a bonus of 200 mina.  The Iron Fist medal is granted to those heavy handed guardsmen which place themselves in harm's way to uphold the law.  Given to those whose rash hand saved the life of innocents.


    FELSEN’S SHIELD - For those who deal a fair amount of their time to gate duty, and do it well. A bonus of 100 minas. Only awarded to those who handle gate duty exceptionally.


    “Sometimes, when there’s a fork in the road, take it.”

    Captain Volker Hound of Petrus, circa 1513, before declaring Petrus for the Schismatics.




    MC Name:











    The Great Felsen Fire of 1567





    The Great Felsen Fire, 11th of Malin's Welcome, 1567


    “Fire! FIRE!” roars out from the alleyways, bystanders look to the raving burghers who come running out of the smoky streets. In mere moments, the City of Felsen became alive. Men of all walks began to cry out “Fire! Bring buckets, all  able men to Copper Court!”  As the Felsen Guard rushes towards the fire, women and children come rushing from it. Caught in a moment of sheer panic and chaos, men trip over women, children run into men. Ash and smoke bellow into the air, a sinister cloud lurking over the city, placing it in absolute darkness. Not a shred of sunlight slipping past the thick layers of ash.


    The sound of the Cathedral Bells soon begin to echo throughout the city, clashing with the sounds of crackling wood and shrill screams. Unsuspecting volunteers fall victim to the crumbling stones of the fire engulfed homes, the hideous sound of bones breaking and pained cries adding to the people’s terror. Legless men limp out of their smouldering houses, leaning on the shoulders of brave guards.


    As men combat the fire, some begin to turn to one another, soon accusations are heard over the roar of the fire. “It was the Qaleesh!” some men shout “Aye!” while others turn and laugh “Nay! It was the rebels!” and even more shout “It was the Uruk!” “Them’s screaming their black sorcery in glee! It’s them’s orcs I tells yah!” “GOD save us all from the green tide!” The cries of accusations spread rapidly, the city became engulfed in cries for justice.


    The fire raged on, but was eventually contained to Copper Court and Butcher’s Alley. Soon the residents of these now burned out areas returned to find little left for them. Roofs that used wooden supports caved in on themselves, walls collapsed and personal belongings destroyed.  





    The sun finally broke past the soot’s blockade, shining down on the city streets it revealed a heavy black soot that covers the walls of Ancelcourt and the Cranky Carrion.  The chaos that held firmly onto the city during the fire soon subsided and left a trail of despair and fright in the residents of the now burnt out buildings.

  12. Edmond J. Manston reclines slightly in his chair, he glances to the men at the table before adjusting his suit collar. 


    "Gentlemen, I do believe that it would be in favor of both Empire and City if a vault was constructed. The possessors of the vault would in turn be the Mayor, Lord Steward and City Clerk , just as the Lord Steward has proposed. And so, I must say Nay to the original motion and I second the Lord Steward's proposal." 


    The Sparrow’s Nest

    ~The Empire’s Premier Fight Pit~



    The Sparrow’s Nest, 1565


    Mister Edmond J. Manston does formally invite all to the Sparrow’s Nest, located within the Cranky Carrion Tavern in Felsen for the Empire’s first ever fighting pit. There will be fights hosted every Saint’s Week with a cash prize at the end.


    The winner of each week  will be able to mount his banner on the wall over the fighting pit until a new champion emerges.


    Nobility may sit and watch in the de Beaufort Lounge on Silbury Street. To gain access to the lounge, a single deposit of 100 mina must be given to Mister Edmond J. Manston. After the deposit is made, a key will be given out.


    The pit will be open to public use during off seasons.


    Weekly Champions and Prominent fighters will be updated as time goes on



    Fight I: Osgod Colborn

    Fight II:

    Fight III:

    Fight VI:


    Prominent Fighters:

    1.Osgod Colborn

    2. Davius Crostermonger

    3. Erren Crawley

    4. Godrick Tiller






    Anyone can enter as long as they provide a twenty-five mina entry fee for each fight.  The rewards will start at two-hundred mina but will increase as time goes on. Chances for higher payouts are available with special fights and events.


    Entry to Fight




    Title(if applicable)

    Fight Numbers you will participate in (Ex: Fight I, Fight II, Fight III, etc...):

    Screenshot of payment for each fight(pay to Boiendl)



    The Sparrow's Nest also offers day-of registration. Simply Show up and pay. 

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