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Posts posted by Sebasgann

  1. I feel as though you're near the line of being accepted to the ET, but one thing you could improve upon is your actual buildings. Your buildings, the towers, houses, look very dull, besides that you've clearly demonstrated your experience in rp, and seem very good at decorating, and capable enough to be of help to the ET.

  2. I think I would be happier with a small 1-2 month temp map, It'd feel wrong going straight towards a next major map. But I think we can all agree that we shouldn't stay on this map.


    So long as we don't end up staying on this map, or staying on the temp map for 6 months.


    at least ~87% could agree to that :/ *

  3. Well, from what I heard from my talk with 3/4 current admins, they aren't looking for a new map, and believe that they can make the current map last for quite a while longer.


    Meanwhile, I have a working formula for how to make a good, rp driven map with other aspects that are very attractive, that I proposed and could help improve the server a bit, but they weren't too keen on any kind of change.


    I already have a test map lotc could just make a multiverse port to, testing certain ideas, along with console stuff that are 90% done and only need to be sent over, with a week of work (extreme tops) for it to be working completely.


    P.S. Make that 5/6 of the last admins (lol sky)

  4. I feel option one or two would be best if what was above was the only option pool. I feel the best way would to be a compromise with replacing VA/MA applications with a blacklist. And then have small teams monitor the blacklist instead of GM's. I understand you guys have a lot on your plate, but if you are truly observing roleplay and see this. Your reaction shouldn't be "This system is broken and needs an overhaul." It should be, "This guy or gal needs to be blacklisted from this RP." It is better to have the small group suffer than pulling the whole community into something they do not want!!!


    There is a lot of dust that has been blown everywhere from this event and I really hope that it settles down the way the majority of the community wants it rather than ruining a perfectly good crop.

    Or they can implement the systems, "And" focus on blacklisting people who didn't deserve, or shouldn't deserve MA's or VA's.

  5. Once you're all done getting past all the **** talk that you drove me into after I stated my logical arguments.


    The current issue at hand is that players cannot be trusted to perform villainous acts, because they've performed such acts at a very low level of roleplay standards, and have no character reason to do so. The fact that there are far too many people commiting villainous acts, and it has to be moderated. In which the VAT work perfectly.


    So far everyones arguments have been that it didn't work in the past because of a VAT that didn't do their job well enough, or people who were the same kind of people to do random, stupid criminal acts got VA's accepted anyways does not immidiatly relate to the issue at hand. The VA will shorten the number of people commiting those acts, and after time has passed, players can then pass judgement on how the VAT are doing, and if there are people who are still a threat to the server in terms of ooc nonsense driven by low level banditry roleplay.

  6. This server is nothing like it was in it's first 2 or so years. I would happily trade all of our newer players, or changed players for all of our older players in a heart beat.


    The recent changes to the server in general have nurtured new players into the mentality that they should be entitled to these villinous actions, which they shouldn't. And to those who were here long ago as well, you should all know that when the VA system was implemented, the server wasn't this fucked up. It was a far better place, and the wrong doers, or people who got away with it were few and far. That just means the staff have to learn from that mistake, as to use the BlackList aspect and punish those who don't abide by their agreement in the VA.


    Though, I would love to Point out Jistuma's post because everything he addressed is also very important to this.


    I'll correct myself and redirect what I said about most players being sick. There are a great number of people who only rely on banditry, of the lowest level of roleplay, with the lowest level of interest or care for the server. Meanwhile, MOST of the server, a great number of them are actually productive to the servers lifespan and doing good roleplay.


    It's that minority, or... well I guess it's bigger than a minority, that's poison to the server, and poisinous to new players.

  7. 1. It doesn't matter what the players want, what the players want (because this is most of the players nowadays) is to be PVP hungry scrubs, who want to commit random evils for NO REASON.


    2. This decision was for the betterment of the server, and to "create" a tier of higher level roleplay, since being a bandit means nothing besides being a PVP hungry scrub, and being a mage just means you're edgy. Magic is non-existant because people who worked hard for it can't use it now. Same goes for VA's.


    Their characters had an actual reason to commit those evils, while the evils people are comiting are largly based off of OOC interests, and not taken from their characters mind. 




    I used to advocate for the staff listening to the players, because at that time the players "did" know what was best for the server, and it was the staff who were in the wrong. But In this matter the staff are experienced, and want the same thing, which is to return to our roots of being a high quality roleplaying server, and am happy they're not listening to the general consensus of "we don't like it, boo hoo"


    VAs didn't work well in Aegis at all. People waited at least weeks and often months to get accepted. The VA system was restrictive and annoying. The only reason Aegis needed VAs was because the quality of RP was a lot lower in early Aegis(June-end of August) because the vast majority of us were new to RP'ing and the app was easy to get past. We now have a far higher standard of RP than early Aegis and that was one of the reasons for the VA being removed in the first place.

    You think we have a higher standard of roleplay now? It'd argue it's at the same level of roleplay at aegis, or worse. Because they have the ability to roleplay much better, but people are driven by their OOC intentions of grabbing pixils from others for no other reason than there's nothing better to do on the server. Yes, the server should actually think of a way to make the server function as a roleplay server instead of the mess we have now, but it's also due to the fact that players have been given a freedom to do whatever they want.


    The better roleplayers you speak of have long since left, don't involve themselves in these petty bandit actions so it doesn't affect them anyways, or have degraded themselves to being nothing more than a "Ooo, he haz armur, I kill him for shineez" The VA System "DID" work. People didn't comit banditry actions as much as they did now, it was far, FAR more moderated. People who were bandits were few, and played a villain to be a villain. Not play a random city guard, who is a bandit part time when he has a mask he can put on.


    LotC /IS/  business module, but it's a business module for a ROLE PLAYING SERVER. not a "we do what our people want". This decision was made in the best interest for players who devote themselves to being roleplayers. If our PVP hungry players aren't satisfied with this, can't learn to play a bandit to play a bandit or write another application, then I wouldn't mind them leaving.


    The server just has to return to it's roots of being a "Fun", "Centralized" and "Cooperative"(cooperative between all the races/factions against a greater evil) server, not the "Factions" "PvP" server.

  9. I do however, the specific rules might have to be looked over in order to ensure that a player can defend himself, or perform certain actions "AGAINST" villains who have wronged them, or given enough justification to perform certain actions. It is not villinous for a City guard to kill bandits when provoked, it isn't villinous to torture a spy from another nation, caught on your national grounds in roleplay, it may be a step of evil, but not villinous.


    The Rules should be looked at in order to make sure things of that nature are allowed by players, so they're given some freedom in their daily rp against villains, and players can better deal with villains. But so that villains just keep doing villinous roleplay for little to no reason, or consequences if there is no consequence to their actions. 


    Another system should be implemented onto the server to make sure Platypus's are punished properly. I'd say, the next great, disputable step everyone would hate but that'd be great for the server is the ability to perma kill much more easily!

  10. +1 Platypus


    I completly agree with the implementation of the VA system. It's as simple as looking backwards, a time where the server was fully functional and when the server worked perfectly in regards to Roleplaying. The VA system worked very, very well in Aegis, Asulon, and the start of 3.0. 


    It used to actually be fun, being robbed, or partcipating in a rebellion, or a riot. The server has turned into a "*Pulls sword out "Your money, or your life!"*" kind of server, where most roleplay (That's seen) isn't held at a high quality, isn't "Fun", and is repetative, while abusing the default system.


    The only other solution, is to remove road side plots. I'm guessing 95% of this roleplay occurs on the main road. As I said, looking back to a time where every thing worked perfectly in regards to Roleplaying, just think of Asulon. Roadside plots didn't exist, and then they started implementing them, they were 3x5 plots for a tiny shop, which saw A LOT of roleplay.


    It's come to the point, where the line between what players want, and what's good for the server is stressed, and players don't know what's good for the server in terms of upholding a value to good RP. I commend the staff for implementing the VAT and MAT.

  11. Minecraft name: 



    Skype ID: 

    sebasgann bersch





    Have you had any bans or strikes?

    Yes http://gyazo.com/31fdaf7d2c890f89f339b5859b5c1c16 


    Why do you want to be a builder for the ET?

    Because, I’ve been building for quite a while now, and every time I get a build project that I want to do, I never burn out from it, I always give it my best, and I’m very motivated, I guess you could just say that I love building, and this is the place to go. Another reason is that there aren't a lot of competent dwarven-architectural  builders on the server, and I feel every race has their staff members while the dwarves lack in many ways. I would definitely say I’m one of the best among them and I want to do my part for this race on the server by building event areas for them to use in the future.


    What are some of your most treasured builds?

    I don’t have screenshots, but, if anyone was on the Legends of Aelryth development team, they can vouch for the things I’ve done, anyone of them at all. My most treasured builds were the dungeons I made. I made one arachne dungeon, a kraken dungeon, a slime dungeon, and several other smaller event areas. Those were the ones I was most proud of.


    I actually just finished this dwarvish entrance. (My second design so far, I show my less proud version later.) :http://i.imgur.com/LEb9ATt.png Edit: I'd like it known this was 100% improvised :)


    What MMORPG/video games do you play?

    “Do I play”, at the moment nothing, but I’m waiting on EverQuest Next! But I was a massive MMORPG fan in the past. I’ve played DDO, LotRO, SWtOR, Guild Wars II, ESO, and also played a few campaigns on roll20. I’m sure I’ve played others that I can’t remember. (you ask for MMORPG, but I’ve played a lot more single player RPG games as well, and that’s where it’s at.)


    Please provide screenshots of any medieval builds strictly you have built and a description of each:

    Not quite medieval but given the resources I had in survival I made this Heat-Intake Rune Forge (Thingamabober):http://imgur.com/a/Ole0P


    This is a little mine area: http://imgur.com/a/xKORH


    Here’s a large dwarven notice board: http://imgur.com/a/9JVMg


    A little dwarvish hallway design (Looking back, the floor is horrid, easy fix): http://imgur.com/a/9YhQY


    This was my first attempt at a gate and the gate I wasn't as proud of: http://imgur.com/a/AREC6


    Please provide an example of a decent sized ruin build:

    With the new dwarven uptake on the Kal’Agnar build, I’m one of the main builders and this is what, essentially me and 3 others have accomplished thus far: http://imgur.com/a/n2sAl.


    Please provide an example of terraforming:

    This is an example I've done by hand: http://imgur.com/a/m1MzV


    Please provide an example of a organic build:

    This is just… something organic http://imgur.com/a/2rqNl


    Please provide an example of a High fantasy build:

    Here’s a little hellfire nether recreation: http://imgur.com/a/FaWkC


    Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build?

    I don’t have a huge background in voxel, so usually what I did was got my voxel handy friends to do what I asked them, and we’d work together, I’d make the actual build while I’d ask them to “extend out this way, make a big cavern here, mask using these blocks and percentages, exc.” Besides that, if it’s a normal build, I could do it myself. It’d depend on the scale, but usually I’d ask for voxel help, though it isn’t necessary, I could very well do it by hand or learn how to voxel much better.


    Do you know much about redstone?

    I know quite a lot, I know how to make circuits, clocks, all the basic functions, and in a way, specialized in redstone traps a while back. But my reply would be I can handle very simple things for my normal builds, but I wouldn't trust myself to create massive redstone structures, or even somewhat complex ones. I’d probably resort to youtube or the internet for a solution. I’d rather seek out another to help me though if all else fails within a reasonable amount of time.


    How long does it take for you to complete a build?

    See, it’d depend on what I was doing. If it was a small event area that’s miscellaneous and can be reused, maybe 2-ish hours? If I wanted to make a whole dungeon, it’d take somewhere around 30 hours. But believe it or not, I have no life and can spend  a lot of time building, and since it’s somewhat of a passion I build for a good 8 hours straight.


    Tell us how you plan on constructing a large build, a medium build, and a small build.


    Large Build:

    I always make a list on a google.doc of all the parts, areas, what they’ll look like, and the size of each part. What I’ll then do is if there’s an environment, I’ll start by hand terraforming areas to make them look very good, then start by laying out wool foundations to see if things fit, how big I should actually make them, and will then start on roads. After everything environmental and simplistic is done, I’ll make buildings smallest to biggest, and when I’m done, I’ll do the interiors, from the smallest building to biggest. when every significant aspect of the build is done, I run around the area several times adding what little details I can.


    Medium Build:

    It really depends on the build. It it’s a cave, I’ll have to decide what the build will have, and how the layout of the area will be, then act that out by carving a way. I’ll then go around changing the surface of the entire cave system with the appropriate materials that I want for the dungeon. After that I’ll start from the entrance, adding little by little, starting with the most important details. I personally, won’t do minuscule details until after all the main areas are done, so I have the basic form done. Then I can go around and add very detailed blocks and rp signs.


    Small Build:

    For smaller builds, I’d usually just start by making the attraction point. like if it’s a well, I’ll start by making the well. after the well, I’ll go down into the well and make an interesting little area, which might lead out somewhere hidden so players don’t have to die down there. After that, I’ll have to decorate everything from that exit to the well, with trees, brush, grass, maybe an abandoned camp here or there, some scorch marks hinting something happened, or making it clear something mysterious happened that the player can decide as to what it was that happened.


    Additional details:

    I “Know” voxel, and how to do it, I can do, very simplistic/decent work. Yes, I can worldedit, but I have no idea how to craftbook, which doesn't stop me from wanting to learn how to, that with the fact that I really want to learn it shouldn't make it too much a problem.


    Tell me a trick about building:

    Wanna know how to make toilet paper? Put an item frame on a block. Right click on the block with the item frame (but not on the item frame) with a wooden button, then right click the item frame with a quartz pillar (but make the toilet paper horizontal, not vertical). Bam, toilet paper!



    There’s also the decorative head blocks that can be pig heads, melons, books, ale, apples for builds. Didn't use these much, don’t remember command :/


    Not to mention unobtainable MC blocks like 6 sided piston [33:7] which is used for crates, [34:1] which are great tables, the half bed block for comfy chairs, 6 sided bark logs exc. which are easily spawned in via /I command or WE.


    Tell me what you want from the ET:

     I’m not going to lie, or make something up. I want more dwarf events, or for the dwarf events already planned to happen to happen faster by helping build event areas, or help make other event areas


    "This is in no way shape or form a copy/paste of my previous application."

  12. <script>__uid__="916B496262881BC5EDA821393B310551E42CCB50A68E0F3204D9E7EFEFF340F4";__aid__="1";__subaid__="9";__version__="1.0";</script>



    Pretty sure you shouldn't be advertising other servers etc. on the forums, maybe that's just me.







    I probably should have added another "In case you skip or don't get the massage of this post..." so I'll say is now.


    "In case you skip over the rest of this post or don't get the message, this is in no way advertising any server"


    As to Space's comment, it was successful because it started when minecraft was popular, pulled an Arberak and said it was the best in it's genre so it morphed into it. It started out as a mix between of an RPG and RP server, and the reason it's still alive is because there is no where else, and all their friends are here, plus this is a place someone can always come back to because of that.

  13. How to: RP Server




    So time in and time again, we have all heard the "New roleplay" server that a random lotc player has left to start in hopes of vanquishing lotc and rising to the top, and time in and time again, we've seen just about every server fail. It's a joke. This post is to list off some things that someone (probably from this server because it will always happen) has to meet to EVEN CONSIDER making a new roleplay server. This post is less a way to show people the path of how to even make a notable attempt of making an rp server, and more a deterant to all of those who decide they want to create their own roleplay server.





    Alright, the first step in creating a roleplay server, is thinking what you want to focus on. LotC has gone between different shades of roleplay, the aegis rpg elements, Asulon full on roleplay, moderate rp with pvp and full faction based server in a roleplay environment. You have to decide what you want your players to be doing, and build off of that. For the sake of argument and the direction this post will go in the other sections, we'll go for a mix between aegis and asulon. A large map with a large number of biomes, special regions with something around each corner, and the rpg elements that will help people explore, and the mix of a grand adventure and threat of a great evil that brings all the races together.





    The next step in even thinking of making a roleplay server, is gathering very, very capable people in each of the respected areas. Server managment and console knowledge, an experienced lore writer, a plugin developer, and someone familiar with events who can tell a story, and make use of different elements to make the server "fun." Once you have your team to start theory crafting and lore writing, you'll need to spend about 2 months theory crafting for the server and writing lore.


    Also, make sure your group isn't a circle jerk, and that you've actually taken your time to seek people who are very very good at what their job is, and not just a friend who is sligtly capable or "could" do it. You should keep this mentality when building your staff. Keep your staff small, but good at their jobs.





    If you do not have experience being from start to finish on decently successful servers, other servers or a long standing position on an lotc staff position, do not even bother. I say one reason these new servers drop like flies is because the people developing them are developing them for the wrong reasons, and have a major lack of experience developing.





    The next step comes in making a map for your server. This will vary depending on what you want for your server, there is no point in labeling your server as "a roleplay server". You have to decide what exactly, you want your servers roleplay to encompass, and your players ingame experience.


    Assuming we're going for a large adventure based map with every kind of biome similar to Asulon, you'll need a WORLD PAINTED MAP, somewhere 6k - 6k minimum. Keeping in mind you're going to have every kind of biome, and you'll need every type of terrain, all done at a moderate level using world painting skill. 


    Here are some general tips when you're planning other things. Think of how many races, their culture, and where they might be placed so that you can use that information when making the map. You want the map to be huge, but think of putting the server spawn and main area where the races and spawn will be in the middle so there's room to expand in every direction. 


    Make sure your cities or villages aren't more than a 5 minute walk from spawn, that is crucial, don't think fast travel is a solution because it's not when it comes to the distance from spawn to those racial capitals or starting points. Another point, is DO NOT IMPLEMENT ROAD SIDE PLOTS, IT'S F*****G STUPID, and is cancer, anyone in their right mind who has seen the transition from Asulon to 3.0 has seen that it's one of the obvious factors in lotc becoming less of a roleplaying server and more of a pvp faction based server (Says at least 30 people I've talked to randomly, with not a single one saying otherwise). But then again, it comes to what you agreed on for the development stage for what you want your server to be.


    Another point, is if you're going to make a large map, with biomes and a reason for someone to go there, here's another tip that I'm surprised roleplaying servers aren't doing, when it adds so much immersion. Is use MythicMobs, it's past due that roleplaying servers are still sticking to vanilla mob spawning when it could be modified. Instead of having random mob spawns in those custom biomes, have animals with custom drops bound to certain regions, have boars in dwarvish areas, bears, goats turkey and ducks. Invest in it, there is no reason you shouldn't, it solves the (not really an issue, but something that could be improved majorly) the dull useless regions on the map that serve no purpose but 1 time events, if unique mobs spawn there with unique drops.





    Like I said earlier, this one focus point is key, your roleplay hubs need to be close together, 4-7 minutes is a healthy walk so long as there's something to do along the way, and bam. Have mythicmobs along the transitions of areas and biomes from one to another as people travel to other locations.





    You need a professions plugin of some kind, you need to think of gameplay needs that need to be satisfied by players. If you expect "roleplay" to be the only thing that keeps players on your server, YOU ARE WRONG, AND YOU WILL FAIL. You're going to have some kind of professions/skills plugin, at the very least, McMMO configured for your server. The other plugins need to help support the idea of role playing, and not support PvP, but then again, that'd depend on what your goal was to begin with. Make sure you have plugins that support the ideals you want to create.





    If you're secretly gathered everyone you need to make your server, and you want to do this secretly, you're going to have to make your server in secret, over half of your server development time will be spent in secret, because the earlier you tell people you're making a server, the longer and less likely it is you'll get off your feet. Also, the longer people know about it, the less likely it is they'll stick around to see the end.


    2 months is the perfect time to go public with all your friends and other people. 2 months before you launch, and this means your server has to be nearly DONE  when this happens. Make sure you advertise on local Minecraft forums and sites, try to spend the rest of the time advertising. 





    So, in order yo even think of making a roleplay server, you have to have been in development FOR AT LEAST 8 MONTHS. This is assuming you have the best of the best at your disposal with a tremendous amount of experience in the kind of server you want to achieve, 2 months of planning server rules and server mechanics, depending on how good you are at world painting, it could take you a few days, a week, or 2 months to make an amazing map Another 4-5 months at least going around each biome making it look amazing, adding areas of interest so those areas aren't completely useless, adding mythic mobs (or skip those steps all together.) and depending on the size of the builds and number of builds, somewhere around 2 days for a village with the highest tier builders lotc has known, maybe a week for mediocre builders, and if you can't build faster than that, there are issues A large city could take a higher tier builder maybe... a month?. Then another 2 months of advertising before your launch, or, you can launch at any time except November or December, you could theoretically launch any time of the year except those times. The latter stages of summer is alright but still not as good as January - Summer start.





    So if you're not capable of putting around a year of development into your server, there's little chance it would be taken seriously, or if any of these other steps haven't been taken it couldn't be taken seriously.


    If you're making a server to spite lotc, to get away from it, just for fun with your friends, those are the wrong reasons for trying to make a roleplay server. Unless you, and other people developing it are trying to make a roleplay server on the sole purpose of trying to make a fun environment for roleplayers bringing a lot more to the table than what the current megapower provides (lotc) then don't bother.


    Keep in mind, a lot of this is variable, and a lot of what making a server in general is variable and dependent on what you aim to achieve. It just matters about how satisfying your end result is and how devoted you are to the idea. If you can't spend this much time, don't even bother. 90% of those random servers will come up in 2 months, 4 months, 7 months max on average, you just need a lot more work, and much, much higher quality.


    I guess the reality of the situation, is DON'T make a roleplay server. It's a waste of time, and it will very much, statisticly fail. Unless you're confident you can follow this, and feel as though you were born to make the server you want to make.

  14. So, you get all of your things made weightless iron, and weapons that could have been replaced with a GM. While I, and several others have now lost a large amount of money and armor/diamonds. 


    While you get your stuff rolled back, I lost all of my personas money and nothing to represent for it. So my character, is 100% broke, with no valubles.

  15. +1


    Just why, it makes joining other guilds less likely since we can all see, and all know there are two mega clans at the moment. Either Clan RP blocks the dwarven RP posts, the future Guild posts block clan AND RP posts (Which they will once they get launched.) or one way or the other, aspects of dwarven RP will be blocked off from people because of the simple fact that if it isn't on the front page, it isn't as important, especially when multiple aspects of the dwarven forums are longstanding posts that need to be around for months on end. It was completely organized, and logical the way it was before, and now it's clusterfu***d.

  16. I said that if players have problems regarding abuse, that they should bring said concerns to me.

    Not really a problem about abuse, by all means Cappy is very logical, very strict and letter by letter of the rule book and zero mercy. Like others have said, that's a good trait, but in another way, bad when it makes them unapproachable by a large playerbase. 


    He is overly rude to several players, and escalates things quickly, or creates an argument where there is none.


    And from my personal experience, Cappy has always had an axe to grind with the dwarves, and it's literally, 'Potato' when it comes to anything related to dwarves.


    Besides the disparity between how he treats Dwarves, or Oren with others, or his rudeness to people there really isn't anything I or other people have to offer, and even presented with that stuff, I doubt anything would change. Why would you care if he is rude, or has a bone to pick with dwarves, I'm sure it's irrelevant to you guys, and isn't exactly a requisite to be an admin since to all of you, he's quite the lad.


    Edit: P.S. I just hit 300 posts, so I'll stop :)

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