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Posts posted by Sebasgann


    "Our approach to crafting is focused on the thought that crafting isn’t just another game; it’s another way to drive the course of the world and playing a critical part of the world as it develops. This is a fundamental change in the way crafting is integrated into an MMO world. As players, we won’t simply craft and gather by clicking on an object. With each action, a skill based game is played that tries to closely mimic the core feeling of the related craft.

    For example, imagine that you are an alchemist. The mysteries of herbology and chemistry are yours to explore. Why should this be relegated to nothing but clicking on a plant in the world and then later clicking on a table and selecting a potion? We don’t think it should, and so as an alchemist in the world of Theleston, you’ll find that clicking on a plant brings that plant closer into view, allowing you push, pull and examine each stalk, stem and flower, deciding exactly which parts you want to harvest. You’ll examine the plants for quality, for blights and even perhaps contend with the poisonous parasites and other creatures that make their homes on the plants leaves."

    - Revival: https://www.revivalgame.com/features/active_crafting 

    If you guys were interested in that game, which was announced very recently to the public, I would read up more on it. Also read the Skill based combat: https://www.revivalgame.com/features/skill_based_combat . This game has yet to make any waves 'Because' it's so new and no one really knows about it yet. I actually enjoyed navigating and reading their website, that's how well done it is.

  2. My Top 5 MMO's in Development


    As is in every day and age, mmorpg’s are a very large, sometimes fun, part of the gaming industry that often holds the most hope in revolutionary gameplay, or massive, exciting gameplay sessions with friends and others. As I wait in boredom for the Navy I’ve been doing some research and following the development of a great many mmo’s in development.

    Here’s MY pick, for the top 5 MMO’s to check out.



    #5. Albion Online



    Now, Albion isn't very MMORPG-ish, but it is very accessible to the modern generation, and feels very nostalgic, often times reminding people of old-school Runescape. A heavy reliance on GvG and PvP with a player driven economy and other interesting development choices. Albion isn't exactly what the Stream lined MMO is like these days, but it's still part of the genre and will become an addicting game, and one hell of a fun one at that too. The game will be F2P and will most likely come out sometime in 2016.






    #4. Revival

    Ms 001


    "Revival is the rebirth of the player-driven, sandbox, fantasy role-playing world. Player agency, world persistence, and absolutely zero compromises are the cornerstones of our quest for a living, persistent, dark fantasy role-playing world."


    -Dominates the top of their website, a very well done website at that while I'm at it. Is creating a dark fantasy, almost horror-like MMO where it's one massive open world map with NO PvP rules and no safe zones which is an interesting take on the genre. They'll operate much like an MC RP server, in where they will have Live Storytellers watch players and reward people for standing out and making the game more interesting with an event, in-game reward, ability to participate in a world event or a currency based around ones influence on the game and the world around them. The game is being developed by a bunch of old-school role players who are attempting at creating a dark, immersive world for the players to play in.





    #3. Chronicles of Elyria



    This game is trying to be bold, a beautiful engine, new additions like OPC's, where your character, even when your offline can be taking contracts from other players, or performing set duties you set them to run, like running a merchant stall or shop, manual labor or other activities. A system of Aging and perma death with reincarnation, a blood line, a personal destiny story, and a world constantly changing with a 10 year story that will play over time, creating an epic story for the player, immersing themselves in an evolving story and their blood lines role in that story. A great deal of many new changes to the game but it's trying to do it all. A worthy game to pay attention to, they publish articles on mmorpg.com every week or two on a new gameplay element. It's truly immersive and different from other games. Much like the last game, Revival, MMO's are attempting at creating a living world, putting a great focus on Immersion over the stale formula for existing MMO's.





    #2. Crowfall



    Crowfall is a different twist, something we haven't seen before and it's gotten a lot of attention for it. They have a unique system of different worlds and campaigns your characters can participate. A personal world to bring all your wealth to, gather resources and build a kingdom and towns. Multiplayer campaigns with factions where factions will fight for resources and take terretory from one another, where campaigns might last anywhere from 1-6 months, with varied win conditions and game options for these campaigns. Fully destructible worlds and interesting player collision and abilities where you can push an enemy off a bridge to their death. There's much more I could go into, but I'll let the video do it for me;






    #1. Star Citizen



    Star Citizen has continued, to show great progress with weekly and monthly reports to it's backers, as the most crowd funded 'thing' ever, sitting somewhere around $89 Million dollars backed by fans into the project.


    Star Citizen is very ambitious, will come out with a 40-70 hour campaign mode first with full voiced and motion capture, then release it's Persistent Universe, which will make it the most immersive Space-Sim to date. They're allowing people to make Mods off the bat, allowing for infinite modder supported updates, along with core updates to the game with new systems, ships, guns, story and lore bombs dropped throughout the course of 10 years. Has somewhere around 40 ships planned/completed at the moment, will have multi crew systems, walking inside ship and performing different duties at different panels, manning turrets, scavenging, pirating, salvaging, exploring, hauling, mining, you name it. A wide variety of activities and factions players can join and NPC alien factions allow for you to be, whatever you want, and be a part of the world.


    There will be a fully fledged FPS part of the game, one of the most immersive and detailed to date with different armors, weapons, ammo types, gadgets like holo-shields, holograms grenades exc. Space combat and the ability to land on planets (No, not like No Mans Sky), you will fly in on auto pilot, land on a free launch pad, and then resume control and make your way into custom crafted cities, space stations, pirate asteroid bases, run down poorer planets, high tech planets, everywhere in between and more. Star Citizen is far too massive to explain in one go, and your best bet is to just wait for it, even though they're still a whiles off. But Star Citizen is truly a monster to behold when you get past the trolls on the internet saying otherwise.




    "If" you've managed to read all this, congratulations, if not, then you're reading this because you obviously skipped stuff. If you agree or have learned something new, comment back, or if you have an MMO on your radar that isn't here, post that as well. Feel free to ask questions about these games as I know quite a bit about all of them, and many other games in development.

  3. first

    why is 4.5 not 5.0 if its a permanent map?


    edit: when is supremacy gonna answer adams thread about lore


    Because Sky made a post where everyone voted the current map at the time (4.0) was **** and the became painfully obvious that the staff had to do something about it given their current state of receiving a lot of criticism. 


    Thus started the very simple, rushed, lazy development for the next map, 5.0. Except for next official maps since there has to be a ton of development, a long time theory crafting, developing, planning, lore exc. the map they were rushing couldn't "Possibly" be 5.0 so they named it 4.5 instead.


    Basically everything was a immediate result of the community telling the admins the map is ****, and they took the easy way of fixing that problem, and since it hasn't become a problem for them, they haven't put an ounce of thought into the development for 5.0, mostly because LotC doesn't have any capable developers.


    You could also say that, they didn't have a 5.0 because they refused my help.



    As must as I did respect your old work ethic, all I have seen you do is make jabs at the Event Team, this doesn't exactly leave a great impression with us. If you simply want to apply again, I would not be opposed to seeing you back on the team. Just have a go and really produce work the server would be happy with once again.


    I've made very critical feedback on the event team when they've asked for critical feedback, same goes for other areas on the server, I only make the same joke over and over again whenever they make a post regarding them looking for ET builders because it really, really is a joke. 


    The, only litteral reason being that Rael, someone who has no knowledge of who I am, along with some of the other newer ET who've come into position almost out of no where have thought ill of me from the start, even before I made my first peaceful application, went innactive, alright. Fine, second time I peacefully make an application and the ET announce their new ET builders, I not being one of them. 


    That being said, that post is a clear "Denied" if not even my application was selected from the existing like... 8 at the time. As I was going to say, the only reason I was denied was based on the biased knowledge that I was making another RP server, and for nothing else. It wasn't based off my work ethic because I had excellent work ethic. It wasn't based off my poor ability to build because... I don't have a poor ability to build, nor do I burn out, and I build very quickly and greatly.


    Please, before making random posts about my involvement in the ET take a step back and look at the truth of the situation. You (as in the ET leads this moment and whoever may have been against me, not necessarily "You") didn't like me because I was making a server, and even with my critical feedback in the ET feedback threads that used to be up you still gave me the finger.


    So sure, I occasionally bring up the event that the ET disregarded anything whatsoever about who I actually am and reacted very biased on the situation, but that's to bring up the point that the current ET leads are those kind of people, who would turn down a dandy lad such as myself, over no reason, literally



    There used to be a time when a third of the ET including about a third-half their managers supported me joining the ET as a builder, same goes for the older admins and GM's, nothing but good words because at that time I was looked at for what I was. Someone who had exceptional skill in building, was never known to cause any problems to the community, you'd never head my name before until recently, because I'd been roleplaying day in and day out since early Aegis, and because I occasionally offered exceptional feedback in different parts of the server. I've had my fair share of bashing but bashing with proof oppinion and professionally.

  5. how do you find this **** seb my boy?


    seems like a reverse crowfall to me, cool idea still.

    I'm so ******* bored with my life atm while I wait for bootcamp so I've just been doing research, this game was made complete public like 2 weeks ago so I just got the drop on it, this is as early as video game development gets, they downright started this **** "THIS" year. there's NO youtube videos of it, the gameplay hasn't been revealed AT ALL, a lot of the core systems are still being released every couple of days via developer journals exc. and there are barely any gaming articles on this game, the ones that "Are" out are very generic and all of the information is taken straight from the site somewhere since people haven't had time to analyze, or the game hasn't been out long enough to tell anything at all. But what we "do" know is it promises a damn good game.


    Yeah, I think the most hyped games coming for PC are

    1. Crownfall

    2. Star Citizen

    3. Gloria Victis

    4. Chronicles of Elyria


    though if I had to put them in order of interest to me it'd be

    1. Star Citizen

    2. Chronicles of Elyria

    3. Crownfall


    since, star citizen ******* omg, chronicles is straight down my ally and crownfall looks alright... got some interesting development ideas that will make it special, meh. Gloria Victis looks good but only with friends and so far it's just an mmorpg version of mount and blade.



    But yeah... Da developer knows the works of other developers ;)

  6. -=-




    So this new mmorpg was pretty much made public knowledge somewhere around 2 weeks ago when they decided to let mmorpg.com be the first ones to publicize the game, and since then it's been near the top of most hyped mmo's with a Hype rating of 8.36 (most updated score). Here's some more information taken from it's website and stuff.


    Putting this game here because it's only recently been announced, just 2 weeks ago and is extremely early in it's development which means the game's mechanics and certain ideas can be changed easily based on what it's community says on their forums. Also it's one of the only worthwhile mmo's out there, that in it's base by what they 'Want' to offer rings closely with certain thing "I'm" looking for in a game, It's trying to make it's mark as a truly immersive game where even the weather has adverse affects on the player and given there are people more or less interested in this game from what I've heard and given this is an RP server, some people might be interested in this game.


    At the least if it sounds good it wouldn't hurt to follow the development or check in on it sometime in the future, I'm in no way saying this will be awesome but if it holds onto it's promises with the graphics they've got so far it might be a pretty dandy experience.


    If you're going to register on their website I wouldn't mind ya'll using the referral code when creating an account too ;)











    Chronicles of Elyria is the first MMORPG where your character ages and dies, encouraging you to think beyond your character to their role in a larger story. Fearless in its design, it embraces a character's ability to impact other characters. A closed economy, finite resources, non-repeatable quests, and a fully destructible environment means the world is experienced differently for every character. Each time you login there is something for you to participate in. Local, regional, and national conflicts are continuously unfolding, giving birth to repeated opportunities for you to change the course of history.


    Enter the world as a member of a player-run family, then work your way up from a humble adventurer to a landed vassal, develop your dynasty, and work your way to King. Not interested in running a kingdom? The fully skill-based system and lack of classes means you're rewarded with the ability to create the exact character you want to. Become the most renowned blacksmith in the world, a feared assassin, travel to places where few others dare to travel, or become a sorcerer of legend. In the end, it's up to you to determine the road you want to travel. Will you follow a path of virtue... or something darker?




    • Aging, Dying, & Souls | An epic 10-year story-line invites you to experience your character over multiple lifetimes. With each life you will develop your character and make your mark in the Chronicles. When your character eventually dies, their soul will be reincarnated stronger than before and their spirit and destiny will live on in another character of your making.
    • MMORPG Meets Survival Game | With limited inventory, hunger and thirst, drowning and fatigue, and dangerous landscapes containing both sweltering heat and frigid cold, a character must be truly heroic to become a hero. The riches are real and adventurers can become the wealthiest and most powerful in the world - if they can survive the harsh environments.
    • Family, Land, & Housing System | Be a part of a player ran family, inheriting titles, riches, and character traits from your parents and ancestors. Use your lands to grow crops and farm, or lease land to others to build player-ran towns. Set laws, acquire resources, and grow your domain from hamlet to kingdom.
    • Fully Skill-based Character Development | With dozens of skills across multiple categories including fighting, gathering, crafting, survival, bardic, and deviant, you can develop the character you’ve always wanted to. With a skill system that rewards failure instead of success, and mechanics requiring player skill in addition to character skill, you must take on ever-increasing challenges if you want to be the best.
    • Game-Enforced Player Contracts | Implicit and explicit contracts enable you to develop unique, never-before-seen meta content. Signing in-game contracts between players creates a binding agreement so you can safely operate your business. Sign trade contracts to create a shipping business. Employ other players to procure hard-to-find resources. Sell your services as an expert assassin and be confident you’ll receive payment. The possibilities are endless and only limited by your creativity! In other words families to create guilds can create contracts to hire out players to do certain jobs for them.






    If this interests you, cool, leave a comment, if it doesn't, you don't have to hate on it, it's just a new MMO with not a lot of experience which has the possibility of failing but if it does live up to the hype it can be a very, very interesting game. If you dislike it you can leave a comment why just try to remember this is the off-topic sections of the forums and try to keep the opinions professional.



  7. 82909786.jpg




    T3 with voxel and world edit before I left, burnout rate was 1000x less than others, speed of builds were very fast, quality was amazing, had perfect attitude and still denies me


    LotC not lookin' for great ET builders.


    Oh, and before ya'll say it (someone who said something about my attitude on my second application) someone who still offers positive or critical feedback, who still speaks with staff about helping LotC, who still does it in a positive manner doesn't have the right attitude?


    That's why ya'll lost over half your T4 builders and they're not coming back :/

  8. Sebasgann, I've been singing your praises for awhile now if you know why ;)

    Bring back your ET App and, if interested, possibly speak about being a Coder. Now is the chance ;)

    Thank you. It seems you and a huge chunk of the LotC staff support me and my work, while the other half is adamant against me. But as I told Telanir a couple minutes ago this is the last middle finger I'm receiving from the staff team, and I've received a lot over the last couple months.


    Perma-nope from me, that's why I self-denied my app. Maximum disrespect.



    We need YOU for the Builder army

    As of late, the Event Team has been making quite a lot of developments in terms of our build team. We’re currently looking into builders from all races, more specifically the Orcs and Dwarves. If you think you’re up to the task, put up an application and the Event Team leadership will review it.


    To add onto Rael's recruitment drive for builders, upon my establishment as the go-to guy for Dwarf Racial Events - I would really love for Dwarven builds to be displayed. I already got KarmaDelta in mind, but I'd love one or two others and could possibly goad Rael into accepting you.


  10. Literally, from this island solution to the ET, everything LotC does is to solve a development flaw or solve some kind of existing problem on the server instead of doing it right the first time, and expanding on a fully working server to help make it better. Map is bad? Lets make a new one, done. Oh, map is still bland? Lets make it not bland in future updates (*Cough* Right...). The conversation probably quite literally came up like this 


    Staff-Member#1: "Oh ****, there's a bunch of resources players don't have access to!"

    Staff-Member#2: "Oh... well what if we made a list of every source material the players need and just made a random island full of it, maybe that'd work!"

    Staff-Member#1: "Sure, that fixes the problem, lets hop to it!"

    Staff-Member#2: "Oh, but that doesn't make RP sense, hmm..."

    Staff-Member#1: "Oh, no biggy, we can just do some derpy rule like it's all ooc" 

  11. It's hard to see how good an actual build is for some of them, like the ruins picture when you have shaders. I don't think you've demonstrated much 'skill' in building. To me it just looks like the average lord of the crafter builder, which is on average better than the average minecraft player.


    Again people note your 'messy medieval' style but to me I just see simple builds with an attempt at messy. True messy medieval is far more complex.




    Not saying you're a bad builder, just don't believe you're ET Builder material given the skill level you've displayed.

  12. NOTE: Regardless of the builds here, there are builds I've helped the ET with in the past, as well as work for multiple servers I'd rather not show, or show a lot of. These builds are very far from what I've displayed in the past, and most of this was just 'scrounged' up for the purpose of this application without any real effort.


    First Accepted Application: 



    Minecraft name:



    Skype ID:

    sebasgann bersch





    Have you had any bans or strikes?

    Yes, http://gyazo.com/31fdaf7d2c890f89f339b5859b5c1c16


    Why do you want to be a builder for the ET?

    Because, I’ve been building for quite a while now, and every time I get a build project that I want to do, I never burn out from it, I always give it my best, and I’m very motivated, I guess you could just say that I love building, and this is the place to go. Another reason is that there aren't a lot of competent dwarven-architectural  builders on the server, and I feel every race has their staff members while the dwarves lack in many ways. I would definitely say I’m one of the best among them and I want to do my part for this race on the server by building event areas for them to use in the future.


    [New] I've learned a lot from developing my own server and from the get go have been experienced in what players have wanted, and things to help make stuff "Fun." Afterall, if a player is to spend a lot of their time on the server it may as well be fun over whatever they're doing. I wouldn't mind seeing where the ET goes with this "New Leadership" and if at all, see if I can have a small say as far as a say goes around here.


    What are some of your most treasured builds?

    I don’t have screenshots, but, if anyone was on the Legends of Aelryth development team, they can vouch for the things I’ve done, anyone of them at all. My most treasured builds were the dungeons I made. I made one arachne dungeon, a kraken dungeon, a slime dungeon, and several other smaller event areas. Those were the ones I was most proud of.


    What MMORPG/video games do you play?

    “Do I play”, at the moment nothing, but I’m waiting on EverQuest Next! But I was a massive MMORPG fan in the past. I’ve played DDO, LotRO, SWtOR, Guild Wars II, ESO, and also played a few campaigns on roll20. I’m sure I’ve played others that I can’t remember. (you ask for MMORPG, but I’ve played a lot more single player RPG games as well, and that’s where it’s at.)


    Please provide screenshots of any medieval builds strictly you have built and a description of each:


    This is a little mine area: http://imgur.com/a/AGmnR . A rich mine mostly filled with coal in a runescape-like setup with ores along the walls or in the ground. This mine is very busy and is most likely used by a group of dwarves from a small Dewdmar village.


    (removed the other images because they were crap.)


    Please provide an example of a decent sized ruin build:

    With the new dwarven uptake on the Kal’Agnar build, I’m one of the main builders and this is what, essentially me and 3 others have accomplished thus far: http://imgur.com/a/n2sAl.


    Please provide an example of terraforming:

    This is an example I've done by hand: http://imgur.com/a/m1MzV

    Terraformed Caves and dungeons: http://imgur.com/a/sKtPW


    Please provide an example of a organic build:

    A damn good collection of Organics: http://imgur.com/a/yoz5S


    Please provide an example of a High fantasy build:

    Here’s a little hellfire nether recreation: http://imgur.com/a/FaWkC


    Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build?

    I don’t have a huge background in voxel, so usually what I did was got my voxel handy friends to do what I asked them, and we’d work together, I’d make the actual build while I’d ask them to “extend out this way, make a big cavern here, mask using these blocks and percentages, exc.” Besides that, if it’s a normal build, I could do it myself. It’d depend on the scale, but usually I’d ask for voxel help, though it isn’t necessary, I could very well do it by hand or learn how to voxel much better.


    Do you know much about redstone?

    I know quite a lot, I know how to make circuits, clocks, all the basic functions, and in a way, specialized in redstone traps a while back. But my reply would be I can handle very simple things for my normal builds, but I wouldn't trust myself to create massive redstone structures, or even somewhat complex ones. I’d probably resort to youtube or the internet for a solution. I’d rather seek out another to help me though if all else fails within a reasonable amount of time.


    How long does it take for you to complete a build?

    See, it’d depend on what I was doing. If it was a small event area that’s miscellaneous and can be reused, maybe 2-ish hours? If I wanted to make a whole dungeon, it’d take somewhere around 30 hours. But believe it or not, I have no life and can spend  a lot of time building, and since it’s somewhat of a passion I build for a good 8 hours straight.


    Tell us how you plan on constructing a large build, a medium build, and a small build.


    Large Build:

    I always make a list on a google.doc of all the parts, areas, what they’ll look like, and the size of each part. What I’ll then do is if there’s an environment, I’ll start by hand terraforming areas to make them look very good, then start by laying out wool foundations to see if things fit, how big I should actually make them, and will then start on roads. After everything environmental and simplistic is done, I’ll make buildings smallest to biggest, and when I’m done, I’ll do the interiors, from the smallest building to biggest. when every significant aspect of the build is done, I run around the area several times adding what little details I can.


    Medium Build:

    It really depends on the build. It it’s a cave, I’ll have to decide what the build will have, and how the layout of the area will be, then act that out by carving a way. I’ll then go around changing the surface of the entire cave system with the appropriate materials that I want for the dungeon. After that I’ll start from the entrance, adding little by little, starting with the most important details. I personally, won’t do minuscule details until after all the main areas are done, so I have the basic form done. Then I can go around and add very detailed blocks and rp signs.


    Small Build:

    For smaller builds, I’d usually just start by making the attraction point. like if it’s a well, I’ll start by making the well. after the well, I’ll go down into the well and make an interesting little area, which might lead out somewhere hidden so players don’t have to die down there. After that, I’ll have to decorate everything from that exit to the well, with trees, brush, grass, maybe an abandoned camp here or there, some scorch marks hinting something happened, or making it clear something mysterious happened that the player can decide as to what it was that happened.


    Additional details:

    I “Know” voxel, and how to do it, I can do, very simplistic/decent work. Yes, I can worldedit, but I have no idea how to craftbook, which doesn't stop me from wanting to learn how to, that with the fact that I really want to learn it shouldn't make it too much a problem.


    Tell me a trick about building:

    Wanna know how to make toilet paper? Put an item frame on a block. Right click on the block with the item frame (but not on the item frame) with a wooden button, then right click the item frame with a quartz pillar (but make the toilet paper horizontal, not vertical). Bam, toilet paper!



    Or, floating ladders without the 'Invisible' appearance on the other side. You can get a voxel brush, set it to ball, make it brush size:0, then do /b s mp which will give you a no gravity brush. Have the ladders on a marker block like wool where you want them to float, and right click those wools, the ladder can be seen from both sides and will float.


    Tell me what you want from the ET:

    So given that the dwarves didn't get what was promised, or that it had been delayed I can act as the emissary of the dwarves in doing this. I'll also see what I can do in helping reform the ET if that's what you want, I'll help build. I'll note that I'll try to push my ideologies onto the server, and what I 'want' from the ET is for it to be the best it can be. In doing that I'll note my greatest strength is artificial or dungeons, dungeon design exc. I'll see where this goes and help where help is needed.

  13. The Event Team
    Team Leader: Man and Rael
    Event Team Managers:

    Tsuyose | Tsuyose

    ACanadianCraft | ACanadianCraft

    Ark | arkantos1279

    Gunnerdude   |  Gunnerdude

    Freema | freema5
    Event Team Builders:

    Dohvi | Dohvakin/Dohvabro

    TeaLulu | TehLulu

    The FactCore | Timelord_Lalve

    BrandNewKitten | BrandNewKitten  | Stag

    Alterazgohg | Alterazgohg

    VonAulus | VonAulus

    sean_desed | sean_desed

    Jason5345 | Jason5345

    Event Team Actors:


    Swgrclan | Swgrclan

    ski_king3 | ski_king3

    Matt | mth_dew/mscandyman

    ArcanicFable | philip_2011

    Tantaparo | Tantaparo

    Cracker | TheCrackerJack

    Josh3738 | Josh3738

    Elad | _Elad_

    Nalatac | Nalatac_Aicneta

    Meguzara | Meguzara

    MrGreene | MrGreene

    The Pink Lion | CyberDefault 

    Stigwig | Stigwig

    =-Grim-= | GrimReaper98

    Varuk Frostbeard | Raomir 

    Norman | NiceGuyNorman

    Stevie | Stefanos

    Gale | Bacon_Bit

    Treshure | Treshure

     Heero 阴 | HeeroZero

    Cruz © | Cruzazul8


    aerialkebab | aerialkebab


    This is a big ass team, any normal person looking at this staff list, to see this many people would note that, that's a big enough team to manage the server. What the ET has needed for a long time is a direct leadership, an admin, someone with a lot of power in the way the server works so they can mold the ET into something new.


    Or another thing you could say is that the current team needs to be much, much more active. I'm assuming that these people have characters, and roleplay on the server, when it should instead be that being an Event Team member means giving up their character and most of their roleplay to ensure that other people have a better time roleplaying. With that number of people you could easily create a vibrant world with great builds, it's all about how much time your current team has to spend on their work, and how good they are at it. Whether they burn out quickly or there aren't enough of them to produce high quality builds.


    It's very, very easy to create a brimming world with far less members, and more far more experienced and devoted members. That being said you should instead look at making your current roster the best they can be, because if they're not being the best they can be, it's an immediate issue that is hindering the team already. Sure you may have lost A LOT of great builders but that doesn't mean you need 'more' builders.

  14. Does this, or does this look like the kind of **** that needs to be on the server (Those are mobs btw).


    Fully customized health, appearances, custom AI, knockback resistance drops above head names factions so you can make different factions fight one another, give them custom skills like make them emote and do special abilities like a ground slam or a volly of arrows exc:





    Why must you reject me LotC staff :*(

  15. This a thousand times

    It starts there. Once you've developed a Fun and Immersive system that works with the plugins and is extremely rewarding that can award several more hours upon hours of player gameplay by letting them explore.


    Once that framework has been laid it becomes extremely easy to do things like what Goldielocks said, where events have impact. Have a large event where a species is eradicated from a forest and leaves a scar. Have a disease roll in that kills the animals, and perhaps something more sinister inhabits the plagued lands. Have shifting boundaries between humanoid creatures like goblins trolls skeletons giants and other potential threats. At least from there the lines of what an event is and can be from be redefined.


    Or I got a better Idea, make me ET lead :/

  16. Like I've said a gajillion times, you need to start by making exploration meaningful, by giving a purpose and something mechanical to represent exploration. I think everyone can agree that when there is something mechanical that exists, players are far more likely to enjoy that aspect of roleplay, you see it in tavern RP with the old aegis ale plugin as one example.


    Make use of MythicMobs and fill the world with creatures, disable mob spawning in the world so you don't get random zombies and spiders in the open, and instead have them where they're supposed to be. An abandoned Crypt with undead, a roofed forest with spiders, a planes where horses are found, a rocky cliff where goats can be found, a muddy swamp with boars. Create dungeons by making special versions, or alpha versions of mobs, such as a special kind of boar, something like an 'Iron Tusked Boar' that's superior and takes a much larger beating as a boss mob that respawns and drops a special meat that a high level chef can cook.


    This makes it so exploration is meaningful, dungeons are immersive and sensical, events can make perfect sense by region and monster lore, make bandit camps and have bandits attack nearby settlements, more than half of those archetypes work perfectly in a world where custom mobs spawn in their respected biomes.

  17. 118 votes and the clear majority sits there, well there is the excuse that not everyone hops on and votes, so how about this. After every role-play incident, link them this and after anyone mentions Lord of the Craft in Skype, link them this. After a while, we should hit 200 votes and I don't see how it could be ignored then, though I'll be doing my part of the spreading and it's only fair as I've got the most experience, :)

    Too bad I got official confirmation that they couldn't give a rats arse whether the entire server wanted a new map, that they have their own agenda and they're going to stick to their guns. Everyone here is wasting their time, and I'm going to learn from this, and not waste any further time here. My only goal coming back was to be of help to LotC one last time.


    Tis a shame :/

  18. well definitely looks ET material, kind of. Seem very good at making buildings and city-related builds, seem to be a good addition to a prebuild team for a new map if there'd ever be one, just don't realistically see the need for those kinds of builds used by ET on the server this very moment.


    Though, I will commend you for being a good builder.

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