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Gold VIP
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Everything posted by Aetherian

  1. 6 years LotC <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DahStalker


      a specimen manifested from angst and depression 

    3. Aetherian


      Cool guy, would hang with, good luck friend.

    4. DahStalker


      Nice remark, seem decent, you too.

  2. I'm getting later and later with these... 5 years LotC <3 (back in August).

  3. A bit late, but 4 years LotC <3

    1. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      I missed my 4 year anniversary as well...

  4. 9/10. I hear you're pretty famous around these parts.
  5. 4/10. Who's this guy again? ^ Edit. Was replying to Telanir, lol. Though, I don't really know you either. 6/10.
  6. 6/10. I haven't seen you before o.o Good to meet you, haha.
  7. And the comeback begins. Come on QLD!

    1. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      Don't care about the State of Origin

  8. 7/10 so much forum activity! ;o
  9. 7/10 Been seeing you around more often now. ;)
  10. Very well done, sir. An easy to read and extensive guide with quality information, good work. :)
  11. 8/10 Your quite a famous Dwarf. :P
  12. Bloody Diamond success rates.. You will be the death of me.

    1. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      use Tnt it works better

    2. Aetherian


      Yeah, if I had the blacksmithing skills I would contemplate using it. That way I would probably get at least 1 diamond out an 8 ore vein -_-". More than I can about my luck today. :P

    3. Aetherian


      More than I can say*

  13. 5/10, dont know you that well sorry :L
  14. Very well constructed and written! Well done to you sir. Here, have a cookie.
  15. Do we have a secure chest? I'd like to be able to know that all my valuable are safe while I'm around the main cities and I don't like to carry them with me as it can be a dangerous walk back. (Don't mean to sound demanding, just inquiring)
  16. MC Name: ChemicalBacon Name: Aetherian What you are best at?: I'm a very skilled miner, able to work long hours and strip the land efficiently. What do you bring with you?: All that I possess, decent fighting and communication skills along with my experienced mining abilities. Race: Human Why do you want to join?: (Very similar to Mournstone) I'd like to join a neutral guild and watch as it develops. What do you want to be?: I would like to become a miner, thats my strongest area.
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