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- Aether VIP -
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Posts posted by Sporadic

  1. It’s a bit unfortunate that the new system can’t infer the remainder of a MCName provided from the proxy, I agree. Should’ve picked a 3 character MCName like I did...

    You can still use tab-completion if you're on the same server node though. It works the same way except you can confirm it’s actually going to be sent to the right person.

  2. 1 minute ago, MentalStatus said:

    Dude, why bother putting this up for feedback if you’re going to be so hostile about the feedback you receive? Do you really expect us to be automatically okay with mechanic changes that most of us have been using for the years and years we’ve played mc?

    Besides that, VIP’s should really get some new perks considering the ones we paid for are being taken away.

    / → # is not open for discussion, that’s just posted here because people need to know it’s coming.


    However, keeping ^bold^ and /italic/ a VIP perk, that’s something we can do based on feedback in this thread.

  3. 7 hours ago, z3m0s said:

    Please for the love of Tythus is there anything we can do about keeping / instead of ******* #. . . You know how many years of / everyone has had. That’s going to **** everyone for ages.

    You can do any of the following:

    - Peititon Mojang to undo their Brigadier command building system and spend their time fixing the internals of the Java Edition, adapting it to the needs of the Bukkit team instead of the other way around.

    - Go back in time and convince Telanir the late-register command binding system is going to cause problems with the OTHER command handlers later down the road.

    - Learn to not waste so much energy combating a trivial change just because it’s different.

  4. 1 hour ago, Quavinir_Twiceborn said:

    Will there be a command to clear an item’s description? Or will it simply be /edit info to make the base description, which can than be added onto with /edit moreinfo, but will reset if one does /edit info again?


    Also, is that 1,000 + the /edit info, or 1,000 altogether? Given we can currently hit around 850 characters comfortably.

    I think right now its ~750 because 490 + 256.


    34 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

    No kidding! IT hasn’t been updated in forever.

    donation stuff is the one thing we leave to Tythus/Telanir so you’re stuck to their schedule.

    Look they have like one job. I’m not going to do everything.


    8 minutes ago, J33xt101 said:

    As do I.

    Me too buddy but what are you gonna do


    6 minutes ago, SoulReapingWolf said:

    Sporadic ask moderation to remove the 4% activity minimum and we will always help you out. Just like Aegrothrond does ? 

    They said no.


    1 minute ago, Archipelego said:

    I am sad that my exclusive VIP features are slowly being ripped away from me, and also I’m going to actually ******* die having to use goddamn HASHTAGS ###


    that said good job


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