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Posts posted by Sporadic

  1. Sup LotC,


    remember how back last year I’d say the ArcheCore database was in dire need of cleaning? Of course you do. Well the change is now here. There was a Lore Team Core Lore discussion a while ago (a long while ago in fact, while I was still in the team), which was aimed at seperating everything into neat little boxes of Core Race, Cultures and CA race. What you’re seeing today is the mechanical side of that update in preparation for 7.0:


    These Races Have been turned into CAs:

    • Olog
    • Kharajyr
    • Hou-zi

    To play them you require an accepted CA linked to your persona card which you can link with the command /cardex creature. The list of approved creatures is maintained by the LT. Your race when playing a creature should still reflect your Persona’s status, meaning it is your Core Descendant Race if playing a creature that was “turned”, or UNSET if you are playing a creature that was created or is otherwise not formed from a descendant race.

    If you’re worried about metagaming, you can use /cardex hideca in order to hide this info from showing up to non-mods. If you have any questions, please contact your friendly neighborhood LT.


    These Races Have been deemed non-core:

    • Dark Dwarf
    • Adunian
    • Snow Elf
    • Heartlander
    • Highlander
    • Farfolk

    To play them you can, but are not required to, use the command /cardex culture . There are no strict guidelines nor requirements for you to use this command, although depending on your RP playerbase it may be desired to use this field. This change is purely mechanical and does not affect the status of any accepted lore or the validity of certain cultures over others.


    To allow this change and to clean up years of confusing and conflicting policy I’ve swept the entire ArcheCore database and tried to reflect your current Persona’s status to best match the correct core race. If you believe there was a mistake for a persona, you can reply in this thread. Please make sure to also mention your Minecraft Name and Persona Slot, counting from 0 (so your leftmost situated persona would be persona 0). Be detailed when providing us with information so we can help you faster ?


    Here’s a reminder of the rules regarding proper usage of your Persona card, to be updated as questions come into this thread. Please do not hesitate to ask if anything in these rules is unclear to you.


    • Your Persona’s Race field is meant to be an accurate reflection of your Persona’s ingame status, and must be accurate.
    • Playing 2 characters on the same Persona slot is not allowed.
    • Playing the same character on several different Persona Slots is not allowed
    • Turning a Persona into a CA Persona is only allowed if it is the same roleplay character undergoing a transformation to a creature. Such a transformation must follow all established LotC lore.
    • Mods will not set your Persona’s (overlying) race to anything else.
       (exception: in this transition period if my database sweep has caused a mismatch of your current Personas, you may contact GMs to fix the misunderstanding)
    • Mods will not adjust any of your Persona’s fields for you, nor help you circumvent a cooldown.


    Thank you for reading and have a great day.

  2. Very happy to find out that we’ve been able to consistently stay above 200 new players a month ever since march last year. Even though Minecraft, like any aging game, dwindles, LotC keeps afloat. We have the vigilant and dedicated AT Community Team to thank for that. Although retention is not where I’d like it to be but that’s not your fault nor your responsibility. Great job this month. Like every month.

  3. From the maker of “Orcs are like black people in the 1950s”, get ready for



    They have taken away any staff members’ 1st amendment right, the one enshrined globally by all freedom-loving democracies. The right to free speech. I don’t care if you don’t agree with what I say, find it hostile, find it displeasing, but this fundamental right, believed to be so by brilliant minds such as Voltaire and Locke, has been fundamentally violated.


    Don’t worry I still love you. Because I know in 10 years you will look back at this and chuckle and shake your head at your knack for dramatics during your tweens.


    All the best. And don’t worry there’s been more dramatic goodbye posts so yours really doesn’t stand out so much. There’s one that’ll never give up its nr 1 spot in my heart.

  4. thisisbait.png


    the fact that LotC is still around after eight years for you to even be asking that question to an active forum community tells me the state of LotC truly is one that is truly exceptional.


    How fucking insane is it that a free server on a 20 euro game can be good for thousands of hours of entertainment?


    The amount of loyalty and tenacity this dumb tolkien ripoff block world has accumulated is at levels other servers can only dream of.


    Let’s be grateful we’re a part of it.

  5. My stance on this has always been the same, i only take into account the opinions who WANT to age their characters.


    A lot of people say “2 weeks/ year is perfect”,  but these are mostly people who don’t like aging in the first place. So for them I could make it 1year/1year and it would make them happiest.  They’re going to stay perpetually 25 because that’s what they want. And that’s fine with me tbh, but then I don’t have to take their opinion into account beyond the fact that we leave them the option to set their age manually.


    But there is people who actually like progressing a character through old age, and in general they prefer 1 week /year. This is people who like dynastic RP,  heritage, succession crises and the like. It gives a far more dynamic quality to the RP because things move at a decent enough speed to remain interesting month after month.

  6. 7 hours ago, shiftnative said:

    I agree, conflict should be done on a case by case basis where the players decide by agreeing upon a scenario that gives both parties the opportunity to enjoy themselves – nothing less, nothing more. LoTC is cooperative story-telling, not a tabletop game.. !


    Seconded. As I keep saying, no amount of rules will substitute for players acting in good faith.

  7. I sanction this thread, whatever that means.

    The 3 of you who I brought up are the most serious from what I’ve seen about a mechanically-based economy system. You also have vastly different opinions. How to achieve it, therefore, probably will require a lot of discussion. So it’s up to you to work through it and reach a consensus that also appeals to a majority of the community. With this, I wish you the best of luck, because I know it won’t be easy.


    Anybody else with a proactive attitude that you can involve in this will also be welcome. In the meantime I’ll be working through a 1.13 setup that will hopefully be self-sufficient enough to the point that I have time to actually code something.


    @SeventhCircle will also have to be convinced since he’s the most involved with 7.0 and can do the resource nodes, scarcity, and most importantly decides how land is to be distributed (real estate being one of the most valuable resources for nations).



  8. On 10/17/2018 at 5:40 AM, Vaynth said:


    You’re welcome :)


    No in all seriousness it was “a parting gift for Britt”. I admit I was wrong about guest apps. I really wanted to have a statistically significant sample on it though to figure out what stood between newbies and premium minecraft roleplay.


    Now we have that. My sincere apologies to all AT past and present that had to put up with it along the way.

  9. Thanks for making the thread this way.


    The results from the first question are not particularly surprising. Custom Foods and Extra Crafting options are very popular, while RPG-like items are not. Luckily people much smarter than me have already figured this out and so I would predict extra food options aren’t too far away now.

    1.13 is our major hurdle: When it is completed you will also be glad to know Minecraft Recipe book has received extended options that will make it possible for us to extend the book to make easy, clickable custom item recipes right into the vanilla crafting window (hopefully... I’ll keep you posted ? ) . We will be able to do the same for Furnace recipes. The combination of which should make a custom crafting system a possibility.


    What is also not surprising is that despite the clamors in mid-Axios that Nexus was absolutely abysmal in every conceivable way, that very few people (5 out of 58 by time of posting) voted that they didn’t like anything from Nexus at all. I very humbly implore the community take a lesson from this and understand this is why angry feedback threads filled with hyperboles aren’t usually met with a kneejerk changes.


    What is rather surprising is that the sum of people that want PvP-light gear is larger than the people that want nothing at all. What we will do with this information is unknown at this time, but it made me look differently at the Berserker Axes added differently which, while not strictly stronger, are different from regular swords.

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