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Posts posted by Sporadic

  1. 3 hours ago, UnBaed said:

    Will this elixir shop have stuff for actual RP purposes and be useful to alchemists?  Is there even a known recipe for alchemists to make this Antivenom or any other potion that will be once that shop?  Or is all of this stuff just to make this server feel more like an MMO

    We will see. @The Pink Lion has been very supportive towards getting Alchemy linked to something plugin-wise, so the only real limitation is the fact that I have so little time and so much to do.


    1 hour ago, Lark said:

    Now I /really/ gotta go update my hunting guide. Great stuff Sporadic!

    Can''t wait to see it


    1 hour ago, MyLittleUnicorn said:

    However.. Is there plans on fixing the glitch with irondoors or llamas? At this point only way to keep your llamas somewhat safe is by using doors, which happens to glitch with the llamas, as they wont go from the doors..  (People can shoot your llamas thru gates so thats why gates are useless rn.)

    Sounds like a  minecraft things Have you considered 2 iron doors next to each other?


    30 minutes ago, JuliusAakerlund said:

    @Sporadicwe still need more than one trade route active at a time so a nation can't monopolize it if they so wished, right now if a single nation wants to they can hold the trade route down by themselves as long as they are strong enough. I get the idea of rotating the routes but id doesn't solve this massive problem, even though the route has calmed down from its initial employment. I presume the main reason for not adding more than one active route at a time is to keep RP activity up on the route as it is a tool to centralize RP, however I don't see how adding another one will do anything but incentivise RP even further as more people can participate. I know for a fact a lot of groups have to stay away from the trade routes because their enemies are camping them, my group included and going there would only be a death trap for us and thusly not only cutting us off from making any money from it but even participating in the RP.


    There is a point to be made I suppose that camping will happen no matter what and that much is fine, getting killed on the trade route will happen either way and that's a part of the experience but when there is only one trade route it makes it entirely impossible to trade at all without getting killed. I still suggest a second active trade route is put in place as stated and if you don't wish to do so, i'd like to hear the reasoning behind it.

    Right now we can only speculate. I'd like to see what actually happens. Sure it would be bad case scenario if the trade route was a constant raidbait with neverending PvP battles but I also believe the system is self-correcting in the same way predator and prey populations are self-correcting: If every trader gets raided they will stop bringing their Llamas and as a result there won't be any point for nations to camp the routes.


    Besides, for all we know the trade routes become an integral part of a warclaim metagame. Or of a new generation of roadside RP. Anything can happen, but we will have to wait and see if all the fears and desires come true or not,




  2. Hello LotC. This patch brings a plethora of rather unrelated features to let's just turn this news post into a listicle.


    • We're taking Llama Caravans out of Beta officially now that we have chosen the 3 trade routes to use and the prices to balance . Here's hoping on a productive centralization method that will get new players meeting new people quickly. Shoutout to @MadYeAd and @MyLittleUnicorn for taking the initiative on this.
      • just to clarify the 3 items you see for sale are meant to rotate, so only one will be available at a time. The Cloud Temple Tradesmaster will tell you which one.
      • If the AI improvements are lacking there might still be the possibility of a Pet Protection plugin, we shall see
      • Llama restrictions such as being offroad or max caravan length only apply to llamas that have items in their inventory. If you need to transport a large amount of llamas to/from stables it helps to keep their inventory empty.
    • Native-Hunting is now being taken out of beta and to celebrate this the mob trophy shop is officially open for business. Happy mob-slaying
      • There's 12 mobs that rotate on a per-restart basis which SHOULD be daily but almost never is due to us devs restarting all the time.
      • There's a few useful drops that don't get bought at the trophy shop, as well as some secret drops on SOME mobs that MIGHT be useful.
      • I'm coding up to 2-3 additional mobs based on your suggestions when I have the time.
    • Here's the full Hunting moblist at this point (with some secrets still being kept from you):

      Meet the Mobs


      Wild Boar:
      A boaring mob that is easy to fell. The only risk you take is the possibility of getting tramped by the pack.
      Challenge Rating:




      A band of robbers, ruffians and ne'er-do-wells has staked their hideout deep in the forest. An unsavory lot, united by lust for plunder, blood and kidnapping young maidens. Together they wait, patiently, until the Dominion goes off raid cooldown once more.
      Bandits are a scrappy bunch that are versed in both the berserker's axe and the barbed arrow. You may find their scouts using either ranged or melee. However, both have the ability to shred your armor, making you temporarily vulnerable to their lethal blows.
      Challenge Rating:



      Fancy a trip through the swamp? Think again. Whether they are perished soldiers form an ancient war or hapless travelers who succumbed to the swamp, it is clear these ravenous creatures have found precious little rest. A well-equipped adventurer will likely find it easy to pick them ofSf. Shambling and slow, they are little threat. Yet stay alert. When they die, they will explode in a cloud of putrid, rancid bile. You will want to keep your distance.
      Challenge Rating:




      A Minecraft classic, the cave spider, has gotten little play on Lord of the Craft. Time to rectify this oversight. The bilespitter is here to join the mob cast, and you'll soon be wishing she didn't. This critter has an extra trick up its sleeve compared to vanilla. The name likely gives it away. Indeed, this nasty extra ranged attack might leave you in quite the tangle, dishing out both a dose of poison and a sticky, sticky web.
      Challenge Rating:




      Soar on the wings of love. Bring a shield because it is raining death from above with these shrieking she-beasts of yore (and lore). On the ground these harpies are easily dispatched, but they rarely stay there when threatened.

      Challenge Rating: MEDIUM




      Rogue Golem:
      The Golem is a construct made with a soul and a purpose. Its life's duty is absolute and specified by design. Yet when that duty has long dissappeared from the annals of history, what remains of the soul within the core? When all it once stood for has faded from even its own memory, what can be left but the madness of an unnaturally twisted soul, caged within the metal construction that holds him?
      These solid metal construct cannot be reasoned with. It cannot be turned and it cannot be controlled. It is protected to the teeth with deterrents and packs the wallopiest of wallops. Arrows will bounce off them near-harmlessly and piercing its plates might uncover quite the unpleasant surprise. Do not expect one to fall easily. They will give you quite the fight.
      Challenge Rating:



      The layers of snow in the cold and frigid south cover the unmarked graves of thousands of perished spirits. All of them dead. Deader than dead. There can be no doubt. Not all of them have come to terms with this, however. They continue to fight a war that has long passed, and as it turns out, they think you are the enemy.
      You cannot help but feel the chills running down your back when you engage the vengeful spirit. The frosty bite of their arrows will chill you quite significantly, as will the foolish notion of challenging one head-on. Don't think that re-killing the dead is trivial, either. When the skeletal vessel of these bastards falls, they will assume a diminiutive form that is sure to Vex you.
      Challenge Rating:


      Do you hear howling? That horrid sound can only be a pack of direwolves approaching. There's the vanguard just now. You might think him easy picking, frightened and alone, but you couldn't be more wrong. The wily direwolf rarely travels alone, and should you pick a fight with him you can expect his broodbrothers to swarm and overrun you before you can say 'devs please nerf'. Don't mess with the pack...
      Direwolves are lightning fast and very hard to outrun. They are seldom alone and quickly cirlce and swarm the first person dumb enough to challenge them. Your best bet is to find safety inside a body of water, which these puppers seem none too fond of.
      Challenge Rating:




      Trust noone not even yourself...
      Challenge Rating:




      The raging beast called a Minotaur is brutish and uncoordinated, but will pack an extreme punch when it gets close. While its sluggish movements are easily outmaneuvered, its flaring temper allows it the ability of a devastating stampede.

      A charging Minotaur is a sight to behold. It's horns are lethal by themselves, but the upward swipe of its charge will swing any hunter helplessly into the air, prone to accept the harsh punishment of mistress gravity.

      Challenge Rating: MEDIUM



      The Nûl
      Of all the critters in the harsh and unforgiving desert, none can be more horrendous than the dreaded Nûl. Ancient Orcish spoke of a flying bug whose neurotoxin caused debilitating pain. In the desert of Atlas we see a creature that, thankfully, is not capable of flight, but whose sheer numbers and burrowing abilities can nevertheless spell the doom of hapless wanderers.

      The Nuller's bite is too small to be directly damaging, but should not be underestimated by any means. Their venom is highly painful and highly debilitating. The muscles will cramp with painful spasms, making movement strenuous and fighting nigh-impossible. An overdose will quickly fell even the sturdiest Olog, leaving them paralyzed and helpless.

      Nuller's are rarely found alone. If you see one, run for your life immediately, because the swarm is sure to follow.
      Challenge Rating:


      The Unlorethy:

      An angry band of former wizards and clerics have banded together in their mutual hatred after their lore was shelved. If you see one, run...


    • The Cloud Temple mini-bookshop is open, featuring the first of 3 Minas sink shops that have a collectivity of useful items. To see the philosophy behind these changes, make sure to visit the Remove Nexus Club. There will be a plethora of useful items to give you temporary and permanent boosts soon enough (permanent being the remainder of Atlas and likely any transition maps). The first of these is a small bookshops. With an increasing selection, this shop can be used to give your Persona that extra edge. Make sure to visit the Little Library on your next trip to CT
      • "Ellir's Elixirs" is an upcoming CT shop that will give your Persona access to consumables that serve a similar purpose, as well as potions such as Antivenom to give you an edge against poisonous mobs present and future.
      • "Earl Edge's Exotic Equipment" is a shop where we experiment with the often-requested concept of Weapon Variety. Something people liked in Nexus was the ability to swap out your sword for a battleaxe, spear or warhammer, but without the idea that some weapons were just vastly better than the others and must be grinded towards to be unstoppable in PvP. Right now this concept is in a discussion phase, but people who keep their eyes open and experiment with these changes might have a sneak peek somewhere in the Hunting plugin.
    • The Soulstone plugin has received an overhaul. Most notably, all Pillar Tiers have been removed from redstone pilllars and you can now have a Pillar for each of your Personas. This comes at a price, however. Specifically a Minas price that can be exchanged at the aforementioned CT bookshop. All your existing soulstones have been transported to the new system and should work as expected (although the total slot amount will have reset). Let me know if something is odd.
      • Note that I had to guess which Persona should have your currently existing soulstone transfer to.I hope it was the right one ?
      • Your soulstone will now show a visible cooldown ticker to show you when it can next be activated
      • The Shop Of Wonders will sell a Greater Soulstoine that gives bonuses similar to a full month of voting milestones. However, the Greater Soulstone stacks with any voting bonuses you might have had, so you can expect a massive amount of fast travel options coming your way on a fully decked out Persona,
    • KnockoutPlus has received some changes to combat meta-revives from people who shouldn't. This may or may not inconvenience you when Hunting so make sure to accept the consequences of dying before you thread in dangerous territory.
      • Note that the "Bleedout Time" attribute can be boosted to increase your time being knocked out before you die.


    Peace out.


  3. You picked the right subrace ?



    I honestly thing the hardest thing to grasp is the chat commands, some of the distinct aspects of rping like pvp/rp/roll things like this. It is kind of a lot, but I think once new people like me figure it out, then all is well.

    Can you elaborate? Specifically, what would've made the chat system more intuitive and/or what command help you feel you were lacking?


    Welcome to LotC.


    BETA UPDATE 3: Southern Trade Route (extended)

    Hopefully the last adjustment to the plugin mechanics. A new cycle of Llama trading starts, meaning a new trade route and new updates

    • The new year will probably mean Eastbight is the new caravan destination to the south
    • We've rolled out a greedier Entity AI which will hopefully make Llamas a lot more responsive for traders
    • to compensate for the added lag this brings we've limited caravan length to 3. HOWEVER, the caravan length allowed increased by 2 for every player you have riding a Llama in your caravan.
    • To compensate for the shorter caravans we've improved the profit margins you get for ferrying back and forth a shipment of items.
  5. 1) how's your first few days of LotC been?

    2) what was your favorite experience so far?

    3) what were things that made you want to give up on the server?

    4) why did you decide to pick High Elf as your first persona race?

    5) what do you think could be done to improve the initial experience on LotC for you?

  6. 20 minutes ago, Dreek said:

    They're all pretty easy if you use a bow(bows are for cowards), but fighting the golems was one of the few genuine moments of fun I've had in a while on the server.

     Glad you enjoyed. I'm attempting to balance it such that its not a profitable grind to overuse the arrows. Fine to do that during events though.

  7. On 5/10/2018 at 2:42 PM, Bismar7 said:

    Allright. I was finally able to test this out.

    My trip started with 11 Llamas, which I bred up to from 2 over several days. I started from Kaz and took them them on a trip to Cloud Temple, Partly to test trading, partly to sell one to an inquiring Orc (it was an awkward exchange I admit, but went well. I gave him a discount since his people are allied with mine). On the way from Kaz I lost one Llama to a bridge crossing, where several fell into the water and in the process of trying to get them out, one somehow got stuck UNDER the bridge and drowned himself.

    On my way to Kaz there was the Fairgrounds, which has blocks on fire. Several of my Llamas lit on fire and I was freaking out. Only one of them died. Pro-tip, if Llama trading, bring water. 

    Sold one llama, now at 8. I also hired a guard at CT for 30 minas, but I didn't have to pay him (but paid him extra, explanation later).

    Took the llamas, now full of trade goods off to the north. After selling my brown one the Llamas could not decide on one true leader so I had to use 2 leads, also the dumb beasts don't know what a road is so they go EVERYWHERE.... which is not fun.

    Something I noticed going over the bridges though was that they didn't go everywhere when there are fences around the road. The bridges were easy except I lost a Llama somewhere on them. I assumed he went over the side and drowned like the idiot beasts they are. Had to lead 2 the rest of the way because they wouldn't follow just one...

    The rest of the way was relatively easy. I got to my friends place and sold the stuff. The Guard went back to CT.

    Then I broke my last leash before getting the llamas into the stable. Super annoying. Llamas are going everywhere, I am freaking out because the server is going to reset, The guard mentions they are on the way back with a lead and ALSO found my stray Llama.

    They get back, all goes well, Started with 11, ended with 8, one Burned, one Drowned, one sold, and one lost and found. I paid the guard extra for their efforts, even though they didn't really have to fight (except a spider at the end).

    There were lots of mechanical problems with the Llamas that I think is just Minecraft. I had some fun doing the whole thing and made a bunch of Minas in the process. The roleplay was fun, all around more enjoyable than not.

    I think my suggestions would be, between outposts and CT have roads with more fences and gates, or wider roads. Make Bridges at least 2 times as wide, even with fences (because the llamas would just go the wrong way), and take out any blocks on fire that are near roads, or lift them high enough that a Llama can't kill itself walking over them. 

    End of story, Llamas are the stupidest, most frustrating beast to walk the minecraft earth... The burn themselves to death, they drown, ugh. They won't MOVE when you want them to or follow all together. Stupid beasts.



    Thank you for the detailed feedback.


    Llama AI is awful. Most mob AI is awful in Minecraft because MC is made by a small company where the mobs are more of an afterthought. It's gonna be hard for me to revamp that entirely but we can at least add a few safeguards here and there to make the experience slightly more bearable.


    The Remove Nexus Chronicles

    A Philosophy Shift: Native


    When I made the moronic decision to rejoin the LotC tech team the title of my application was "remove nexus". Indeed, I think undoing the monstrosity that I had helped create was the least I could do to absolve myself of past sins. Nevertheless, even if Nexus were purged from the server, the problems that we once tried to solve still exist.

    Thus came the proposal for Native, first called NativeSkills but more recently Project Native. I envisioned it both as a profession system as a guiding philosophy for all future plugins. With Native, we would take all of the parts of Nexus people liked (custom foods, drinks, click-and-go workstations, RP items, weapon variety) and strip all of the content that people disliked (grinding, endless craft times, OP PvP gear, deleting core vanilla features such as 3x3 crafting).


    Furthermore, we would commence development but for the grace of a few core rules that I have come to identify as tantamount over my years of experience here on LotC:

    • Release content focused on centralization.
    • Don't take options form players, but reward the things players do that help the RP on the server.
    • Don't restrict vanilla minecraft, but rather add on top it.
    • Don't produce content that incentivizes or forces long periods of grinding over roleplaying.
    • Make content that is true to Minecraft, but include the lore that makes LotC special wherever possible.


    The philosophy is simple, but the execution is not. The resulting system was far more complex than Nexus could ever be. And make no mistake, Nexus was complicated to code. And the only reason it was even doable by a few volunteer coders in their free time was because we could do exactly those things players did not like... because it saved us time in the long run. But of course, this only served to remind us


    Nexus was as much Telanir's creation as mine. Alas, now Max is a full-time "Chairman" that hasn't written code for years, and I'm an old ******* man who can't be seen hanging around with you kids anymore. I've written too ambitious for an amazing profession system once, but truth be told unless we Kickstarter it there's no way to find anyone with the skills and time allocation to really knock it out of the park.


    But as they say: Perfect is the enemy of good. I've shelved about half the ideas and opted to keep it simple. There are a few smaller, simpler plugins that don't take as much time from me, but are still going to be fun and engaging for you (hopefully). And, of course, they will keep to the rules I've posted above so you will never see the like of Nexus encroaching on LotC again.



    The Llama Caravan plugin is the first step in a Patch 6.2 you will soon see launched. Thanks to everyone's testing and feedback, I'm now on the path of creating a basic Pet Protection plugin that will cure Llama autism (for the most part, since a lot of their retardation is just innate to Minecraft). We will then release as many as three trade routes, each of them starting at CT but ending somewhere else, and cycle through them one week at a time. This measure will make sure that our desire for centralization is met, as there will only ever be one profitable road to venture. This forces people to meet each other, maximizing the chance of RP.



    The second measure is the sparsely revealed HuntLite plugin. Dredging through the code of the late Teegah we've worked it into a spawning algorithm that doesn't bog down the server and ensures the same degree of centralization we've wanted from other plugins. Native-Hunting will randomly activate one of 9 areas per day, allowing you to fight one of 9 random mobs (and one secret one ;). These mobs are area-bound and their spawning is such that lag factories aka mob grinding caves will be a thing of the past. Some of these mobs you may already know from tried and true Lord of the Craft lore.


    As a little spoiler, here's a page from our bestiary:



    Fancy a trip through the swamp? Think again. Whether they are perished soldiers form an ancient war or hapless travelers who succumbed to the swamp, it is clear these ravenous creatures have found precious little rest. A well-equipped adventurer will likely find it easy to pick them ofSf. Shambling and slow, they are little threat. Yet stay alert. When they die, they will explode in a cloud of putrid, rancid bile. You will want to keep your distance.
    Challenge Rating:





    The layers of snow in the cold and frigid south cover the unmarked graves of thousands of perished spirits. All of them dead. Deader than dead. There can be no doubt. Not all of them have come to terms with this, however. They continue to fight a war that has long passed, and as it turns out, they think you are the enemy.
    You cannot help but feel the chills running down your back when you engage the vengeful spirit. The frosty bite of their arrows will chill you quite significantly, as will the foolish notion of challenging one head-on. Don't think that re-killing the dead is trivial, either. When the skeletal vessel of these bastards falls, they assume a diminiutive form that is sure to Vex you ?
    Challenge Rating:



    Rogue Golem

    The Golem is a construct made with a soul and a purpose. Its life's duty is absolute and specified by design. Yet when that duty has long dissappeared from the annals of history, what remains of the soul within the core? When all it once stood for has faded from even its own memory, what can be left but the madness of an unnaturally twisted soul, caged within the metal construction that holds him?
    These solid metal construct cannot be reasoned with. It cannot be turned and it cannot be controlled. It is protected to the teeth with deterrents and packs the wallopiest of wallops. Arrows will bounce off them near-harmlessly and piercing its plates might uncover quite the unpleasant surprise. Do not expect one to fall easily. They will give you quite the fight.
    Challenge Rating:



    But don't worry, lore-haters, because the strongest mob of all is the dreaded Unlorethy, which is sure to pose the greatest challenge to aspiring Hunters yet, and it ALWAYS calls PvP default. I dare you to try and shelf him ?


    Expect to see these critters soon, either in the areas designated by them (There will be a guide at Cloud Temple to show you the way), or within the hands of the Event Team, which will be able to spawn these beasts to spice up your Event Experience.



    The third measure is an expansion of our Cloud Temple stores. Because let's face it, for Minas coming in there needs to be Minas going out. I've spoiled a little about this before, but I will spoil some of it again, because I think it will be interesting.


    As I've mentioned I've worked really hard to turn some of our old plugins into Attributes. These Attributes you may have seen in the Persona menu before, governing stats such as how many Soulstone slots you have. Now, however, almost EVERYTHING is an attribute, and you can boost all of these


    For example, new players get a temporary -80% Hunger attribute, but for the right price your Persona can get a permanent one by consuming an Elixir. More of the studious type? I've revamped the Soulstone plugin so that each of your Personas can have a red soulstone pillar, as long as you first study one of the Tomes that keep this hidden knowledge. Pet protection? More knowledge on animal husbandry can be gained from studying one of our books. Knockouts lasting too short, another Elixir will give your comrades extra time to revive you.


    As with the Shop Of Wonders, there will again be oodles of new equipment coming through the CT by foreign Llama caravans. As always, we try to keep away from things that completely upset the balance of PvP, such as diamond armor. Regardless, despite this requirement we hope you will find some use of the items for sale, and feel like your Minas-hoarding ways have not been in vain. Most of all, we want you to know that your VOTING has not been in vain. Of course, you are still fully encouraged to Buy and Sell RP items with your money, as these are the items that truly make Lord of the Craft what it is.



    The fourth measure... well, let's not give away too much already. After all, anticipation is half the fun.


    Hugs and Kisses,
    - Awe



    PS I know nobody cares but the forums now include emojis. Native was going to allow emojis into OOC chat too but somehow nobody else on the dev team was excited



  9. 6 hours ago, akimaadeena12 said:

    Is this even relevant anymore? I feel like anything that is Nexus is outdated/not working. Not 100% on this as Im new, but thats what it seems.

    Correct most things with Nexus in it have been removed

  10. 12 hours ago, Mullraugh said:

    Make it so the Llamas HAVE to stay on the roads and bridges. It's hard to toll a bridge as a bandit if people can literally just swim their Llamas around it.


    Yes this is a very good point. We will be incentivizing roadways travel by changing the speed boosts on- and off-road soon. (as soon as I find a good way to do it).

  11. 6 hours ago, Jahrmann2007 said:

    3 posts in and someone is already attacking and misrepresenting the lonely and disenfranchised. Goes to show how a focused campaign in mass information media can easily warp common opinion.


    Is this really the hill you want to die on, friend?

  12. Thanks for all the feedback so far.


    I think the complaints about the trade post location are justified. We will tweak this in future versions. Indeed, there's many factors that have to be taken into account when we first picked a point, mostly to do with the ability for people to take detours, business of the road and likelihood of RP encounters. In the end, the unfair advantage it gives to some nations over others is also important, and in a final version this will be considered carefully.


    A likely solution for us is to push the current trade route back further south to make it much longer (and more profitable). This will make it hopefully go through a greater set of nations with the ability to avoid a few if necessary. It's likely there will be an equivalent northern trade route ending somewhere within the Mesa cliffs close to the Warhawkes. Both will still end at CT, but at least their direct opposition will make it hard for a single nation to camp both.

    The roadspeed plugin isn't working as expected right now. In all likelihood we will upgrade it to give a significant walking speed boost for people traveling on roads versus off-road, and a penalty for taking llamas off-road (which is generally tougher already due to bad AI). This is to stimulate people sticking to the roads instead of using sneaky routes to avoid RP encounters.


    The Llama AI complaints are a bit harder to address but definitely workable. Custom entities used to be a specialty of Teegah but I avoid it religiously because it is very messy/hacky from a technical standpoint. As such, the grief you've had with Llamas is not exactly easy to avoid. However, we can still think of solutions together. If nothing else, we will come up with some sort of Pet protection plugin so you can bind a Llama to yourself and ensure a decent profit that can't get easily stolen. Other issues with llamas and water might take longer.


    That being said, i rather like the solutions players have drafted for their caravans. Right now people are teaming up, often coming together to protect a joint caravan. This adds the social aspect to trading that I've been looking for all along, so I'm not disappointed with the current gameplay. It can still use tweaking, though.

  13. 39 minutes ago, bad and brayboujee said:

    This is all very geared towards nations around these regions (A to B). If you're from somewhere distant, this becomes a lot more troublesome. I would keep the one trade route, see how it does, and perhaps establish others in other locations to keep it from being camped.


    Which it inevitably will. 

    Depending on how this beta-test goes we will pick a final set of trade routes. How many of them there will be and how long they will end up being I cannot predict. It all depends on player feedback and on how players interact with the system. If it ends up being a source of grief we will end up with 0 routes, but if its a good dynamic of road RP we will have many.


    16 minutes ago, MyLittleUnicorn said:

    I'm sorry to point this out but just wanting to mention It wasn't my fault the guy got bandited off the llamas. It wasnt up to me or my choise. I wasn't the one to suggest it or lead it. Sorry ?

     I am on your side. The Llama caravans were always meant to be raided and people who trade will have to accept that risk. Maybe in the future the GMs will bring out rules regarding banditry for these cases, but right now anything goes.

  14. 6 hours ago, Dumbrarere said:

    I had a good chuckle at the title, and the names you used for the first liquid, Unicum, sounds... idk, you take a guess at why I'm poking at it. Aside from the name, it sounds interesting.

    It's mostly a placeholder name. I've made 5 items and named them 1 through 5 because I have 0.0 creativity. So say hello to Unicum Deutrium Tritium Quadrium and Quintilium until me and the lore lads can figure out some cool regional resources that gel well with world lore and the properties we require of them.


    8 hours ago, MyLittleUnicorn said:

    Ooh this sounds interesting! Only if there were any llamas around..

    Try getting on your orc char and stealing them from some whiny Rivia humans as they pass by the crossroads


    3 hours ago, L0rdLawyer said:

    So what are you going to do about people botting this process like plenty of people did with Nexus. Cause if you don't do anything about it, the same thing with nexus will happen. RIP economy.

    The beauty of this system is that its highly centralized. Right now theres some autofishers and xrayers in the mineworlds because its easy to get away with if youre in some remote corner of the map nobody else goes. Here you are front and center visiting 2 very well-visited RP hubs. If you bot too long in these areas someone will take notice.

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