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Status Updates posted by Desires

  1. Most definitely, it's just not something I am used to. Especially from you. Haha.

  2. Likewise, but your happiness overflowing is erking me.

  3. Like I said, come back part time.. Since all the people I've been trying to get banned, finally got banned. As I would say, " I told you so."

  4. A different one. The one that Timayame's on ignored my application, so I presumed they didn't want me around.

  5. Doesn't help that the server is being wtf owned right now.. But currently I'm on another roleplay server. It's doing okay.

  6. Not really. It's not a job hunt. I'm actually at my job, behind my desk.. Not doing work. I'm thinking about joining in the server as a part time again, how everyone is speaking of 3.0, it sounds like..perhaps it will get better. Maybe take over the "bakery".

    Why were you banned?

  7. Nothing much,. Actually at work right now, going home in about two hours.. Yourself?

  8. I was never banned. You were a minion of Vulgrak and I was his adoptive daughter. We used to slaughter people on the streets.. We actually cleared out the whole FOA base together.

  9. You were voidsoldier.. I am Desires - Claire Kitty, Berserk..Ectect.

  10. Aaah, school. The times I appreciate having a job instead of working. Anything new with you other than that?

  11. Just noticed I joined LOTC a year and a month ago. Good times..Good amounts of breaks.

  12. School? Personally it's work here, and taking care of the big baby.

  13. How is the mighty Red beard one?

  14. Of course he was.. If you put aside the anger issues, bringing personal life into RP and god modding, yeah.

  15. So whatever happened to X042?

  16. There is a confusion between complaining, and a show of concern.

    1. Beneh


      Come back to us.


  17. I've noticed the dear older players of Aegis is gone. Only what remains of them are now dissapearing. What happened to you LOTC?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Desires


      Probably the same reason why "we" as in the former Aegis players have left. I'm sure if we started why, we would be banned.

    3. Guest


      If we as a server can not accept feedback, than we... Well, we seem to have a problem

    4. Skippy


      Tavari you got accepted in the beginning of Asulon...

  18. Fractured your wrist? Stop partying so hard.

  19. Email huh?... I don't have an actual communciations email. Just a work email, spam email and a gaming one. Gaming and Spam I just delete.

  20. -Vomitting milk.- Uhh Skype then?... SeaBlueSilky.

    I'm currently at work.

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