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Chirr'Ker (Harv0kz

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Everything posted by Chirr'Ker (Harv0kz

  1. Well, my Novella entry's been sent, good luck to me

  2. Not sure if I should write something for Novella... I have no ideas :/

    1. Ever


      No reason NOT to write anything :3 Just go witht he flow~

    2. Chirr'Ker (Harv0kz

      Chirr'Ker (Harv0kz

      Someone give me a random idea, I'm outta sync

  3. Thanks *waits for free character reset*
  4. Happy new year from the GMT+8 Area!

  5. My Aegis 2.0 Char will be a Dark elf with a lone wolf personality, but still able to hold most his own in a conversation. I'm thinking of using Ker'Chirr or Chirr'Ker But does the order matter, or can it be in any order?
  6. Has anyone said it yet? Fine I will, Merry Christmas LOTC!!

  7. Going to be in transit, less activity for me

  8. Give us a 1 week heads up before the new map, would hate to kill char off because it happens in the middle of exams

  9. Need... another profile photo, can't be bothered to do 150x150 picture... HALP!

  10. Won't be on this week and next week until after Friday, got exams. Don't judge my inactivity.

  11. *A note is tied onto the notice board at the keep* Tis a sad day, but after some high consideration, I have decided to leave the Ravens to pursue other desires that I may have. May you all prosper with luck. - Ex- WR_Private_Sanirus
  12. ((Last rule pf fight klub is, if its your first time, you have to fight.)) ((Couldnt resist))
  13. I still live Gaius, only our timezones make our meeting hard. Just a heads up.

  14. Curse the verge, it has claimed me once more. Damn the Ibless for spawning so many spiders. *Rage face*
  15. Sorry about that, got off without seeing this message, so we'll try again. Got to hate timezone differences.

  16. ((Teutonic order recruiting?!?!? Oppurtunist time!!!)) *Sanirus gazes upons the message, surprised and astonished, and thinks a bit of fun with the Black Crosses can not hurt that much. A message is composed and sent via bird to the hochmeister* I am willing to join, where should we meet? - Sanirus ((Edit: I am not online now, will be in 4-5 hours, maybe earlier))
  17. If possible, start to scrap the WR camp and relocate to the fort, dont want wasted resources do we? Stand and fight, in anyway possible With regards to the Dwarf's note, can ye make a seperate room that prepares exports back to the mainland? Our base area is in sore need of a renovation ((OOC, Ogedi, who do I talk to for a chance at Squirehood and eventual Guardianhood?
  18. Excellent, I'll be sure to run their as fast as possible. When can we begin exploiting and shiping resources back to Aegis?
  19. ((tell me the fort is mob proof, verge mobs are damn hard to kill))
  20. Or, we could just siphon verge resources, and bring them back to Aegis. ((Do want coords, pm me, Ive tried asking and no one is on when i am...))
  21. Verge is the one we went to, and you set up the damn farm. That is speculated to be temporary. The Verge is just a glimpse of the new world, which is SOON. So in short: Verge is NOT New world. Verge is Verge.
  22. ((Can someone pm me the coords of the verge base?))
  23. Of course :P

    I just got my first few figures, and the PC games, but thats it. Its hard to get figures without stretching money

  24. *Attaches a message written on paper to a bird. The bird has the scent of the White Raven's fort, and flies to it. Upon landing, this is what the message says* Hail White Ravens. I wish to join your honorable organization. You will find the details as requested by the application below. [Minecraft Name: Harv0kz] RP Name: Sanirus_Hadrian Why do you wish to join The White Ravens? I have just recently left the Oren Guard, and I am now in the process of looking for another organization that will satisfy my need to protect and destroy the undead and evil in general, without becoming a sellsword. I swear my honor on this. Are you against the Undead? Yes Why? I am definitely against the Undead. I've seen their atrocities first hand, and they have razed my home town in the North. I want revenge, but without becoming evil, and fighting along side people that do see the truth of terror What skills do you bring to The White Ravens? How will these help us? I bring my skills of Combat efficiency and Forging to the White Ravens. It has been a while since I have swung the blacksmith's hammer, but my skills with the sword and the bow are sufficient enough for the dangers you face, however, my arms are now "injured" ((Rp excuse for low stats, and them stats disabled)). I will contribute my life if needed to further the cause. Do you understand and agree with all of our rules? Banish me or kill me if I break my word that I understand your rules and punishments. As of now I am in Al'Khazar, that is where you will find me. I pray this message finds its way into the right hands. I await your response.
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